CenterPoint Depreciation - Back Up or Restore Aatrix History

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Back Up Video - Duration: 4 min 50 sec

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Back Up or Restore a Single User Database Document

Back Up or Restore User Files

Back Up or Restore File Repository

The Aatrix History File contains your historical Federal/State Tax Forms. It is necessary to back up this file so that if you purchase a new computer, the history can easily be transferred to the new computer by restoring the backup. Red Wing Software suggests that you back up your Aatrix History File regularly.

Back Up Aatrix History Files

If you would like to back up Aatrix history files, follow the steps below:

  1. Select File > Backup > Backup Aatrix History.

  1. Select the entities to back up history files for.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Select a location to save the file to and then click Save.
  4. At the Back Up Created message, click OK.
Note: The File will have one or more sub-folders, each sub-folder contains files for a specific EIN number. If you use CenterPoint Payroll and CenterPoint Accounting, this backup will include your payroll and accounting Aatrix information.

Restore Aatrix History Files

If you would like to restore Aatrix history files, follow the steps below:

  1. Select File > Restore > .Restore Aatrix History Files.
  2. Select the Aatrix History file you want to restore. Click Open.
  3. Select the entities you want to restore history for.
  4. Click OK.
  5. At the This will overwrite the existing history data, are you sure? message, click Yes to replace the existing Aatrix History files or No to cancel the restore.
  6. Click OK.

Document: 3440

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