CenterPoint® Fund Accounting - 1099 Forms - Prepare and Print and/or eFile

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1099 Forms for CenterPoint Video (Part 1) - Duration: 10 min 27 sec

1099 Forms for CenterPoint Video (Part 2) - Duration: 6 min 55 sec

Reprinting 1099s Document

Correcting Completed 1099s Document

View or Print as PDF for CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture

View or Print as PDF for CenterPoint Accounting or Fund Accounting

This document describes how to prepare, print and/or eFile 1099 forms. You can print and eFile forms in any combination. For example, many people choose to eFile the Federal and State copies and then print the vendor/employee copies. An increasing number of people are using the complete eFile process in which Federal and State copies are eFiled and the vendor/employee copy is printed and mailed by Aatrix. Click here to view a video that guides you through the steps needed to set up CenterPoint to prepare for processing 1099 forms. Click here to view a video that discusses the integration that CenterPoint has with Aatrix and the steps to take to print or eFile your 1099 forms.

A 1099 will be processed for each vendor that have all three of these factors:

  1. The vendor has the Issue 1099 for this vendor selected (and a TIN assigned).
  2. The accounts used to pay the vendor are assigned to the 1099 User Defined report.
  3. The total amount paid to the vendor must exceed the minimum amount for the 1099.

Step A - Mark Vendors to Receive 1099s

Step B - Assign Accounts to the 1099 Forms

Step C - Review and Export Data from CenterPoint Fund Accounting

Step D - Setup 1099 Forms

Step E - Prepare 1099 Forms

Frequently Asked Questions


Step A - Mark Vendors to Receive 1099s

  1. Select Setup > Vendors or SetupNames > Names.
  2. Edit a vendor that will need a 1099.
  3. Click on the General tab.
  4. Specify the Federal Tax Id for this vendor (this is a required field when printing 1099s).
  5. Select the Issue 1099 for this Vendor check box.
  6. Select the Consent to Electronic 1099 check box if this vendor consents to receiving only a 1099 form that can be viewed through Aatrix (the vendor will not receive a paper form). If this box is selected, a signed consent form must be on file.
  7. Click Save. Repeat for all vendors that require a 1099.

Step B - Assign Accounts to the 1099 Forms

Accounts and/or account categories must be assigned to the appropriate boxes of the 1099s. This identifies what amounts should go in each box on the 1099 and the type of 1099. To assign accounts and account categories to the 1099 forms and boxes:

  1. Select Setup > User-defined/Tax Reports.
  2. If the 1099 form you need is not listed in the User Defined Reports list or the User Defined Reports folder is not in the Reports list, that form or forms have not yet been imported. To import the form or forms:
  1. Select Setup > User-defined/Tax Reports.
  2. Click on Tax Reports. Select the forms (1099-NEC, 1099-DIV, etc.) needed, and then click OK.
  1. Select the appropriate Form (1099-NEC, 1099-DIV, etc.), and click on Edit.
  2. Select the Account Assignment tab.

  1. On the left side of the screen, in the Report Rows section, select the 1099 report row you want to assign accounts to on the 1099.
  2. On the right side of the screen, in the Accounts section, individual accounts or entire account categories can be assigned to that box. Right-click and select Expand All.
  3. Select the Account or Account Category and click Assign. If the Assign button is not active, the account or account category is not selected at the appropriate level. For example, if you have an Account selected you may need to select the Account Category instead.
  4. Repeat step 5 -7 for each box you'll be using on this 1099 form. When finished, click Save.
  5. The same process should be repeated for each 1099 form that you will be distributing.

