What's New in CenterPoint® Accounting for Agriculture Version 19
*Incremental version that is available on demand. Call Red Wing Software Technical Support to request this update.
What's New in Version 19.0 Video
Version 19.8*
General Accounting
- Reports > CCH Export Tax – Updated data export templates for year 2024.
Version 19.7*
General Accounting
- Apply Crop/Livestock Inputs by Product – Expanded the on hand unit cost to 8 decimal places.
Version 19.6*
General Accounting
- Fixes
- Quicklist – When using the Database Startup Preference “Always Open a Selected database”, corrected an issue, on database open, with quick list items being disabled in some circumstances.
- Data Importer – Transactions - AP Invoices import – Added TermsAmount as an import field. This overrides the calculated terms discount amount.
Version 19.5
General Accounting
- System - Improved the real-time synchronization process efficiency of he Customer Payments Portal web service.
- Setup
- Accounts > Accounts > ACH/Direct Deposit tab - Added a Vendor Identifier that allows you to specify how the details for a unique identifier for position 40-54 are displayed in the ACH file PPD/CTX Detail records.
- Forms Designer > Invoice Form Designer - Added optional Item Weight and Total Weight fields to the available Field List.
- Accounts > Distributions > Distribution Detail - When using the Per Acre, Per Unit of Crop Production, or Per Operator Acre (Lease %) to select production center detail, a new Select Production Center Detail records using the transaction Company (via Leases) check box was added to allow "Per Acre" account distributions to be configured to optionally include Production Center Details based on the Transaction Company.
- Reports
- Transaction Reports > Sales & Accounts Receivable
- Sales Tax > Sales Tax (Collected) - Added a report that lists receipts for a specified date range that have been applied to sales taxes (one row per sales tax jurisdiction, per receipt).
- Customer Item Sales (Detail) report - Added the following optional customer contact columns to the report: Customer Phone (Business), Customer Email (Business), Customer Contact (Business), Customer Address 1 (Business), Customer Address 2 (Business), and Customer Address 3 (Business).
- Federal & State Payroll Tax Forms/Reports - Added an Electronic 1099 Consent form to the list of available Federal Tax Forms.
- User-defined/Tax Reports > 1099 - Added an optional Prior Year Report Selection filter, that allows you to exclude prior years, display prior year as an entire year, or display prior year from previous periods.
- Setup Lists
- Vendors > Vendors - Added the following optional columns to the report: ACH Active, ACH Standard Entry Class, ACH Transaction Code, ACH Bank Routing Number, and ACH Bank Account Number and an optional ACH Active filter.
- Names > Names List - Added the following optional columns to the report: ACH Active, ACH Standard Entry Class, ACH Transaction Code, ACH Bank Routing Number, and ACH Bank Account Number and an optional ACH Active filter.
- Financial Statements
- Ratios - Added a Ratio Report Selection filter that allows you to select the ratios to include in the reports.
- Ratios (5 Year Comparison) - Added a new report that displays business ratio calculations for the company and date range selected and the four prior years. This can help evaluate the financial trends and condition of the business.
- Fixes
- QuickList - When you drag the Opened Windows up to hide the Tasks panel, the customized layout will now be saved when CenterPoint is closed and reopened.
- Processes
- Banking > Bank Deposits - The Checks totals in the header and detail section of a printed bank deposit will now match.
- Production > Transfer Work in Process Inventory - When the Inventory account Quantity 1 unit of measure is a sales item unit of measure, it will now be set to the selling sales item unit of measure and transactions will post successfully.
- Setup > Profit/Production Centers > Crop Production Center Details > Copy - When crop production center details are copied, the Total Production Information section values will be set to zero.
- File > Imports > Payroll - General Journal Import and Payroll - Tax Payments and Checks Import - When only the CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture program is registered, the import screens will now display.
- Reports > Financial Statements
- Ratios - Removed ratio groupings from the report so only rows that represent actual ratio data are included.
- Income Statement
- When the Reporting Method is set to Cash, voided and reissued Accounts Payable checks will now display on the report.
- When the Reporting Method is set to Cash and the report is filtered to exclude internal accounts, the report will now print successfully.
Advanced A/R Module
- File > Preferences > Customer Invoices > Sales Commissions - Added an Adjust commissions for terms discounts taken check box that will generate an extra General Journal entry that adjusts the final commission by the term discounts applied as a percentage of the total sales amount for the invoice.
