CenterPoint® Payroll Training Videos
We have videos designed specifically to help our customers get started with CenterPoint Payroll. The video training is delivered over the internet (best viewed with a high-speed internet connection), making it available 24 hours a day and can be viewed from the comfort of your own home or office. The videos range from 2 - 20 minutes and are designed to help you become familiar with your software program in the shortest amount of time. The length of each video displays under the title of the video.
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Register on the Red Wing Software website |
Duration: 6 min 07 sec
This video covers the registration process for the Red Wing Software website. Registration is required from many features on the website.
Register CenterPoint |
Duration: 2 min 09 sec
This video covers the methods that can be used to register CenterPoint.
Download CenterPoint and Install (Single User) |
Duration: 5 min 39 sec
This video covers the process of downloading and installing the current version of CenterPoint from the Red Wing Software website.
Check for and Install CenterPoint Updates |
Duration: 2 min 34 sec
This video covers how to check for new releases of the program available for download from the Red Wing Software website and can be accessed from the CenterPoint program. You must own a Red Wing Software Customer Care Membership to download program updates and be connected to the internet to check for updates.
Create New Payroll Database |
Duration: 5 min 48 sec
This video discusses the creation of a new CenterPoint Payroll database (this video applies only if you aren't integrated with another CenterPoint Accounting product).
Using the Payroll Setup Wizard |
Duration: 15 min 32 sec
This video covers the process used after you create a new payroll database to easily create your employer, the earnings, taxes, deductions, and benefits that you use to pay your employees and assign the general ledger accounts to each of the items.
Enabling Security |
Duration: 7 min 20 sec
This video discusses how to enable database security. It also describes the levels of security; Database Password, Database Users, and Limited Functions for Database Users. or outlines the series of database security levels
Security Options |
Duration: 5 min 10 sec
This video discusses the password security options which allow you to customize how long a password must be, the characters that must be included in the password to be valid, and how often it must be changed. If your organization doesn't have any requirements regarding the password, this step can be skipped.
Create and Manage Database Users |
Duration: 6 min 39 sec
This video discusses setting up database users which allows CenterPoint to track the transactions entered or modified by each user and authorize which processes they can access.
Create and Manage User Groups |
Duration: 6 min 13 sec
This video discusses how users can be assigned to user groups that then are given access to specific menu selections (security policies) in CenterPoint.
Create and Assign Security Policies |
Duration: 10 min 59 sec
This video discusses Security Policy assignments which are used to grant or deny access to user groups. Every user automatically belongs to the Public User Group. The Administrator user group has full access rights which cannot be taken away.
Navigating in CenterPoint |
Duration: 7 min 20 sec
This video covers navigating CenterPoint using menus, tool bars, and the QuickList. Red Wing Software has set up default tool bars and a QuickList for you, both of which can be customized. The Quick List becomes a way for you to customize the menus in CenterPoint.
How to Use Preferences |
Duration: 6 min 05 sec
This video discusses the File > Preferences menu selection and how to select a preference category, set a preference, the differences between the Current Settings, Global, Application, Database, and User tabs, determine which tab is being used to determine the way the preference is set, and how to save your preferences.
General Preferences |
Duration: 9 min 55 sec
This video covers the preferences that are commonly used to customize CenterPoint from File > Preferences. Some of the general preference s settings discussed are: Accounts, Address, Backup, Base, Date Settings, Default, Online Update, Printing, Database Security, etc.
Getting Help |
Duration: 2 min 08 sec
This video covers how to access Help from CenterPoint by using the F1 key, the Help > CenterPoint Help menu selection, or the Red Wing Software website. It also discusses searching and navigating the Help.
Back Up CenterPoint Data |
Duration: 6 min 56 sec
This video discusses creating an easy to restore copy of your CenterPoint data, user files, file repository, or Aatrix history (for CenterPoint Payroll only).
Restore CenterPoint Data |
Duration: 2 min 46 sec
This video discusses restoring a copy of your CenterPoint data, user files, file attachment repository or Aatrix history files (if you use CenterPoint Payroll).
Customizing Lists Using Filters |
Duration: 5 min 22 sec
This video covers using filters to locate items in a list by adding columns, sorting, expanding the Filtering options, and creating custom filters.