Step C - Review and Export Data from CenterPoint Fund Accounting

  1. Select Reports > Reports > Reports tab > User-defined/Tax Reports.
  2. Select the appropriate 1099 Form.

  1. In the Report Selections section on the right side of the screen, select the Transaction Date and the Company/Fund you want to prepare/file 1099 forms for.
  2. Select a Display Level. These options are only used when printing a report with your 1099 information. If you are printing the actual 1099 forms, the selection for this field will be ignored. The options are:
  • User Report Line Level to view the 1099 totals for each vendor. This generates one row per vendor based on the report view selected.
  • Account Total to view the 1099 totals for each vendor with subtotals for each account. For example: if multiple accounts are assigned to the Non-employee Compensation box, you will see a subtotal for each account under Non-employee Compensation.
  • Individual Transactions lists all 1099 transactions for each vendor.
  1. Select a Report View. These options are only used when printing a report with your 1099 information. If you are printing the actual 1099 forms, the selection for this field will be ignored. The options are:
  1. Full 1099 Per Vendor groups by the Vendor, second by the User Defined Line, and thirdly the Account.
  • Combined with using Display Level "User Report Line Level" generates a collapsed view by vendor and total for each user defined line reported for that vendor.
  • Combined with using Display Level "Account Totals" groups the data first by Vendor, next User Defined Line and finally a total for each account.
  • Combined with Using Display Level "Individual Transactions" additionally includes the transactions details under each Account.
  1. 1099 Line Summary groups by the User Defined Line, second by Vendor and thirdly the Account.
    • Combined with using Display Level "User Defined Row" groups by User Defined Line with a total for each vendor under each user defined line. Note: This report is helpful to verify totals displayed on a Form 1096.
    • Generates a collapsed view with one row per vendor. This report is helpful to verify totals for each 1099.
    • Combined with using Display Level "Account Totals" additionally adds account totals under each vendor.
    • Combined with Using Display Level "Individual Transactions" additionally includes the transactions details under each Account.
  1. By default, 1099 information will only be displayed for those vendors whose payments are greater than the Minimum Paid amount specified by the government. If you would like a 1099 printed even if they have not met that minimum paid amount, select Minimum Paid and change the amount to zero.
  2. Click Preview to view a report that allows you to verify the vendor name, Federal ID number, and the line on the 1099 that the transaction is assigned to. When you preview the report, you will be able to drill-down to report detail. Drilling-down from the Line Level launches a new report that displays the Account Level report for the line selected. Drilling-down from the Account Level report launches the report at the Transaction Level for the account selected. Drilling-down from the Transaction Level attempts to display the transaction form that displays the original entry of the transaction.

  1. To generate and print the 1099 forms from the Report Preview screen, click the Print or Print To icons and then continue with Step 9.
    To generate and print the 1099 forms from the Report Selections screen, click the Print button and then continue with
    Step 9.
  1. After selecting the Print To or Print icons or the Print button, the Print Options screen will display. If the Registration Status is GOOD, then you can continue by clicking Print Tax Forms. Otherwise, select Register with Aatrix, and follow the on screen registration instructions. It may take several minutes for the data to be transferred to the 1099 printing process. The actual time will depend on the number of vendors in your database.

    Note: A "Your Company EIN is missing in your payroll data file." warning message will display if the Federal Tax Id (EIN) is not filled in for the company/fund you selected to prepare/file 1099 forms for. If this message is received, click OK. Then within CenterPoint, select Setup > Companies. Edit your Fund. Enter the correct Federal Tax Id on the Additional Detail tab. Then begin again.

Note: If you set the Prior Year report selection filter to anything other than Do not display prior year, a warning message will display and the 1099 report data will not be exported to Aatrix. Either use the Print the Report button to print the 1099 report or modify the report selection filter and Print Tax Forms again to transfer the 1099 report data to Aatrix.

Forms Update

If you have internet access and the latest version of Federal/State Tax Forms (Aatrix) is not installed, a Forms Update screen will automatically display. Click Automatic Update, and then follow the on screen instructions.

Note: Once the update begins, the window may be behind your program window. If you minimize your program window, you will see the progress of the update or there may be an icon in your task bar that when clicked will display the progress of the update.


If a Forms Update was required, from the Report Preview screen, click the Print or Print To icons again or from the Report Selections screen, click the Print button again. If an update was not required, the 1099 Company/Fund Information screen will display.

The 1099 Company Information screen displays to remind you that changes are stored only for 1099s and if needed to change Fund Information from Edit > Company Setup in the 1099 Preparer in Aatrix. Click OK.

Note: Changing fund information in Aatrix does not change fund information in CenterPoint. If a change is needed, it is suggested to change fund information in CenterPoint.


Note: The following screen may not appear on top of your other open windows. You may need to minimize any open windows to continue.