- Processes > Sales > Customer Invoices and Customer Invoices - Quick Entry - Added an optional Weight column to the transaction data entry grid that displays the item weight (entered in Setup > Items) multiplied by the Quantity Ordered (converted to Stocking Units) and a Total Weight that displays the sum of each item ordered multiplied by the Quantity Ordered (converted to Stocking Units).
Advanced Inventory Module
- Setup > Items > Purchase Information - Expanded the Minimum Order Quantity box allow entries between 0 and 999,999,999.
Sales Order Module
- Processes > Sales > Sales Orders and Sales Orders - Quick Entry - Added an optional Weight column to the transaction data entry grid that displays the item weight (entered in Setup > Items) multiplied by the Quantity Ordered (converted to Stocking Units) and a Total Weight that displays the sum of each item ordered multiplied by the Quantity Ordered (converted to Stocking Units).
CenterPoint Tools
- Added support for Assembly transactions which include adding, building, and adding lot numbers to an assembly.
- Added Custom Fields and Additional Description files to the Sales Item REST API.
- CenterPoint Data Importer
- When the Import Type is set to Transactions - AP Invoices - Added a new Product field that allows you to import products on Accounts Payable invoices.
Depreciation Module
- 2024 Section 179 Limits - Changed Section 179 property limits for tax years beginning in 2024; taxpayers can expense up to $1,220,000 in section 179 property. However, this dollar limit is reduced when the cost of section 179 property placed in service during the year exceeds $3,050,000.
- 2024 Luxury Auto Limitations - Updated Luxury Auto Limitations for business vehicles placed in service in 2024 and the lease inclusion amounts for business vehicles first leased in 2024.
Version 19.2/19.3/19.4
General Accounting
- Released to keep the version number consistent with other CenterPoint products.
Version 19.1
General Accounting
- Released to keep the version number consistent with other CenterPoint products.
Version 19.0
General Accounting
- System
- CenterPoint has been upgraded to run on the Microsoft Windows Desktop .NET Runtime version 8.0. Keeping current with technologies like Microsoft .NET allows Red Wing Software to continue to provide our customers with the best experience possible when using our products.
- CenterPoint was upgraded to run as a 64-bit process which allows CenterPoint users to take advantage of more processing memory. Keeping current with technology allows Red Wing Software to continue to provide our customers with the best experience possible when using our products.
- QuickList – Added a Tasks panel that provides a reminder of dynamic tasks that are due, past due, and coming due soon for A/P invoices, Credit Card Liabilities, and Payroll liabilities or scheduled one-time or recurring user tasks (similar to a to-do list) of items from which the menus to perform the task can be launched and sequenced to form a workflow, for example all the tasks involved in completing a pay run can be listed in order and recur on the same day of the week every two weeks.
- When using database security, CenterPoint will now display the user currently logged in at the bottom of the screen in the left corner.
- The Last Backup performed: text will now display in the new status strip in the lower-left of the main CenterPoint screen.
- Help > Online Updates > Check for CenterPoint Updates - The online update process is now fully responsive during download/install and includes a real-time log and more accurate progress indicator, as well as the ability to cancel the process at any time.
- File
- Security > Database Users. - Added the ability to assign a user to a group from the new Member Of tab on the Add/Edit User screen at the time the user is created.
- Backup > Backup Aatrix History - Added a new menu option that allows you to easily back up and locate and use Aatrix History Files.
- Restore > Restore Aatrix History - Added a new menu option that allows you to easily locate and restore Aatrix History Files.
- Preferences > Email Setup
- Added an Ignore Certificate Issues setting that allows you to bypass SMTP certificate validation. WARNING: Your SMTP certificate is part of your email system outside of CenterPoint. Disabling certificate validation removes critical security checks exposing you to potential threats. Before enabling this function, you should consult your System Administrator. For additional information, contact the Red Wing Technical Support department.
- Vendor Checks (Pay Advices) - Form Fields from check/pay advice transation data can now be inserted into the default Subject line or Message text for all emailed checks/pay advices.
- Billing Statements - Form Fields from the billing statement transaction data can now be inserted into the default Subject line or Message text for all emailed billing statements.
- Receipts - Form Fields from the receipt transaction data can now be inserted into the default Subject line or Message text for all emailed receipts.
- Customer Invoices - Form Fields from the customer invoice transaction data can now be inserted into the default Subject line or Message text for all emailed customer invoices.
- Setup
- Vendors and Names > Names > Mass Update - Added an ACH - Standard Entry Class option to the mass update which allows the Standard Entry Class box on the ACH Payments tab to be updated to PPD, CCD, or CTX.