Using Lookups |
Duration: 11 min 26 sec
This video covers how to set the way your look-ups work by using Lookup Field Settings in File > Preferences > General > Defaults and also on a field-by-field level using Lookup Options or Begins With or Contains right-click options. It also discusses customizing lookup lists and resetting lists to default values.
Right-click Options |
Duration: 4 min 10 sec
This video discusses some of the right-click options found in Setup lists; Add/Remove Columns, Activate/Deactivate, Sort Columns, View Transaction History, etc. It also reviews right-click options from Transaction screens; Set As Default, New, Show All Items, Add/Remove Columns, etc.
Numbering Sequences |
Duration: 9 min 50 sec
This video covers how to customize the various numbers in your CenterPoint data, for example check, invoice, and bank deposit slip numbers. Each sequence type is reviewed, as well as the options available for formatting the numbers and how to handle duplicate numbers.
Using Reminders |
Duration: 9 min 49 sec
This video reviews the different types of reminders that can be displayed in CenterPoint; Payable, Receivable, General, and Scheduled Reminders, and discusses the specific settings/actions that can take place with each type of reminder.
Customizing Columns in a Grid |
Duration: 6 min 30 sec
This video covers how to customize the account activity displayed in columns in a grid on transaction entry screens by adding/removing and changing the order of columns, repeating the previous value, expanding/collapsing row details, and ordering rows using line sequences.
Entering Dates |
Duration: 2 min 14 sec
This video discusses some of the shortcuts that can be used when entering dates in CenterPoint transaction entry screens.
Setting Tab Stops |
Duration: 2 min 7 sec
This video discusses how you can customize CenterPoint transaction entry screens by determining which fields are stopped at for data entry.
Using Function Keys |
Duration: 4 min 10 sec
This video discusses the function keys available that allow you to move around in CenterPoint using the keyboard rather than switching to the mouse.
Dashboards |
Duration: 12 min 58 sec
This video discusses dashboards which allow you to view performance and financial information upon CenterPoint startup or with the Reporting Tools > Dashboard menu. The Dashboard provides a quick overview of your business and allows you to access the report that generated the information. The default Dashboard can be customized for your specific needs.
Tasks |
Duration: 06 min 43 sec
This video discuss the Tasks panel located on the QuickList which provides a reminder of Dynamic Tasks that are due, past due, and coming due soon for Accounts Payable invoices, Credit Card Liabilities, or Payroll Liabilities or scheduled one-time User Tasks or Recurring User Tasks that act as scheduled reminders. User Tasks can be configured to launch menus items to perform the task and sequenced to form a workflow, for example all the tasks involved in completing a pay run can be listed in order and recur on the same day of the week every two weeks.
Printing/Previewing Reports |
Duration: 24 min 57 sec
This video covers the Report menus, the organization of CenterPoint reports, finding reports, report selection filters that determine the information that will display on the report, previewing, and printing reports.
Customizing Reports |
Duration 16 min 08 sec
This video discusses the options that can be used to customize CenterPoint reports; report selection filters, adding, moving, and resizing columns, adjusting headers, adding subtotal groups, determining sorting order, excluding items from a report with filtering, displaying totals only, etc.
Report Favorites |
Duration: 18 min 12 sec
This video discusses the methods used to save modified system supplied reports as a Favorite. It also discusses organizing your Favorites into folders, renaming reports, removing or reordering reports in a Favorite folder, and determining which tabs display by default in the Reports screen.
Batch Reports |
Duration: 16 min 17 sec
This video discusses batch reports which allow you to print/export multiple reports at the same time without having to select each report individually. Batch repors can be used when you need to send a group of reports to their accountant or their banker periodically.
Report Filter Security |
Duration: 7 min 03 sec
This video discusses how to give access or restrict certain reports, or report information. Learn how Administrators can configure report-level security by user group for report selection criteria or prevent access to a report. When setting report-level security for report selections, the Administrator can set a default value for specific criteria for a report when the user group prints/previews a report.
Using Transaction Search |
Duration: 6 min 32 sec
This video discusses the basics of Transaction Search; accessing, the three different parts; Date Selection, Format Definition, and Filter Definition, printing search results, editing, deleting, or voiding transactions, reprinting checks, applying a filter, and changing the format of the search results.