Step D - Setup 1099 Forms

  1. If this is the first time 1099s are being processed this year, the 1099 Setup Wizard will automatically be displayed. If you want to continue the 1099 process, select the No thanks, start processing my 1099/1096s option, and then click Next. If you wish to test the 1099 Setup Wizard without saving any of the test information, select either the 25 recipients or All recipient test drive options. (The test drive allows you to see how the process works but does not save your selections, changes, or forms.)

Note: If you started processing 1099s previously, the 1099 Setup Wizard screen will not be displayed. Instead, you'll see the 1099 History File Options screen below. Choose the appropriate Action, and then click Next.

  1. Verify that the Payer TIN is correct, select whether the Payer TIN is an EIN or SSN , and then click Next.

Note: If you receive an Incorrect Format message on the Company Setup screen, click Cancel. Then within CenterPoint, select Setup > Funds. Edit your fund. Enter the correct Federal Tax Id on the Additional Detail tab. Then begin again.


  1. The Multiple 1099 Data Files screen will display. Select Yes if you have multiple payroll databases with the same EIN and see the FAQ section in this document for more information. Otherwise, select No, and then click Next.
Note: Aatrix cannot accept multiple filings from the same EIN. If you have multiple payroll databases with the same EIN number, they must be merged prior to submission.

  1. Review your Payer Information. The system will notify you if any required fields have incorrect or missing information (for example, allowable characters for Address Line 1 are -, /, space { }). Click Next if the screen is correct, if it's incorrect, click Cancel. You will need to go back into CenterPoint and select Setup > Companies/Funds to correct the information and then start the export process again.

  1. Select the appropriate filer type on the Tax Preparer Type screen, and then click Next.

  • If you are a third-party tax preparer, you will then be prompted for your information. If you have Preparer Information (Optional) entered and Yes selected in the Use Preparer information setting in File > Preferences > Reports > Federal Tax Forms, the paid preparer information will automatically display. Otherwise, enter the information and then click Next.

  1. Select the appropriate filer type on the Transfer Agent screen, and then click Next. A transfer agent is responsible for overseeing the ownership and holding of a company's stocks or bonds and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or another relevant regulatory agency. If you use a Transfer Agent, you will then be prompted for your information.

  1. The State Tax Items screen will display. The Setup Wizard will automatically verify that all required information for listed states are complete and conform to the required formats (Vermont, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Louisiana, and Wisconsin all require complete state information). If it finds a blank field or data is incorrect, it will automatically prompt you to correct the data. You will not be able to continue to the next screen until all required fields are correct. Click Next.
Note: Changing state information in Aatrix does not change state information in CenterPoint. If a change is needed, it is suggested to change state tax information in CenterPoint.


  1. The Special State or Local Tax Items screen will display. The Setup Wizard will automatically verify that all required information for listed local taxes are complete and conform to the required formats. Click Next.

  1. The Data Verification screen will be displayed. Determine if you have any recipients that elected to receive 1099s electronically, and then click Next to continue.

  1. The Recipient Identification Numbers screen displays. Determine if you want to truncate recipient identification numbers and how you want to print RINs on recipient copies reported as zero and then click Next to continue. The data will now be transferred to the W2/1099 Preparer grid.

Step E- Prepare 1099 Forms

Review the Preparer Steps screen, and then click OK.

The W-2/1099 Preparer will walk you through the process of eFiling and/or printing your 1099s. Once the displayed data has been reviewed, click Next to continue to the next screen. When you click on Next, the W-2/1099 Preparer will automatically verify that all required fields are filled in and the data is formatted correctly. Anytime the Preparer finds data that is incorrect or missing, it will automatically prompt you to correct it.

This is an example of what the W-2/1099 Preparer will display if it finds incorrect or missing data. If this screen is displayed, simply click on the Go Back and Correct button and the data that needs to be corrected will be displayed in red. Click on the red data and correct the information. Once all data has been corrected, click Next again to continue to the next screen.

  1. The first screen of the W-2/1099 Preparer displays the Verify Recipient Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for each recipient. The information will be highlighted in blue.Make any needed changes, and then click the Next button at the top of the screen. The screen can be adjusted by scrolling or moving the center line from the left to the right.

Note: Changing the figures on this screen will only change the printed Federal reports, it will not change the data in your CenterPoint program. The total for the columns appears above the column in the Totals Row.