- Names > Names, Customers, and Vendors
- General tab - If the Name Format for a name/customer/vendor is set to Individual, a new ten-character name Suffix field is now available. This will transfer to Aatrix when filing 1099 Forms.p>
- Addresses tab - Added a new grid that allows you to customize/sort the columns to display for Addresses with right-click Add/Remove Columns and Sort Column options. The available columns to display/sort are: Address 1-3, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code.
- Custom Fields - Expanded the date format used for Date, Time and Date/Time fields to use a 4-digit year (MM/DD/YYYY format).
- Accounts > Accounts > List tab - Added a Created On column and Transaction Activity and No Transaction Activity filters that can be used to identify which accounts are being actively used (or not used).
- File Attachments > File Attachment Maintenance - The Size Total (MB) box was changed to Size Total with the appropriate unit based on the total size (Bytes/KB/MB/GB/TB).
- Processes
- Sales
- Billing Statements - If your company purchased a custom billing statement (.CPC) file that was designed and delivered by Red Wing Software, the custom billing statement will now display in the Billing Statements screen and can be emailed to customers.
- Customer Invoices, Customer Invoices (Quick Entry), Customer Invoices (Basic) - When an edited invoice is saved, new Email this invoice? or Print this invoice? messages will now display (based on your customer settings) that allow you to save without printing or emailing the invoice.
- Transactions > Options> Review Transactions - Added a drop-down list where you can select the number of results to display, the options are 10 (default), 25, 50 or 100 results.
- Purchases > Vendor Invoices (A/P) - Added a Push Pin icon toggle that allows you to "pin/unpin" the selected AP Account for subsequent vendor invoice entries
- Banking > Bank Deposits > Receipts tab - When the Undeposited Funds Account check box is selected on the Deposit Filter tab , only receipts with an undeposited fund account will display on the Receipts tab.
- Production
- Apply Crop/Livestock Inputs by Product – Added the ability to apply the same product to many livestock groups. The application moves either Raw Materials to a Work in Process inventory account or readjusts the detail level within a WIP account. The goal of this functionality is to maintain WIP account balances by livestock production center details. Then at the time the cattle is sold or marketed, the livestock production center details will not need to be reentered and can be copied to the appropriate cost of goods.
- Apply Crop/Livestock Inputs by Field/Group - Added the ability to view all inputs already assigned to a livestock production center detail and apply inputs over time to the same livestock group. The screen also allows you to edit applied inputs.
- Reports > Reports
- Transaction Reports > Purchases & Accounts Payable > Invoice Payments - Added the following optional columns to the report: Pay To Name, Pay To Address 1, Pay To Address 2, and Pay To Address 3.
- General Ledger > Cash Basis General Ledger - When account distributions are used, the report will display one line per account instead of the account distribution split and will now summarize by the columns selected for inclusion.
- Security - Added report-level security that allows Administrators to set default reporting criteria, restrict access to reporting criteria, or prevent access to the report for a User Group.
- Federal & State Payroll Forms & Reports > 1099 Forms - If a company or recipient name includes any invalid special characters (periods, commas, etc.), they will now be removed from the names of Payers and 1099 Recipients as they are transferred to Aatrix.
- Reporting Tools
- Budgets
- File > Export/Import Data > Import Data From Spreadsheet - Improved the efficiency of importing budget data by adding a Replace existing budget data check box that can be used to remove and replace all data in the existing budget with the data imported from the Excel spreadsheet rather than adjusting the existing budget with the imported data.
- Open Budgets - If the Set as Default Reporting Budget is selected on the Budget Properties for a budget, the budget will be selected by default when opening budgets.
- Fixes
- Reports > Reports
- Production Reports > Livestock Production Detail > Livestock Production by Production Year - The report will now complete successfully when a livestock production center is assigned to more than one production center group.
- Transactions Reports > Inventory > Lotted/Serial Valuation by Location - Improved the efficiency of the report so it completes successfully.
- Financial Statements > Income Statement (Actual to Budget) - When the Reporting Method is filtered for Cash and the Account is filtered to exclude an account, the report will now complete successfully.
- Reporting Tools
- Production Analysis > Analysis - When an existing production analysis is opened/edited after production center detail names are changed in Setup > Profit/Production Centers > Crop/Livestock Production Center Details, the heading names will now be refreshed to display the changed name.
- Financial Analysis / Budgets > Format > Columns - When a new Calculated Column contains an incorrect equation, red "#error: ###" text will now display in the column.
- Setup
- Accounts > Accounts - When an account with a Work In Process or Raw Materials account category is edited and saved, the Quantity 1 UOM will continue to display correctly when the account has two or more units of measure.