More About Transaction Search |
Duration: 12 min 29 sec
This video discusses how to use Transaction Search to help answer questions about Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable by using transaction type filters, viewing payment history, using results level of detail and group on transaction, displaying the activity linked to the original transaction, and saving format definitions. It also discusses how to display an audit trail of modified or deleted transactions and viewing cleared bank transactions.
Using the Payroll Setup Wizard |
Duration: 15 min 32 sec
This video covers the process used after you create a new payroll database to easily create your employer, the earnings, taxes, deductions, and benefits that you use to pay your employees and assign the general ledger accounts to each of the items.
Employers |
Duration: 16 min 59 sec
This video covers the important settings on the employer setup and items that can be changed after using the Payroll Setup Wizard or converting data from another program to create your employer.
Account Setup for CenterPoint Payroll |
Duration: 13 min 07 sec
This video discusses the organization of accounts in CenterPoint and how to use accounts to meet your financial needs. In CenterPoint Payroll, each checking account, earning, deduction and benefit is assigned to an account so that when a payroll transaction is posted, the accounts describe what is happening in the movement of that payroll activity and the result updates the company's account balances.
Payroll Vendors |
Duration: 12 min 14 sec
This video discusses how to create payroll vendors. Payroll vendors are used while setting up payroll liabilities to identify the vendor to which the liability is paid. Checks can be written to payroll vendors or a payroll vendor can be used to record payments made electronically.
Payroll Preferences |
Duration: 16 min 25 sec
This video discusses how preferences allow users to determine the way that certain features behave in CenterPoint Payroll. It is suggested that CenterPoint Payroll preferences are reviewed before your first payroll, but preferences can be changed at any time.
Preferences - Email Setup |
Duration: 9 min 49 sec
This video discusses the Email Setup preference which is used to setup information necessary to email invoices, statements, receipts, sales orders and purchase orders.
Payroll Earnings |
Duration: 18 min 02 sec
This video discusses earnings which describe the different ways your employees are paid. It discusses how to modify the earnings created by the Payroll Setup Wizard, how to create new earnings, how to assign the taxes that are applied to each earning, and the deductions that are taken out of each earning.
Payroll Deductions & Benefits |
Duration: 21 min 27 sec
This video covers how to modify/create deductions (insurance and retirement plans, garnishments, etc.) which represent the voluntary deductions from an employee’s check, as well as the benefits which are the portions paid by the employer on behalf of the employee.
Payroll Departments |
Duration: 8 min 42 sec
This video discusses the process of using departments to group employees into logical work units which can be used when processing payroll to pay a group of employees or for reporting purposes to view the breakdown the total of earnings by work unit.
Payroll Local Taxes |
Duration: 10 min 25 sec
This video covers the process of creating local taxes that you are required to pay for your state/locality (state and federal withholding and FUTA taxes are maintained and updated by Red Wing Software).
Payroll Profit Centers/Locations |
Duration: 10 min 24 sec
This video discusses creating profit centers/locations which are the various areas or divisions of your business that generate revenue and expenses and are used for analysis purposes.
Payroll Projects |
Duration: 6 min 8 sec
This video discusses the use of maintaining income and expenses for specific jobs or projects. Assigning a project to your transactions provides an easy way to track the cost of the project.
Payroll Workers' Compensation Classes |
Duration: 9 min 28 sec
This video discusses how CenterPoint Payroll can be set up to calculate workers' compensation tax liability and generate workers' compensation reports.
Payroll Pay Defaults |
Duration: 7 min 21 sec
This video discusses how to establish standard details you want assigned every time your employee performs a particular job to make through the use of pay defaults. Pay defaults can make your pay entries faster and eliminate the possibility of data entry errors.
Payroll Pay Work Shifts |
Duration: 6 min 15 sec
This video discusses how to manage payment of shift differentials when your business operates various shifts.
Payroll Minimum Wage |
Duration: 12 min 34 sec
This video discusses how to set up CenterPoint Payroll to perform a minimum wage adjustment calculation for industries that pay some employees piece rate to guarantee employees are at least paid minimum wage based on the number of hours they work.
