What's New in CenterPoint® Time Clock Version 3
Version 3.04

- Employees > Employee Summary, Employee Activity, and Employee History - Added Previous and Next VCR-style buttons next to the Supervisor drop-down that allow you to move through the list of supervisors without approving.
Supervisors and Administrators
- Employees
- Employee Time Off Requests - Added an Approve All button that allows you to approve multiple time off requests for an employee at once.
- Employee Summary - The Date Approved will now display the latest date approved.
- Employee Activity
- Added Previous and Next VCR-style buttons next to the Employee drop-down that allow you to move through the list of employees without approving.
- Added a Supervisor filter that allows filtering for a Supervisor's own employees or those of another Supervisor.
- Audit Log and Menu > Audit Log - The Audit Log can now be reviewed for a specific date range.
- Settings > Set Alternate Supervisors or Settings > Manage Supervisors
- In addition to other supervisors, employees the supervisor supervises are now available to select as alternate supervisors .
- Added a Time Off Notifications option that allows you to control who receives notifications, alternate supervisor, primary supervisor or both supervisors.
- Fixes
- Employees
- Employee Activity
- Break hours can now be edited on any time card, regardless of whether it was an automatic break, without having to save the card first to make it a manual time card.
- Add - When a time card for an employee is entered with start/stop times and saved and then another time card is entered that conflicts with the one just entered, the employee name will continue to display on the screen.
- Employee Summary - The filters set on the Employee Activity and Employee Screen will remain in sync
- Settings > Set Alternate Supervisors or Settings > ManageSupervisors - The Supervisor drop-down will now display the supervisor names in the order determined by the Settings > Employee Format setting.
All Users
- Clock In/Out - When clocking-out, if the time between clock-in and clock-out is less than 1 minute, the time card will now be discarded and a Clock-In Canceled entry will be added to the Audit Log.
- Time Off Requests - Added time off request details to the email notification sent to an employee upon approval/denial making it easier to determine which time off requests are approved or denied without checking the time clock.
- Fixes
- If a Clock Out entry cannot be matched with a corresponding Clock in entry, a message will display instead of modifying the latest time card.
- Employees with alternate email notification addresses that match another user's log in email address credentials can now be registered.
- Time Off Requests - A message will now display when JavaScript is disabled which prevents entering invalid time off requests.

Administrators and Supervisors
- Fixes
- Employee Activity - When there are no clock out fields configured, the symbols for clock vs. manual time, approval, time off requests, etc. are now easily viewed.
All Users
- Time Off Requests - For iOS users, replaced the date selection screen with a screen that displays a calendar making it easier to know you have the correct date when you can see which day of the week it is.
- Fixes
- Clock Out - When Clock Out fields are displayed but not required, a blank entry (Not Set) can now be saved.
- Settings > Periods - The pay frequency and start date can now be set and saved as an employee, supervisor, or administrator.

- Fixes
- Inactive employee PINs will now be set to blank so that newly generated PINs are unique to all employees (active and inactive).
All Users
- Fixes
- Clock Out - When Clock Out fields are displayed but not required, a blank entry (Not Set) can now be saved.
Version 3.03

All Employees
Settings - Added a Text Notifications option that allows you to enable/disable text notifications. When text notifications are enabled, employees will receive texts for all time card and time off request activity where emails were sent previously. Note: Email and text notifications can be enabled/disabled individually in Settings.
Version 3.02

Updated the Privacy Policy.
Version 3.01.0018

- Employees
- Employee Summary - If the employee list is filtered by supervisor, the Approve and Remove Approval buttons will only affect displayed employees.
- Employee Summary/Employee Activity - Employee audit logs will only be updated once per approval or change.
Version 3.01
What's New in Version 3.01 Video

- Settings - Added an Entry Date Restriction setting for Administrators that can be set to notify administrators or prevent employees from entering or editing time after payroll is completed for a pay period.
- Fixes
Menu > Manage Kiosks
- When an active employee has the same code as an inactive employee, the PIN number for the active employee can now be reset.
- You can now Search For individual employees successfully.
All Users
- Clock Out and Edit Time - Improved the process for editing break hours when the time clock is set for Automatic Unpaid Lunch Breaks.
- Activity - Added a Notes button that allows employees to easily review notes added to time cards.