  • To add a line to the W-2/1099 Preparer grid, right-click over one of the line numbers on the left side of the screen and select Insert Row, enter the number of rows you want to add to the end of the list of employees, and then manually enter the new information into the grid.
  • To delete a line from the W-2/1099 Preparer grid, right-click over the line number you want to remove, and then select Remove Row.
  • To copy a line on the W-2/1099 Preparer grid, right-click over the line number you want to copy, and then select Copy.
  • To add a copied line to the W-2/1099 Preparer grid, right-click over the line number where the copied row should be inserted, and then click Paste.
  • To Find information in a column in the W-2/1099 Preparer grid, right-click on the column header name, select Find,in the Find What box, enter the information you want to locate, and then click Find Next.
  1. The next step allows you to the TIN Flag. The TIN Flag Check if FEIN should be selected for each recipient that has a TIN that is an FEIN. Make any needed changes, and then click Next Step.
  2. Verify Recipients Names and addresses are correct. The recipients names will be in the Recipient Last Name, Recipient First Name, and Recipient Middle Name columns. If the recipients names are not in the correct columns, please see the second question in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this document. Make any needed changes, and then click Next.
  3. Continue to Verify All Income boxes, Filing State, and any other amounts for the recipients, make any needed changes, and then click Next until all data is accurate.
  4. When all data is accurate, click Next to begin printing and/or eFiling 1099s.

  1. Review the Important Information screen. If you want to review/edit the information in the W-2/1099 Preparer grid, click Double Check. After you've double-checked the information in the W-2/1099 Preparer grid, click Agree.
  2. When a Complete eFile Service informational screen displays, click Next.

  1. The 1099 Printing and Filing Options screen will be displayed. All printing and eFiling options are displayed with the costs associated for eFiling and Complete Filing Service (which does all the printing and eFiling for you). Choose the appropriate options for your fund and click Next.

  1. If you have not chosen the Complete 1099 eFiling Service option, you have another chance to select that service instead of printing the 1099s yourself. Click Next to continue with the original printing options selected. If you've changed your mind and would like Aatrix to print and eFile all of your 1099s, select Yes, I would... and then click Next.

  1. If you chose the 1099 eFiling Service, you have the option to purchase a PDF archive on a USB of your 1099s, select Yes, include a PDF archive to purchase an archive or select No, thank you to continue without purchasing an archive.
Red Wing Software recommends purchasing a PDF Archive of your 1099s as a backup so you can easily view or reprint a filed 1099 form. If your Aatrix History file becomes corrupt, the file cannot be located, or you get a new computer and the file is not copied to your new computer the PDF Archive can be used instead.

  1. If you have elected to file state copies of the 1099 forms, the Select the States you Wish to File screen may display. If there are any states in which you do not want to file, unselect those states now.

  1. The Review Data screen will display. If you select the Print button, a printed version of exactly what displays on this screen will be printed. If any changes are needed, click Back. Otherwise, click Next to continue.

  1. The first selected 1099 form will be displayed. The form type is displayed in the yellow bar at the top of the screen. It also specifies how many different forms were selected to print. In the upper-left side of the screen, use the left and right arrows to move through all of the forms for this form type.
    • You can change any figure on the reports that are highlighted blue. Any figure that is highlighted red must be changed before you can print the report. Any figure that is white cannot be changed, but it is a calculated number, so it may be changed by adjusting the fields around the white field. Changing the figures on this screen will only change the printed Federal reports, it will not change the data in CenterPoint.
    • To print this first form, click Print Final. You will be prompted to enter either plain paper or perforated paper. Click OK. Once the data is printed, click Next Step to continue to the next selected form.

  1. The next form will be displayed. Click Print Copy to print the form, then click Next Step to continue to the next form. The last form will be displayed. Click Print Final to print the form, then click Next Step. Continue through this process for all of the forms that display.

eFile 1099 Forms


This section will not display if you did not chose to eFile your 1099 forms.



  1. If you have chosen to eFile any of your forms, and you have not filed previously, the Aatrix Secure eFile screen will be displayed.

  1. If you are not enrolled to eFile with Aatrix:

  • Click Enroll in the upper-right corner to complete the enrollment process.