Payroll Alternate Language Pay Stubs |
Duration: 4 min 54 sec
This video discusses how to easily set up alternate language pay stubs for your non-English speaking employees which helps to make sure all employees understand their payroll information. Pay stub translations can also be used to change what prints as a description on your employees' check stub.
Payroll Employee Setup - Contact, Address, and Custom Fields |
Duration: 24 min 21 sec
This video discusses one of the final steps of creating your new CenterPoint Payroll database, which is setting up your employees. The Employee Setup screen includes multiple tabs, this video covers the General, Addresses, and Custom Fields tabs.
Payroll Employee Setup - Payroll and Employment |
Duration: 18 min 10 sec
This video discusses one of the final steps of creating your new CenterPoint Payroll database, which is setting up your employees. The Employee Setup screen includes multiple tabs, this video covers the Payroll and Employment tabs.
Payroll Employee Setup - Taxes |
Duration: 13 min 23 sec
This video discusses one of the final steps of creating your new CenterPoint Payroll database, which is setting up your employees. The Employee Setup screen includes multiple tabs, this video covers the Taxes tab.
Payroll Employee Setup - Earnings |
Duration: 18 min 45 sec
This video discusses one of the final steps of creating your new CenterPoint Payroll database, which is setting up your employees. The Employee Setup screen includes multiple tabs, this video covers the Earnings tabs.
Payroll Employee Setup - Deductions & Benefits |
Duration: 16 min 45 sec
This video discusses one of the final steps of creating your new CenterPoint Payroll database, which is setting up your employees. The Employee Setup screen includes multiple tabs, this video covers the Deductions & Benefits tab.
Payroll Employee Mass Update |
Duration: 4 min 29 sec
This video covers the process that can be used to update more than one employee's information at the same time. You can mass update various types of information, including deductions and benefits, earnings, payroll information, leave, or taxes.
Payroll Check and Stub Forms Designer |
Duration: 15 min 10 sec
This video discusses how to use the CenterPoint Forms Designer module to customize the printing of your CenterPoint Payroll checks, stubs, and advices.
Payroll Employee Education and Training Module |
Duration: 04 min 42 sec
This video discusses how to use the Employee Education and Training add-on module to CenterPoint Payroll that allows you to track certifications and training requirements earned and the number of hours associated with the training requirements by employee for each employer.
Payroll Liability Due Dates & Tasks |
Duration: 06 min 59 sec
This video discusses how to create payment terms to create accurate due dates for your payroll liabilities and how to use the tasks feature to keep track of when those liabilities are due.
Open a Form, Add or Resize a Field |
Duration: 3 min 51 sec
This video discusses how to open an existing form that can be modified and then saved with a different name. The video also discusses how to add a field using drag-and-drop functionality and resizing a field or section on a form.
Remove or Move a Field |
Duration: 3 min 02 sec
This video discusses how to remove a field using the keyboard and right-click option. It also discusses how to move a field using drag-and-drop and layout options functionality.
Change the Font, Add Text or Line Fields |
Duration: 6 min 55 sec
This video discusses how to change the font, style, and size of the text from the Appearance section. It also discusses how to add a text (label) field from the Data section or add a line field and change the foreground color, line direction, line style, and line width from the Appearance section.
Import a Logo |
Duration: 4 min 20 sec
This video discusses how to import a logo into the Company information section on the Detail tab in Setup > Companies prior to adding the logo to the form. .
Add a Page Number, Formatting Forms, and Preview/Print a Form |
Duration: 9 min 45 sec
This video discusses how to add a page number to a form nd modify the way the page number displays on a form. The video also discusses how to format forms by changing alignment and width of fields and how to preview/print a form.
Save or Print and Use a Customized Form |
Duration: 6 min 06 sec
This video discusses how to save a customized form with a unique name, use a customized form in another database, and use a customized form for printing an invoice, check stub, etc.
Leave Setup and Leave Configuration Wizard |
Duration: 15 min 33 sec
The Leave feature in CenterPoint Payroll allows you to set up the different types of leave you award your employees, keep track of their leave balances, accrue new leave, and deduct from their leave balance. This video discusses the most efficient way to set up leave with the Leave Setup and Leave Configuration wizards.