- Fixes
- Time off requests for Administrators will no longer be automatically approved when entered.
Administrators and Supervisors
- Time Off Requests - Supervisors can now add a comment when approving or denying a time off request. The comment is included in the email notification to the employee.
- Settings - Added an Alternate Supervisor selection that helps to process payroll without interruption by allowing alternate supervisors to approve time cards and time-off requests in the absence of an employee's regular supervisor.
All Users
- Added a Forgot my Password link to the Login screen.
- Improved the accuracy of the GPS mapping coordinates created when clocking in/out.
- Activity - Filters have been updated to default to a user-specified pay period with Previous Period, Current Period, and Next Period buttons to easily view data by pay period without resetting filters. The new Period Definition is set in Settings > Periods.
- Clock Out and Edit Time - Improved the process for editing break hours when the time clock is set for Automatic Unpaid Lunch Breaks.
- Time Off Requests
- Added a Notes box that allows employees to include an optional note with their time off requests, to give their supervisor additional information and eliminate the need to send a follow-up email outside of the time clock system.
- Reorganized and added an All Day check box to the Request for Time Off screen to help clarify the use of the date and time fields on time off requests.
- Settings - Added a new Defaults option that allows you to specify default selections during clock out or time entry. For example, if you set a default department, it will be selected automatically in time entry or clock out, so it would only need to be changed if you are working outside of your regular department.
- Fixes
- Improved the synchronization process and optimized the app to display faster.
- Clock In/Out
- The app will now only process a tap from the Clock In / Clock Out button if the previous tap's action is complete.
- Inactive management details (Profit Center/Department, Production Center/Location, Production Series/Tracking Number 1, Production Year)/Tracking Number 2 and Project) will now be removed from the selection lists.

- The GPS Clock-In/Out setting will now be disabled by default.
- Clock Out and Edit Time - Improved the process for editing break hours when the time clock is set for Automatic Unpaid Lunch Breaks.
- Fixes
- When CenterPoint Time Clock is setup for automatic breaks, the Break Taken today? message will now always display when employees clock out.
- Clock In/Out - Inactive management details (Profit Center/Department, Production Center/Location, Production Series/Tracking Number 1, Production Year)/Tracking Number 2 and Project) will now be removed from the selection lists.
Version 3

All Users
- The Time Clock screens (web pages) can now be printed in a more readable format.
- Seconds will now be truncated for clocked in/out time rather than rounded to ensure that the time employees see on the clock is the time recorded when they clock in/out.
- Activity, Employee Activity and Employee Summary - Filters have been updated to default to a user specified pay period with Previous, Current and Next buttons to easily view data by pay period without resetting filters. Default pay period is defined in Settings.
- Settings
- Added a new Default Page selection that allows you to set the screen that should display by default when the CenterPoint Time Clock is started - Clock In/Out or Activity.
- Added a new Defaults option that allows you to specify default selections during clock out or time entry. For example, if you set a default department, it will be selected automatically in time entry or clock out, so it would only need to be changed if you are working outside of your normal department.
- Time Off Requests
- Reorganized and added an All Day check box to the Request for Time Off screen to help clarify the use of the date and time fields on time off requests.
- The notification sent to a supervisor for a time off request will now include the year to help clarify if the requested time off is over a year in the future.
- History - When reviewing past time cards entered with a note, a new Notes button can now be clicked to view the notes.
Administrators and Supervisors
- Settings - Added an Alternate Supervisor selection that helps to process payroll without interruption by allowing alternate supervisors to approve time cards and time-off requests in the absence of an employee's regular supervisor.
- Time-Off Requests - Supervisors can now add a comment when approving or denying a time off request. The comment is included in the email notification to the employee and can be viewed from the Notes button.
- Employees
- Employee History - Added a new screen that allows supervisors to look up time cards for their employees which have already been imported into CenterPoint.
- Employee Activity
- Added a Notes button that allows supervisors to easily review notes added to employee time cards.
- Added an Employee Summary button, allowing users to quickly move back and forth between the Employee Activity and Employee Summary pages filtered for the same dates.
- Employee Summary - Added the ability to drill-down to the Employee Activity screen by clicking on an employee's name.
- Clocked Time Log - Supervisors can now quickly view a log of clocked in/out times for all employees for any selected date or time.
Administrators Only
- Settings - A new Receive Administrator Notifications option can be set to eliminate unwanted email notifications for administrators who are not involved in the time off request approval process.
- Name (Administrator)
- Manage Supervisors - Added a new menu option that allows payroll administrators to manage the settings for alternate supervisors for approving time cards and time-off requests in the absence of an employee's regular supervisor.
- Manage Employees - Added a new menu option that allows payroll administrators to track which employees are registered for time clock and to assist them when helping their employees enroll.
- Employees > Employee Activity, Employee Summary and Employee Status - Added a Supervisor selection that allows an administrator to easily complete the approval process for a specific supervisor., without any need to adjust setup in CenterPoint Payroll.
- When a project name in CenterPoint exceeds 35 characters it will now synchronize in CenterPoint Time Clock successfully.
- Activity - When an employee edits their own time card on the Mobile app, a notification will no longer be sent to their supervisor.
- Activity and Employees > Employee Activity - When a time card created by a time off request is edited, all fields will be read-only and the pay default will display the leave type originally entered.
Version 2