  • Log in to your eFile account to add this new company under the Companies tab.

  • Return to the Aatrix Secure eFile screen and click Check Enrollment Status. Enter your login information, and then follow the onscreen instructions to eFile your forms.

  1. If you are enrolled to eFile with Aatrix, enter your login information. Verify your enrollment information. To edit your enrollment information, click Edit on the Enrollment Information screen, click Next, and then follow the onscreen instructions to eFile your forms.

  • To view answers to common questions, click here or from an internet browser, enter
  • If you have questions about the calculated sales tax or need to apply for tax exemption for your filing, email
  • For additional information about eFiling , click here or enter
  • You will have the option to select to allow your recipients to securely import their 1099 information into certain tax software products by approving the Aatrix Tax Form Transfer Agreement displayed during the eFiling process.
  • When the eFile process is complete, the Complete screen will indicate that your filing was successfully received for processing. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address specified on this screen.
    • If you have recipients that opted to receive their 1099 electronically or selected the Complete eFiling Service, you will need to complete the Online Access Wizard which allows you to lookup, print, or email access letters and passwords. For detailed information, click here.
  • The AFID (Aatrix Filing Identifier) is a number assigned to your submission for tracking purposes. If you contact Aatrix Support, they will request this number.
Note: It is important to note the AFID (Aatrix Filing Identifier). It will be required when contacting the eFile Center with questions about your submission.
  • If you eFiled your 1099 forms, and have questions regarding your filing, contact Aatrix by email at, on their website at by clicking Login and entering your Aatrix username and password, or on their website at by clicking the Search our FAQs button.
  1. Upon completion of the 1099 printing process, the 1099 History File Options screen is displayed. If you are finished printing forms for the time being, select Close. This screen will also be displayed if the 1099 printing process is started again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are there any important changes to the 1099 process for 2024?

A: There are no specific changes to the 1099 filing process for 2024; however, it is important to remember that the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS issued final regulations on February 21, 2023, that changed the eFile threshold from 250 to 10. The current 10-return threshold comprises an aggregate of return types (W-2, ACA, 1099 forms) covered by the regulation. Click here for more information. For specific 1099 series information, click here.


Q: If I choose to eFile my 1099 forms, is there a charge per form/recipient?

A: Yes, please click here to view the eFile pricing for 1099 and minimum charge for 1099 and other tax forms (the minimum charge applies to each type of form eFiled).


Q. Where do I enter the employer identification number (EIN) that is required when running Federal tax forms?

A. Select Setup > Companies. Edit each company and go to the Additional Detail tab to verify/enter the Federal Tax Id.


Q. I do not see the 1099 form I need on my User-Defined Reports list. How can I display the correct 1099 form in the list?

A. All 1099 tax form types that you are required to print need to be added to the list. Select Setup > User-defined/Tax Reports. Click the Tax Reports button. Select a 1099 form and click OK. The form is added to the list. Select the form and click the Detail tab. Click the Account Assignment tab to review accounts/account categories assigned to the 1099 form. After all accounts/account categories are assigned to the 1099 form, click Save.


Q. My 1099 statement is missing a vendor, how can I be sure the vendor receives a 1099?

A. There are three factors to check.

  1. The vendor that requires a 1099 must have the Issue 1099 for this Vendor check box selected in Setup > Names > Names. Select the vendor and click Edit. Select the Issue 1099 for this Vendor check box.
  1. In order for the payment to be included on the 1099, the account used to pay the vendor must be assigned to the 1099 User-Defined report. Select Setup > User-defined/Tax Reports. Select the 1099 form. Select the Account Assignment tab. On the left side, select the appropriate 1099 row. On the right side of the screen, right-click and select Expand All. Select the account or account category. Click Assign. Click Save.
  2. The total amount paid to the vendor must exceed the minimum amount for the 1099.


Q: My 1099 statement is missing a payment for a vendor, how can I correct the 1099?