Calculate Paid Leave |
Duration: 7 min 41 sec
This video covers the process of awarding or accruing new leave hours to your employees Available Leave balance which is Beginning Leave Balance + Accrued Leave - Used Leave + or - Leave Adjustments and describes the frequency for calculating paid leave.
Leave Adjustments |
Duration: 3 min 43 sec
This video discusses how to adjust existing leave balances, for example for leave that was improperly record or if an employee is awarded additional leave above the normal leave tables.
Simple Overtime Processing |
Duration: 6 min 54 sec
This video discusses the simple overtime calculation that can be used if you have hourly employees getting paid one hourly rate of pay.
Advanced Overtime Processing Setup |
Duration 6 min 22 sec
This video discusses how to set up the Advanced method of calculating overtime which allows for complicated overtime calculations to meet a variety of overtime needs.
Process Payroll Using Advanced Overtime Calculations |
Duration: 5 min 11 sec
This video discusses processing payroll using advanced overtime calculations.
Starting Payroll Mid-Year |
Duration: 8 min 59 sec
This video discusses starting CenterPoint Payroll mid-year (any time after January 1st). A start-up pay represents all of your employees payroll activity from January 1 through a date immediately before the date of your first pay run in CenterPoint Payroll. This allows CenterPoint Payroll to include year-to-date totals to determine if maximum calculations or limits have been met on taxes or deductions.
Processing a Payroll - Enter Pay |
Duration: 26 min 36 sec
This video covers entering payroll details into the Pay Employees screen including copying payroll details from a previous pay run, entering a new pay run, viewing payroll totals, and printing prepayment reports.
Processing a Payroll with Time Sheets |
Duration: 26 min 38 sec
This video discusses the various methods used to enter an employee's time in and time out details for a pay run and processing a pay run with those details.
Default Earning Rates Time Sheets |
Duration: 9 min 29 sec
This video describes how a data entry employee can enter time into CenterPoint Payroll without viewing confidential pay rates and payroll details by using default earning rate time sheets. To use this feature, you must own the Advanced Earnings Matrix module.
Work Group Time Sheets |
Duration: 4 min 50 sec
This video describes how to enter time sheets for employees that do the same work for the same hours via a work group time sheet which allows you to enter the time sheet once and the same time sheet is added to multiple employees.
Salary Time Allocation |
Duration: 8 min 51 sec
This video describes how to assign salaried employee wages to departments, profit centers, locations, and any other production detail you are using in your data.
Tip Shortfall Allocation |
Duration: 6 min 49 sec
This video describes .how to calculate a tip shortfall allocation for cash tips received directly from customers for form IRS form 8027 and the employee W-2 form. By federal law, the default allocation rate is 8% of gross receipts.
Break Pay Adjustments |
Duration: 14 min 49 sec
This video discusses how to set up and process a payroll using the break pay adjustment if you are required by law to pay for a break after an employee works a set number of hours. For example, the state of Washington passed a law that states that employees being paid for piece work have to get paid for a break every 4 hours of work. The rate of pay is the higher of the piece rate pay (calculated as an hourly rate) or minimum wage.
Processing a Payroll - Print and Post Checks |
Duration: 12 min 45 sec
This video covers printing payroll checks/direct deposit advices and posting the pay run, which are the next steps in payroll processing after all payroll details are entered for your employees and verified on the prepayment reports.
Processing a Payroll - Pay Payroll Liabilities |
Duration: 10 min 42 sec
This video covers the next step in payroll processing, paying payroll liabilities which represent the employees taxes and deductions withheld, as well as the payroll liabilities and additional taxes for employer taxes and benefits created by posting the payroll.
Reprint Payroll Checks and Advices |
Duration: 5 min 50 sec
This video covers the process for reprinting a CenterPoint Payroll check. If you need an additional copy of a payroll check or maybe your printer did not feed the check correctly, payroll checks can be reprinted without voiding and re-entering the payroll
Edit Payroll Check Numbers |
Duration: 1 min 37 sec
This video covers the process of changing payroll check numbered in CenterPoint if the checks printed correctly after a check printing problem and the number of the check differs from what was recorded in the CenterPoint program.