Version 2.07
- The real-time synchronization speed between CenterPoint and Time Clock has been improved for employees updated with mass update.
- Time Clock Groups, Time Clock Settings and Setup > Employees > Time Clock tab and Mass Update - Added an option to add and assign employee groups to make it easier to customize CenterPoint Time Clock settings by employee group.
- Setup > Employees
- Time Clock tab - Added a Uses Time Clock check box that allows you to determine by employer if an employee can register, log in (if previously registered), and display under their supervisor in CenterPoint Time Clock. By default, the check box will be selected for all existing and new employees. The Uses Time Clock selection can be changed from the Employee Mass Update wizard under Time Clock options.
- Reports tab - When the CenterPoint Time Clock service is enabled, the Employee Pay Defaults report will now display on the Reports tab.
- Reports > Payroll Setup Lists > Employees > Employee Defaults (Time Clock) - When the CenterPoint Time Clock service is enabled, a new report will display which provides you with information about employees' default CenterPoint Time Clock configuration (such as the default earning to use when importing time.)
Version 2.05/2.06
- Added an audit log that displays created, modified, and deleted time cards. This allows employees and employers to know when time card entries are edited and what values changed in case there are any discrepancies between entered time, approved time, and final pay. The audit log for a particular time card can be accessed by clicking the Audit Log button on the entries in Activity, History, or Employee Activity. The full audit log for an employee that includes deleted entries can be accessed from the Employee Name menu or as a supervisor from Employee Activity.
- Employee Activity - Added an Approve + Next button which allows a Supervisor to approve time entries and move to the next employee time entries automatically.
- Processes > Payroll > Time Sheets > Import - The import process was modified to prevent errors in specific instances where time cards have no hours when hours are required.
- Added a What's New Link to the main CenterPoint Time Clock website page. This page will include the new features/fixes included in each version of CenterPoint Time Clock.
Version 2.04
- The registration process for a new employee will now be completed successfully if their employee code/abbreviation had previously been used on a different, inactive employee.
- Added documentation links for Spanish-speaking employees. The documentation can be accessed from the Log In screen in CenterPoint Time Clock, from CenterPoint Payroll Help by selecting Menu > Add-On Modules > CenterPoint Time Clock or by clicking the following links: Employee Quick Reference for the CenterPoint Time Clock Website or Employee Quick Reference for the CenterPoint Time Clock App.
Version 2.03
- An email notification will now be sent to the employee when their time entries or time off requests are modified by someone other than themselves.
- Time Off Requests
- Added an optional Notes field that helps simplify communication between an employee and their supervisor when requesting time off. The new field allows an employee to include additional information with their time off requests which eliminates the need to send a follow up email outside of the time clock system.
- The time off From/To date filters will now default to one week before today’s date through the same date next year.
- Fixes
- Email notifications will show the correct time zone for the recipient in cases where the supervisor and employee are in different time zones.
- The Lookup and Display All buttons on the Managed Kiosks page can now be used correctly on all internet browsers.
- The Approval Date on the Employee Summary will now reflect the local time zone of the user (based on their time zone settings).
- Registration – If you attempt to register for CenterPoint Time Clock the first time with an invalid company or employee code, the employee name will always be displayed with the welcome text.
- Time Off Requests
- The screen can now be resized without overlapping fields.
- When a Supervisor removes an approved time off request for an employee, the Supervisor’s Supervisor will no longer receive an email notification.
- Time off requests will show the correct time zone in cases where the supervisor and employee are in different time zones.
- If a supervisor or administrator enters a time off request for an employee through the time clock app that spans multiple days, the associated time cards will be populated with the appropriate hours.
Version 2.0
- Added the ability for employees to report tips earned during their shift when they clock out so taxes can be calculated without manually collecting and entering tip amounts.
- Processes > Time Sheets > Time Import – Added an option to import CenterPoint Time Clock time cards with a start date and total hours. This allows time cards that cross days to be imported on one time sheet so overtime can be calculated accurately.
- Inactive employees will now be removed from supervisor employee lists and will not be able to access CenterPoint Time Clock.
- Added the ability for employees who work in multiple departments to have their time managed by the appropriate department supervisor.
- Added a new Employee > Employee Status screen that displays all employees a supervisor is responsible for and their current status/detail: In, Out, or on Leave. From this screen, a supervisor can perform the following functions for a group of or individual employees: clock in/out, add time, or display a map that shows the GPS clock in/out location.
- Added the ability to limit employee clock in/out to specific GPS coordinates.
Version 1

