What's New in CenterPoint® Payroll Version 19
*Incremental version that is available on demand. Call Red Wing Software Technical Support to request this update.
What's New in Version 19.0 Video
Version 19.8*
General Payroll
- Released to keep the version number consistent with other CenterPoint products.
Version 19.7*
General Payroll
- Released to keep the version number consistent with other CenterPoint products.
Version 19.6*
General Payroll
- Fixes
- Quicklist – When using the Database Startup Preference “Always Open a Selected database”, corrected an issue, on database open, with quick list items being disabled in some circumstances.
Version 19.5
General Payroll
- NatPay Direct Deposit Services - Streamline payroll processing with NatPay Direct Deposit Services, accessible directly within CenterPoint Payroll. Companies who are looking for an alternative to processing direct deposit can process with NatPay quickly and easily. Payroll service providers can use NatPay to distribute direct deposit payments directly while processing pay runs in CenterPoint, saving them significant time. To learn more about NatPay Direct Deposit Services, click here.
- System - Improved the real-time synchronization process efficiency of the online web services: CenterPoint Time Clock, Publish Pay Advices, and Employee Portal, and Customer Payments Portal.
- Setup
- Employees
- ACA Information tab - Added a Plan Start Month selection that will automatically pull into the 1094/1095 Preparer on the Employee Contact Information screen when processing ACA forms.
- Mass Update - Added an ACA Grouping which allows you to mass update the new Plan Start Month for multiple employees.
- Payroll Details > Deductions & Benefits - Added a new Box 12 - Code II - Medicaid waiver payments excluded from gross income under Notice 2014-7 selection to the W-2 Box - Options box.
- Accounts > Accounts > ACH/Direct Deposit tab - Added a Vendor Identifier that allows you to specify how the details for a unique identifier for position 40-54 are displayed in the ACH file PPD/CTX Detail records.
- Reports
- Payroll Setup Lists > Employees > Employee ACA Setup and Employee ACA Setup Detail - Added an optional Plan Start Month column to the report.
- Federal and State Payroll Forms & Reports
- Improved the processing efficiency when exporting W-2 forms to Aatrix.
- Added an Electronic 1099 Consent form to the list of available Federal Tax Forms.
- As of filing year 2024, COVID reporting items will no longer be exported to Aatrix to ensure Social Security is not reduced by obsolete COVID reporting items.
- Setup Lists > Vendors > Vendors - Added the following optional columns to the report: ACH Active, ACH Standard Entry Class, ACH Transaction Code, ACH Bank Routing Number, and ACH Bank Account Number and an optional ACH Active filter.
- Fixes
- Pay Employees > 6. Print Checks tab - If a pay run posts payroll liability invoices to an account with an Other Liabilities account category and therefore creates zero payroll liability invoices, the Payroll Liabilities screen will no longer display when the Display Liabilities check box is selected.
- QuickList - When you drag the Opened Windows up to hide the Tasks panel, the customized layout will now be saved when CenterPoint is closed and reopened.
Version 19.2/19.3/19.4
General Payroll
- Fixes
- Pay Employees - You can now post a pay run in summary, without error, that includes payroll liabilities.
Version 19.1
General Payroll
- Tax Withholding
- Arkansas - Updated 2024 state withholding tables (effective July 1, 2024).
- Utah - Updated 2024 state withholding tables (effective June 1, 2024).
- Fixes
- Pay Employees - Pay runs will now post when all employees included have no calculated tax.
Version 19.0
General Payroll
- System
- CenterPoint has been upgraded to run on the Microsoft Windows Desktop .NET Runtime version 8.0. Keeping current with technologies like Microsoft .NET allows Red Wing Software to continue to provide our customers with the best experience possible when using our products.
- CenterPoint was upgraded to run as a 64-bit process which allows CenterPoint users to take advantage of more processing memory. Keeping current with technology allows Red Wing Software to continue to provide our customers with the best experience possible when using our products.
- QuickList – Added a Tasks panel that provides a reminder of dynamic tasks that are due, past due, and coming due soon for A/P invoices, Credit Card Liabilities, and Payroll liabilities or scheduled one-time or recurring user tasks (similar to a to-do list) of items from which the menus to perform the task can be launched and sequenced to form a workflow, for example all the tasks involved in completing a pay run can be listed in order and recur on the same day of the week every two weeks.
- When using database security, CenterPoint will now display the user currently logged in at the bottom of the screen in the left corner.
- The Last Backup performed: text will now display in the new status strip in the lower-left of the main CenterPoint screen.
- Help > Online Updates > Check for CenterPoint Updates - The online update process is now fully responsive during download/install and includes a real-time log and more accurate progress indicator, as well as the ability to cancel the process at any time.