Void a Payroll Check |
Duration: 2 min 38 sec
This video covers the process of voiding a payroll check after it has been printed and posted.
InterFund/InterCompany Payroll Distribution |
This video covers the InterFund/InterCompany payroll process and setup that allows a fund/company to process payroll in one fund/company and distribute the expenses to other funds/companies. Payroll processing is the same, however, at the time the pay run posts distribution journals are created between the funds/companies.
ACH Overview and Vendor Bank Information |
Duration: 5 min 55 sec
This video covers the information necessary to email a payment advice to a vendor, activating ACH payments for a vendor, and the set up of your vendor bank account and routing number so ACH payments can be processed electronically from your bank account directly to your vendor's bank account.
ACH Company Bank Account Setup |
Duration: 13 min 51 sec
This video covers the setup for your company and vendor bank accounts to properly format and process ACH vendor payments electronically from your bank account directly to your vendor's bank account.
ACH Processing - Payment Transactions |
Duration: 4 min 04 sec
This video covers both of the ACH payment options - from the Payment screen or from the Pay Invoices Due screen.
ACH Processing - Create Files |
Duration: 5 min 07 sec
This video covers the last step required to process ACH electronic payments, the creation of the ACH File that will be sent to the bank and used to transfer the funds.
Direct Deposit - Company Bank Account Setup |
Duration: 13 min 51 sec
This video covers the set up for your bank account to properly format and process direct deposit payments electronically from your bank account directly to your employee's bank account.
Direct Deposit - Employee Setup |
Duration: 11 min 23 sec
This course will cover the .employee information that is necessary for the Direct Deposit add-on module.
Direct Deposit - Files and Viewer |
Duration: 5 min 31 sec
This video discusses the creation of direct deposit files; including prenote files which are used to verify an employee's bank information the first time the employee is setup for direct deposit and creating direct deposit files that combine multiple pay runs. The video also discusses how to use the Direct Deposit Viewer to determine the contents in a direct deposit file.
Bank Reconciliation |
Duration: 18 min 53 sec
This video discusses how to reconcile transactions entered in CenterPoint to the bank statement received each month from your bank. The summary will identify if there are differences between your reconciliation and the bank statement balance.
Positive Pay Processing |
Duration: 09 min 59 sec
This video covers the Positive Pay process which is a system for preventing check fraud that is offered to companies by most commercial banks. Positive pay allows banks to match the checks a company/funds issues with those that are presented for payment. Positive Pay file formats vary from bank to bank. CenterPoint has pre-defined format layouts and any format for any bank can be created. If your bank is not one of the pre-defined layouts, please contact Red Wing Software Technical Support for assistance on having a positive pay format defined.
ACA Forms for CenterPoint Payroll (Part 1) |
Duration: 12 min 28 sec
This video is the first of two videos in the ACA Forms series. The video guides you through the steps needed to set up CenterPoint Payroll to prepare for processing ACA forms.
ACA Forms for CenterPoint Payroll (Part 2) |
Duration: 7 min 15 sec
This video is the second of two videos in the ACA Forms series. The video discusses the integration that CenterPoint Payroll has with Aatrix and the steps to take to print or eFile your ACA forms.
W-2 Forms for CenterPoint Payroll (Part 1) |
Duration: 13 min 37 sec
This video is the first of two videos in the W-2 Forms series. The video guides you through the steps needed to set up CenterPoint Payroll to prepare for processing W-2 forms.
W-2 Forms for CenterPoint Payroll (Part 2) |
Duration: 9 min 50 sec
This video is the second of two videos in the W-2 Forms series. The video discusses the integration that CenterPoint Payroll has with Aatrix and the steps to take to print or eFile your W-2 forms.
1099 Forms for CenterPoint (Part 1) |
Duration: 22 min 49 sec
This video is the first of two videos in the 1099 Forms series. The video guides you through the steps needed to set up CenterPoint to prepare for processing 1099 forms.
1099 Forms for CenterPoint (Part 2) |
Duration: 6 min 55 sec
This video is the second of two videos in the 1099 Forms series. The video discusses the integration that CenterPoint has with Aatrix and the steps to take to print or eFile your 1099 forms.