- General > Data Entry Templates > Edit > Detail tab > Preview > Edit Mode - Items can now be moved and saved successfully.
- Transactions - When the Lookup options are set as Use Settings For This Control and Use Auto Complete and an item is added on-the-fly, the auto-complete entries will continue to display correctly.
- Processes > General Journal Entries - When a custom template is used, multiple auto-reversing general journal entries can be successfully entered and saved in a row.
Advanced A/R Module
- Setup > Forms Designer > Invoice Form Designer - Added Sales Tax Jurisdiction 1-5, Sales Tax Jurisdiction Abbreviation 1-5, Sales Tax Amount 1-5 optional fields that adds support for breaking down sales tax on an invoice by jurisdiction.
- Processes > Sales
- Receipts > Apply to Open Invoices - Added a Customer PO# column that will display the Customer PO # entered on the Customer Invoices screen.
- Customer Invoices, Customer Invoices (Quick Entry), Customer Invoices (Basic) - When an edited invoice is saved, new Email this invoice? or Print this invoice? messages will now display (based on your customer settings) that allow you to save without printing or emailing the invoice.
- Apply Customer Deposits - Added a Notation column to the Deposit Lookup to make it easier to identify specific customer deposits when applying deposits. Processes > Sales > Customer Invoices > Amount Received - Added a Notation column to the Apply Customer Deposits screen to make it easier to identify specific customer deposits.
- Fixes
- Processes > Sales > Calculate Finance Charges - Finance charges that have already been paid will no longer be included in the recalculation.
Advanced Inventory
- Fixes
- Reports > Reports > Transaction Reports > Inventory > Inventory Stock Status and Inventory Valuation - When the Last Purchase Date column is included on the report, it will now display the Last Purchase Date from Setup > Sales > Items > Purchase Information tab.
Sales Orders
- File > Preferences > Email Setup > Sales Orders - Form Fields from the sales order transaction data can now be inserted into the default Subject line or Message text for all emailed Sales Orders.
- Reports > Reports > Transaction Reports > Sales Orders > Sales Orders (Detail) - Added an optional Estimated GPM column to the report. The column is calculated as follows: Amount - Estimated Cost) / Amount x 100.
Purchase Orders
- File > Preferences > Email Setup > Purchase Orders - Form Fields from the purchase order transaction data can now be inserted into the default Subject line or Message text for all emailed purchase orders.
- Processes > Sales > Sales Orders > Create PO(s) - If a copied sales order includes information in Memo Line 1, Memo Line 2, Custom Fields, or Comments, it will now be copied to the purchase order; if needed, the information can be changed on the purchase order.
- Fixes
- Processes > Purchases > Purchase Orders and Purchase Order Maintenance
- When different names are entered in the Approved By and Entered By boxes, both will print on the purchase order.
- Two users can no longer save over each others' changes if a purchase order is edited by two users at the same time
- Reports > Reports > Transaction Reports > Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Detail - When the Ship To Name column is added to the report, it will now contain the customer address selected on the purchase order for the delivery address.
CenterPoint Tools
- REST API - Added a Discount Date field to the AR Invoice REST API.
- CenterPoint Data Importer
- When the Import Type is set to Transactions - AP Invoices, Transactions - AR Invoices(basic), Transactions - Cash Payments, Transactions - Cash Receipts, Transactions - Customer Invoices, or Transactions - General Journal, added a new Batch field that allows you to enter a batch number so that imported transactions are added to an unposted batch rather than posting directly.
- Added a Rollback imported data on failure check box that allows you to determine the action to take if the import is not successful. If selected, rows imported successfully before the failure will not be saved to the database and if not selected, rows imported successfully before the failure will be saved to the database.
- Fixes
- When the Type of Import is Transactions - AR Invoices (Basic), the import will now set the correct Due and Discount Dates (if they aren't being imported) based on the Terms and display correct aging data on the Aging report.
Depreciation Module
- Reports > Reports > Fixed Asset Acquisitions & Trades - Improved the efficiency of editing fixed asset items with a MACRS schedule from the report drill-down.
- Processes > Depreciation > Asset Entry - The SDA Percent will now limit to 80% for 2023.
Management Accounting
- Fixes
- Processes > Periodic > Management Accounting Allocation Transactions
- Allocation transactions that include Revenue accounts that are either the source or the distribution (destination) account with an offset of a WIP or Expense account will now Post correctly.
- When a Per Head account distribution is used in an allocation definition, the allocation transaction can be saved successfully.
- In certain situations with very small quantities, allocation transactions will now post with correct Debit/Credit flag in the resulting journal entry.