- Improved the automatic synchronization process between CenterPoint and the web application. Streamlined the company registration process.
- Processes > Payroll > Time Sheets > Time Import > Time Clock
- Corrected a communication issue with the time clock and CenterPoint Payroll between 7 pm and 12 am allowing time sheets to import into the application.
- Zero hour time entries will now be skipped and removed from the time clock during the import process.
- Added a View button to the Time Card Summary screen that when clicked will display a list of those employees (and their supervisor) who have unapproved time cards.
- Pay defaults attached in Setup > Employees > Time Clock will now be unique for each Company/Employee/Pay Default for employees in CenterPoint Time Clock.
- The Date/Time of clocked entries can now be changed by Supervisors and Employees (if allowed to manually enter time). The modified time entries will be changed to manual entries when they are saved.
- Added functionality that will automatically handle employee breaks to clocked activity by adding an Automatic Unpaid Lunch Break option that is set to the length of your employee breaks and a Break Taken Today option to the Clock Out screen.
- There is now a Notes field that can be displayed on Clock Out, Add/Edit screens in Time Clock. It is available if selected as a available field in Setup > Payroll Details > Time Clock Settings.
- Activity > Add
- Added the ability to adjust manually entered time by break hours.
- The Date Out box will now default to the same date entered into the Date In box.
- Added a Total to the Activity, Employee Activity, and Employee Summary screens.
- Setup > Payroll Details > Time Clock Settings
- Administration tab - Added an Administrators tab that will allow you to select employees that can manage all employees in the CenterPoint Time Clock module. Administrators have the same ability as a Supervisor, but for all employees.
- Options tab
- Added a When importing, round Clock-In and Out times to the nearest minutes option that when set to a number greater than zero, time entries will be rounded when they are imported into CenterPoint Payroll Time Sheets.
- Changed the Allow Employees To Modify Time check box to be an Allow Manual Time Entry check box that when selected allows employees to create (add/edit/delete) manual time entries and delete Clock-In/Out entries.
- Time Card Fields tab – Added a Notes field to the list of available clock-out fields. When the Notes field is selected, a Notes text entry field will be included on the Clock-Out/Edit screens.
- Time Off Requests
- When a time off request is removed, the details about the time off request will be included in the email notification sent to Supervisors and/or Administrators.
- Added the ability to filter the Time Off Requests screen by Type of leave and Dates From/To and filter the Employees > Time Off Requests screen by: Employee, Type of leave, Status, and Dates From/To. The filter selections are remembered only for the duration of the CenterPoint Time Clock session in your internet browser.
- Time off requests will now include the Employee Name in the Subject of the email sent to the employee's supervisor.
- Time off request emails will now contain more detail, for example: the employee requesting the time off and the date, length, and the type of the request. If the request is to cancel a previous request, information about the original request will now be included.
- Added functionality that will allow employees to request time off that sends an automatic notification via email to a supervisor and for supervisors to approve/deny the request and send automatic notification via email to the employee. Once approved, time off requests in the period being imported will create time sheet entries in CenterPoint Payroll.
- Registration
- Registration confirmation emails will now be reissued when registering with an email address that has not yet been confirmed.
- If you attempt to register a new company with your account and a duplicate exists, the Duplicate Registration notification email will now include text about registering another company and a link to the settings page in CenterPoint Time Clock.
- Added a new Confirm Email field which must match the contents of the Email field content for registration to be processed.
- Fixes
- Setup > Employees – Improved the efficiency of the time clock synchronization process to eliminate duplicate keys being created in the database. The message, “An item with the same key has already been added.” will no longer display.
- Modified the time clock synchronization process to be more efficient for large synchronization processes.
- If you have two back to back Clock In/Out time cards, you will no longer receive a conflicting time card message if you change the details on one of the time cards.
- It is no longer possible to enter an incomplete manual entry that includes a clock in Date/Time without also including a clock out Date/Time.
- The Email box on the Registration and Login screens have been changed to an appropriate size for the device being used to register/login to CenterPoint Time Clock.