CenterPoint® Payroll - Work-Related Injuries/Illnesses (OSHA)

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Work Related Injuries/Illnesses (OSHA) Video - Duration: 5 min 30 sec

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The Work-Related Injuries/Illnesses (OSHA) screen is used to track information about employee injuries and illnesses, specific details regarding the incident, treatment, and workers' compensation claims. The Employee Work Related Injury and Illness Summary report allows you to report on the information entered into the module.

Prerequisite: The Work-Related Injuries/Illnesses (OSHA) module is an add-on feature for CenterPoint Payroll. The module must be purchased and installed prior to starting this procedure.

Create a New Injury/Illness

Print an Employee Work Related Injury and Illness Summary Report

Create a New Injury/Illness Incident

  1. Select ProcessesWork-Related Injuries/Illnesses (OSHA).
  2. Click New.

  1. The Employer will display. If you have multiple employers in your database, select the correct employer.
  1. Select the Employee you are entering the work-related injury/illness incident for.
  2. In the Case Number box, the next available sequence number will display. Click the Sequence icon or press F4 to display the sequences associated with the Work-Related Injuries/Illnessess (OSHA) screen. From the list of sequences, select the sequence that contains the next number that you want to display in the data entry box. The next sequence number will display. If the list of sequences that displays does not contain any sequences, right-click, select New, and create a sequence for the data entry box. If you want to change the sequence number that displays, you can either type over the sequence number to change the next available sequence number, or right-click, select Edit, and then change the sequence number. Messages will display when duplicate sequence numbers are found based on the Duplicates and the Check When fields in Setup > General > Numbering Sequence. The messages inform you if a duplicate sequence number was found and how the duplicate sequence number should be replaced with a new sequence number, automatically or manually.
  3. The Date box will display the current system date, but can be changed.
  4. In the Location box, enter the location where the work-related incident occurred (up to 500 characters).
  5. Select the Injury/Illness Type, options are, Injury, Skin Disorder, Respiratory Condition, Poisoning, Hearing Loss, or Other Illness.
  6. Enter the Employee Start Time box if it is dfferent than 08:00 AM.
  7. In the Event Time box, enter the time the work-related injury/illness incident occurred..
  8. Select the work-related injury/illness Classification; the options are, Days Away from Work, Death, Job Transfer or Restriction, or Other.
    1. If you selected Days Away from Work, enter the number of Days Away.
    2. If you select Death, enter the Date of Death.
    3. If you selected Job Transfer or Restriction, enter the number of Transfer/Restriction Days.
  9. Select the Details tab.

  1. Enter the Incident Details, including:
    • Activity before the incident occurred?
    • What Happened?
    • What was the injury or illness?
    • What object or substance directly harmed the employee?
  2. Select the Treatment tab.

  1. Enter the information related to the employee's treatment including Physician/Careperson Name, Facility, Address information and if treatment was in the Emergency Room and if it required an Overnight Stay.
  2. Select the Workers' Compensation tab.

  1. Enter information related to a workers' compensation claim: Claim Number, date Filed, date Closed, Lost Time Cost and Medical Cost, and Notes associated to the claim.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Close.

Print an Employee Work Related Injury and Illness Summary Report

  1. Select Reports > Reports > Work Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA) > Employee Work Related Injury and Illness Summary.
  2. Determine which information to filter the report by and what information should display on the report from the Report Selection filters. For example, you can choose to display Activity Before Incident Occurred and not display What Happened.
  3. Click Preview or Print.

Document: 3395