Accounts Templates Tab Fields

Click the name of the field you want to view information for:

Payments and New Payables

Receipts and New Receivables

Journal Entries


Templates describe the details about a transaction that will be created when an account is chosen in transaction entry. For example, if you enter an expense, the default template, DT – Increase Expense will be used. This template tells CenterPoint that this entry will credit the bank account and debit the expense account. In most cases, the template that you will use most often is already defaulted to on this tab. However; there are some instances where you might want to reset the default template.

  • If you are accruing interest on your loans, you would want the transaction to zero out the accrued interest liability account when the interest on that loan is paid. You would, therefore, want to set the default template for your interest expense accounts to be DT - Interest Payment (Accrual).
  • If you sell inventory out of an inventory account most often, you might want to change the Receipts default template for your Crop Sales account to DT - Decrease Raised Inventory instead of DT - Increase Income. DT - Increase Income does not create an offset journal entry to reduce the inventory when sales are recorded out of inventory.

Default Data Entry Templates

Payments and New Payables Created

Currently Using - The template currently being used by Payments and New Payable Created will display. Typically the default template will display. The default template changes based on the Account's type.


Change To -If you want to change the default template for Payments and Vendor Invoices (A/P), select the template.


Receipts and New Receivables Created

Currently Using - The template currently being used by Receipts and New Receivables Created will display. Typically the default template will display. The default template changes based on the Account's type.


Change To - If you want to change the default template for Receipts and Customer Invoices (A/R), select the template.


Journal Entries

Currently Using - The template currently being used by Journal Entries will display. There is no default template for Journal Entries.


Change To - If you want to change the template for Journal Entries, select the template.
