CenterPoint® Payroll - Reports General Preference

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Preferences - Reporting Video - Duration 6 min 26 sec

The Reports Setting preference allows you to set the way that you want the Reports screen to work with Favorites.

  • Display Database Favorites - This setting provides functionality that allows you to save favorites with the open database that can then be used by other users of the same database. If you want to store favorite reports for this database on a Database tab, select Yes.
  • Default Report Tab - This preference also allows you to determine which tab is the default tab that displays reports in a network installation, the options are the Reports tab, Favorites tab, Database tab, or Network tab.
  • Disable Reports Tab - This preference allows you to control whether to display the Reports tab when the Reports screen displays. This can be used if you want your users to select reports only from the Favorites or Database Favorites tabs. If you've selected the Reports tab as the Default Report tab, this box will not be active.
  • Location of the Network Reports Variation File - This preference allows network installations to set up one shared location for displaying and printing reports for everyone that uses the application. When you copy the CenterPoint.Favorites.Variations file from your Documents directory, rename and save the file to a Network Location,and then enter the saved location in this box, a Network tab will display that will allow all users to print reports that have custom variations made by an administrator. Note: You will not be able to save any of your favorites to the Network tab. If you save a report favorite, it will display on the Favorites tab.
  • Location of Custom Report Files – This preference allows you to determine the location where custom report files designed by Red Wing Software will be located. For example, you may want to provide a network location so all users in a network installation have access to a custom report.
  • Location of Custom Export Files - This preference allows you to determine the location where custom export files designed by Red Wing Software will be located. For example, you may want to provide a network location so all users in a network installation have access to a custom export.