CenterPoint® Accounting - Red Wing Software Website Registration and Use

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Register on the Red Wing Software Website Video - Duration: 6 min 07 sec

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Follow the instructions below for information about the Red Wing Software website.

To register on the Red Wing Software website:

The Red Wing Software website uses the same login as Red Wing Software's Web Services (Pay Advices, CenterPoint Time Clock, or Employee Portal). If you have an existing account for Web Services, enter the same user credentials to log in to the website. If you do not have an existing account for Web Services, follow the steps below:

  1. From a web browser, enter
  2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
  3. Click Create One!
  4. Enter your First Name and Last Name.
  5. Enter an Email address and a Confirm Email address which must match the contents of the Email field for the registration to be processed.
  6. Enter a Password and Confirm Password. Passwords must be at least six characters and no longer than 25 characters, include one numerical character and one lower-case letter.
  7. Click Create.
  8. In the Account Number box, enter your company Account Number. Your Account Number can be located in a few different places:
    1. From within CenterPoint by selecting Help > About.
    2. On the Support Certificate that you receive upon renewing Customer Care Membership.
    3. Red Wing Software sends customers a renewal form for Customer Care Membership. This renewal form contains your account number.
    4. Invoices you’ve received from Red Wing Software contain your account number.
    5. If others at your company have already registered, they can sign into their account and find your company’s account number at
  1. Continue entering your Title, First and Last Name, Email Address (which is your login) and a Password.
  2. Enter the displayed Security Verification code, and then click Submit.

To log in to the Red Wing Software website:

  1. In your web browser, enter, and press Enter.
  2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
  3. Enter your Email Address and your Password.
  4. Click Log In.

To reset a forgotten password:

  1. In your web browser, enter, and press Enter.
  2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
  3. Click the Forgot your password? link.
  4. Enter your Email address.
  1. Click Email Link.
  2. An email will be sent to your current email address from Red Wing Software. Open the Reset Password email and click the here link.
  3. Enter your Email address, your new Password, and then enter your new password again in the Confirm password box, and then click Reset.
  4. Continue with the To log in to the Red Wing Software website section above.

To log out of the Red Wing Software website:

  1. On the upper-right side of the Red Wing Software home page, click the drop-down arrow next to the My Account button.
  2. In the displayed menu, select Log out.

Document: 3331

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