A: To verify what account the payment for a vendor was entered to and verify that the vendor is marked as a 1099 vendor:

  1. Select Reporting Tools > Transaction Search.
  2. In the Transaction Name box, select the vendor and in the Date Selection select the appropriate date range.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Right-click the payment/purchase in question and select Edit to view the transaction. Right-click on the vendor and then click Edit. Verify that the Issue 1099 for this Vendor check box is selected and then click Save. Take note of the Account(s) entered on the transaction and then click Close.
  5. In order for the vendor to receive a 1099, the total amount paid to the vendor must exceed the minimum amount for the 1099 and the account used to pay the vendor in step 4 must be assigned to the 1099 User-Defined report. Select Setup > User-defined/Tax Reports. Select the 1099 form. Select the Account Assignment tab. On the left side, select the appropriate 1099 row. On the right side of the screen, right-click and select Expand All. Select the account or account category. Click Assign. Click Save.


Q: Which report can I use to verify accounts used to pay 1099 vendors?

A: Select Reports > Reports > Transaction ReportsPurchases & Accounts Payable > Purchases by Vendor & Account. Under Report Selections, select the appropriate Transaction Date. Click the down-arrow in the Vendor box, click the down-arrow in the Click Here to Filter List box, select 1099 Vendor, and then click OK. Click Preview or Print.


Q: Which report can I use to verify the accounts assigned to the rows of the 1099?

A: Select Reports > Reports > Setup Lists > General > User Defined Report Account Assignments. Click the down-arrow in the Report box, move the 1099 user-defned report under Selected, and then click OK. Click Preview or Print.



Q. When is the 2024 filing deadline for 1099 forms?

A. The Internal Revenue Service filing deadline for 1099 forms can be located by using the Search feature on the Internal Revenue Service website at In the Search box on the IRS website, enter the specific form name, for example, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, etc., to locate the specific form instructions and deadlines.


Q: I've decided to eFile my 1099 forms and want more information about signing up to eFile and the eFile process, where can I get more information about eFiling?

A: You can obtain additional information about eFiling at


Q. What are the 2024 eFiling deadlines for 1099 Forms?

A. Efiling deadlines can be located from this link:


Q: I want to send my vendors’ 1099 forms electronically to be viewed online with Aatrix. How do I set up my vendors to receive electronic copies?

A: Follow the steps below to set up your vendors to receive electronic copies of their 1099:

  1. Select Setup > Names > Names or Setup > Vendors.
  2. On the General tab, make sure each vendor/name has the Issue 1099 for this Vendor check box selected, an Email address on file, and that the Consent to Electronic 1099 check box is selected. If the Consent to Electronic 1099 check box is selected, a signed consent form must be on file (create a document and have each vendor sign to give consent).
  3. Select Reports > Reports > User-defined/Tax Reports > select the appropriate 1099 Form.
  4. Verify all Report Selections on the right side of the screen, for example, Transaction Date, Fund, etc.
  5. Click Print, and then click Print Tax Forms.
  6. After the grid displays and is verified/edited, the 1099 Printing and Filing Options screen will display, select Complete 1099 eFiling Service and follow the on-screen instructions to eFile.


Q. Do I need to order 1099 forms, or can I print them on plain paper?

A.All of your 1099 copies will be printed on plain paper, including the Copy A (often called the “red copy”) and your 1096. CenterPoint/Aatrix received IRS approval to print all copies of the 1099 on plain paper. Click here to view the 1099 Approval Letter.

Perforated paper and envelopes can be purchased from Computer Forms, Inc. at, by calling 800-458-0158, or by selecting Resources > Order Checks and Forms on the Red Wing Software website on the Red Wing Software website.

Note: If you choose to use the Complete 1099 eFiling Service through Aatrix, you do not need to print any 1099 forms.


Q. I’m trying to process my 1099s, but I keep getting the message “Would you like to register now, or evaluate?”

A. You will need to manually register your Federal/State Tax Forms (Aatrix) software.

  1. Call Red Wing Software at 1-800-732-9464 and request an Aatrix Registration code.
  2. Open CenterPoint
  3. Select Help > Product Registration > Federal/State Tax Forms Registration.
  4. In the Aatrix Registration Key box, enter the key you were given by Red Wing Software (do not enter the dashes).
  5. Click Submit.
  6. At the Registration Successful message, click OK.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Your Aatrix software is registered through the last day of the month of your Customer Care Plan anniversary date.


Q. Why am I getting a “forms update” or "mandatory update" message when I try to process my 1099s and what do I need to do?