- File
- Exports > E2 - Renamed the E2 folder and E2 export to JobBOSS2.
- Security > Database Users. - Added the ability to assign a user to a group from the new Member Of tab on the Add/Edit User screen at the time the user is created.
- Backup > Backup Aatrix History - Added a new menu option that allows you to easily back up and locate and use Aatrix History Files.
- Restore > Restore Aatrix History - Added a new menu option that allows you to easily locate and restore Aatrix History Files.
- Preferences > Email Setup
- Added an Ignore Certificate Issues setting that allows you to bypass SMTP certificate validation. WARNING: Your SMTP certificate is part of your email system outside of CenterPoint. Disabling certificate validation removes critical security checks exposing you to potential threats. Before enabling this function, you should consult your System Administrator. For additional information, contact the Red Wing Technical Support department.
- Vendor Checks (Pay Advices) - Form Fields from check/pay advice transation data can now be inserted into the default Subject line or Message text for all emailed checks/pay advices.
- Processes
- Direct Deposit > Create Direct Deposit Files - Added a Filter Employees check box that allows you to filter employee(s) to resend a direct deposit file for.
- Pay Employees
- When a new pre-note account is added to an established employee, the amount for the pre-note account will now be deposited into the Primary account for the employee and a check will not be printed. If the Primary account is also marked as pre-note, all accounts will be considered pre-note and a check will be printed.
- 6. Print Checks tab - Add an Display Liabilities check box option which displays a payroll Liabilities screen with the liability amounts and due dates. Due dates are calculated from payments terms assigned to vendors or can be updated manually. Payment terms are created in Setup > Names > Payments Terms and a report is available in Reports > Reports > Setup > general > Payment Terms.
- Calculate Paid Leave - Added a Preview button that allows you to preview/print the leave calculations on a new Calculate Paid Leave (Preview) report.
- Setup
- Forms Designer > Payroll Check Stub Form Designer - Added Leave Eligibility Date 1-6 fields to the available Field List.
- File Attachments > File Attachment Maintenance - The Size Total (MB) box was changed to Size Total with the appropriate unit based on the total size (Bytes/KB/MB/GB/TB).
Names > Names and Employees
- General tab - If the Name Format for a name/customer/vendor is set to Individual, a new ten-character name Suffix field is now available. This will transfer to Aatrix when filing 1099 Forms.
- Addresses tab - Added a new grid that allows you to customize/sort the columns to display for Addresses with right-click Add/Remove Columns and Sort Column options. The available columns to display/sort are: Address 1-3, City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code.
- Custom Fields - Expanded the date format used for Date, Time and Date/Time fields to use a 4-digit year (MM/DD/YYYY format).
- Accounts > Accounts > List tab - Added a Created On column and Transaction Activity and No Transaction Activity filters that can be used to identify which accounts are being actively used (or not used).
- Payroll Details
- Time Import Definitions > Import Definitions - Renamed the import definitions that begin with E2ShopTech to JobBOSS2.
- Leave and Leave Categories
- Added a new Leave Setup Wizard that streamlines the leave setup process which makes it easier and reduces the number of screens and steps involved.
- Leave
- Added a new Leave Configuration Wizard that allows you to easily add new or existing leave tables to multiple employees simultaneously without separately calculating an adjustment to add beginning balances.
- Added a Leave Percent Applies check box that determines if an employee's Accrual Rate Percent and Maximum Percent apply to the leave when leave is calculated or adjusted.
- Added an Active check box that allows you to deactivate leave and leave categories that you do not want to display as available to calculate or add to new employees.
- Leave Categories
- When a Method of Fixed Rate is selected for a leave category, the Accrual Maximum check box can be selected and then entered in Setup > Payroll Details > Leave.
- The Calculate on Pay Run check box can now be selected for any method to indicate that the leave should accrue on each pay run rather than running the Calculate Paid Leave transaction.
- Reports > Reports
Federal & State Payroll Forms & Reports > 1099 Forms - If a company or recipient name includes any invalid special characters (periods, commas, etc.), they will now be removed from the names of Payers and 1099 Recipients as they are transferred to Aatrix.
Security - Added report-level security that allows Administrators to set default reporting criteria, restrict access to reporting criteria, or prevent access to the report for a User Group.
Payroll Data Reports > Leave > Employee Leave History - Added a default Leave Update Type column to the report.
- Fixes
- Processes > Pay Employees - The custom employee Time Sheets filter can now be used to display employees based on the number of available time sheets.
CenterPoint Tools
- Removed the Social Security Number returned with employees.
- CenterPoint Data Importer
- Added a Rollback imported data on failure check box that allows you to determine the action to take if the import is not successful. If selected, rows imported successfully before the failure will not be saved to the database and if not selected, rows imported successfully before the failure will be saved to the database.