CenterPoint® Depreciation - Numbering Sequences

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Numbering Sequences Video - Duration: 9 min 19 sec

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Numbering sequences are used to maintain check numbers, invoice numbers, bank deposit numbers, etc. A default sequence is added to your database for each transaction screen or maintenance/setup screen (where applicable). You can maintain different sequences for various transaction entry and maintenance/setup screens. An example use is for a manual check number sequence and a printed check number sequence.

Create a Sequence

  1. On the Setupmenu, point to General, and then click Numbering  Sequences.

  1. Click New.


  1. In the Abbreviation box, enter up to ten characters of optional information that you can easily identify the sequence by.  For example, MC for Manual Check Numbers, AC for Alternate Check Numbers etc.
  2. In the Name box, enter up to 30 characters of required information that describes the sequence.
  3. For Transaction and General type sequences, In the Format box, define the format of the numbering sequence. Click the Format Help button for detailed information about formatting the sequence. Formatting Details include:

    mm = two digit month
    = month name
    = two digit day
    or yyyy = year
    = advancing incrementing number
    = advancing incrementing alpha


    • Invoice number with ABC always as the first three characters of the invoice number you would enter ABC# in the Format box
    • Journal entry number that included the date of the entry, you would enter ddmmyy# in the Format box and select the Reset on New Date check box.
    • Check number that is five digits, you would enter ##### in the Format box
  4. The Type box allows you to designate the type of sequence, this can be Transactions (the default), General, or Manually Enter Invoice Numbers (used when you do not want the next available automatic invoice number from a numbering sequence assigned to vendor invoices, but instead you manually enter the number).
  5. The Screens box will display appropriate values based on the Type selection; for Transaction type sequences, this would be a list of Transaction Screens, for General type sequences, the list would show other available screens in which the sequence could be used, for example a maintenance/setup screen for Fixed Assets, for Manually Enter Invoice Numbers type sequences, this would be the Vendor Invoices (A/P) screen. Select the transaction screens this sequence can be used in.
  6. In the Duplicates box, select the way you want the sequence to handle duplicate numbers. When determining whether or not a sequence is a duplicate in a transaction, CenterPoint checks posted, deleted, and voided transactions only, edited and reversed transactions are ignored.
  7. In the Check When box, select the way you want the sequence to check for duplicate numbers:
    • Never - Number sequences will never be checked for duplicates.
    • Check for duplicates when tabbing off of the number field - This method checks for duplicates each time you enter and tab off of a number field, however it does not work well for preventing duplicate sequences from occurring in a multi-user environment.
    • Check for duplicates when saving the transaction - This method checks for duplicates each time a transaction is saved and is designed to prevent duplicate sequences from occurring in a multi-user environment
  8. For Transaction type sequences, under Unique for Each, select Company/Fund or Bank Account if you want CenterPoint to maintain separate number sequences by company/fund or bank account.
  9. For Transaction and General type sequences, select the Reset Numbering Sequence(s) on new date check box to reset alphanumeric values of the sequence on each new date.
  10. Click the Details tab.
  11. The columns displayed on the Details tab depend on if either or both of the Company/Fund and Bank Account boxes were selected on the General tab.
  • For Transaction type sequences:
    • If the Company/Fund check box is selected on the Sequences Detail General tab, the Company/Fund column will display all active companies/funds. If both the Company and Bank Account check boxes are selected on the Sequences Detail General tab, the Company/Fund and Bank Account columns will display all valid combinations of active companies/funds and bank accounts.
    • If the Company/Fund check box is selected on the Sequences Detail General tab, the Company/Fund column will display all active companies/funds.If both the Company and Bank Account check boxes are selected on the Sequences Detail General tab, the Company/Fund and Bank Account columns will display all valid combinations of active companies/funds and bank accounts.
    • If the Bank Account check box is selected on the Sequences Detail General tab, the Bank Account column will display all active bank accounts. If both the Company/Fund and Bank Account check boxes are selected on the Sequences Detail General tab, the Company/Fund and Bank Account columns will display all valid combinations of active companies/funds and bank accounts.
  1. For Transaction and General type sequences, In the Last Used Sequence column, enter the alpha and numeric part of the sequence. If you are using the date as part of your sequence, it will automatically be set by the system date. This information may also be entered in transaction entry for the first time. The Sequences Detail Details tab will automatically update during transaction entry. If the default sequence number displayed in transaction entry is changed, the new number will be used and then increment to the next available number for the next transaction.
  2. If you selected Warn on Duplicates or No Duplicates Allowed in the Duplicates box on the General tab the Duplicate Search Date column will display the beginning date of the database. To change the date the system starts looking for duplicates, select the column and type the new date, or select the date from the calendar.
  3. For Transaction and General type sequences, on new sequences, the Default check box will not be selected, to set as the default, select the Default check box in the Default column.
  4. Click Save to save the sequence and return to the List tab, or click Close to save the sequence and close the Sequences screen.
Note: If a numbering sequence is checking for duplicates and there are no unused values available for this sequence, a message will display informing you that you must either modify the format allowing for more numbers or modify the Duplicate Search Date allowing older values to be reused.

Document: 3025

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