A. At least once a quarter, including at year end, updates are created for the Federal/State Tax Forms (Aatrix) software. When you receive either of those messages, it means that Aatrix has an update available that you should install prior to continuing. Please refer to the Forms Update section of this document for step-by-step instructions on how to proceed.


Q. Can I change the figures on my Federal reports if they are incorrect?

A. Yes, once the data is in Aatrix Federal/State Tax Forms, you can change any figure on the reports that are highlighted blue. Any figure that is highlighted red must be changed before you can print the report. Any figure that is white cannot be changed, but it is a calculated number, so it can be changed by adjusting the fields around the white field.

Note: Changing the figures on this screen will only change the printed Federal reports, it will not change the data in CenterPoint.


Q. I'm trying to eFile my 1099s and I can't remember my Aatrix eFile username and/or password, how can I get it?

A. We recommend you contact Aatrix by calling 800-426-0854.


Q: I eFiled my 1099 forms, and I have questions regarding my filing, how do I contact Aatrix ?

A: For specific questions regarding your filing, you can contact Aatrix by email at, on their website at by clicking Login and entering your Aatrix username and password, or on their website at by clicking the Search our FAQs button.


Q: I have multiple databases for one EIN; how do I merge the databases so I get one set of 1099s?

A: Follow the steps below to merge multiple databases into one set of 1099s:

  1. Start the 1099 process and continue until the Multiple Payroll Data Files screen displays. On the Multiple 1099 Data Files screen, select Yes, I use multiple 1099 data files for the EIN and click Next to continue

  1. The next Multiple 1099 Data Files screen displays, click Save, enter a name for the data file, and click Close.

  1. Open the other database(s) and repeat steps 1-2 above for all databases you want to merge. When all data files are saved, continue to step 4.
  2. At the bottom of the Multiple Payroll Data Files screen, select each database to be merged and then click Merge.
  3. On the Multiple 1099 Data File Merge screen, click Yes.
  4. On the Multiple 1099 Data Files screen, click Continue to continue processing 1099s.


Q. I'm attempting to log in to the Red Wing Software website, but it does not recognize my Email and/or Password? What should I do?

A. Follow the instructions below for information about the Red Wing Software website.

To register on the Red Wing Software website:

The Red Wing Software website uses the same login as Red Wing Software's Web Services (Pay Advices, CenterPoint Time Clock, or Employee Portal). If you have an existing account for Web Services, enter the same user credentials to log in to the website. If you do not have an existing account for Web Services, follow the steps below:

  1. From a web browser, enter
  2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
  3. Click Create One!
  4. Enter your First Name and Last Name.
  5. Enter an Email address and a Confirm Email address which must match the contents of the Email field for the registration to be processed.
  6. Enter a Password and Confirm Password. Passwords must be at least six characters and no longer than 25 characters, include one numerical character and one lower-case letter.
  7. Click Create.
  8. In the Account Number box, enter your company Account Number. Your Account Number can be located in a few different places:
    1. From within CenterPoint by selecting Help > About.
    2. On the Support Certificate that you receive upon renewing Customer Care Membership.
    3. Red Wing Software sends customers a renewal form for Customer Care Membership. This renewal form contains your account number.
    4. Invoices you’ve received from Red Wing Software contain your account number.
    5. If others at your company have already registered, they can sign into their account and find your company’s account number at
  1. Continue entering your Title, First and Last Name, Email Address (which is your login) and a Password.
  2. Enter the displayed Security Verification code, and then click Submit.

To log in to the Red Wing Software website:

  1. In your web browser, enter, and press Enter.
  2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
  3. Enter your Email Address and your Password.
  4. Click Log In.

To reset a forgotten password:

  1. In your web browser, enter, and press Enter.
  2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
  3. Click the Forgot your password? link.
  4. Enter your Email address.
  5. Click Email Link.
  6. An email will be sent to your current email address from Red Wing Software. Open the Reset Password email and click the here link.
  7. Enter your Email address, your new Password, and then enter your new password again in the Confirm password box, and then click Reset.
  8. Continue with the To log in to the Red Wing Software website section above.

To log out of the Red Wing Software website:

  1. On the upper-right side of the Red Wing Software home page, click the drop-down arrow next to the My Account button.
  2. In the displayed menu, select Log out.

Document: 3043

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