Upcoming Conferences/Trade Shows

Red Wing Software will have an exhibiting presence at Fabtech in Chicago, Illinois at McCormick Place, September 11-14, 2023. Please stop and say hello and ask any questions you may have about CenterPoint!
Red Wing Software will have an exhibiting presence at the Louisiana Municipal Association 86th Annual Convention. CSA Software, a Red Wing Software partner, will be exhibiting at the event in Alexandria, Louisiana, at the Randolph Riverfront Center, August 3-5, 2023. Please stop and say hello and ask any questions you may have about CenterPoint and/or CSA!

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

I recently attended the Farm Financial Standards Council annual meeting in Illinois. This organization’s mission is: Promoting Uniformity and Integrity in Financial Reporting and Analysis. One of the sessions was a panel of three bankers discussing what information bankers typically use to evaluate loan risk and what they would prefer. The panel was very diverse, with one panelist from a nationwide lending organization, one from a local bank, and one mortgage lender.
They all discussed the need for recent tax returns and a balance sheet. They mentioned they typically get balance sheet information for varying times of the year, and sometimes handwritten. While, in some cases, competition for the loan dictates they don’t push for more information, what they really would like to see are much better and consistent records.
In every case, they mentioned wanting professional-looking balance sheets prepared in the same period each year, accrual profit and loss statements so they can evaluate trends in the business over time, and projections for the business. It was interesting that another conference session talked about succession planning and the importance of good records when it’s time to transfer the business to someone else.
I understand I’m preaching to the choir since most people reading this already can produce these important documents with their software. But, at the risk of repeating myself from previous articles, “If you keep good records for yourself, you’ll have good records for anyone else that may need them.”

Employee Spotlight - Ryan Palmer

Hi, my name is Ryan Palmer. I have been a Graphic Designer at Red Wing Software for 17 years. My responsibilities range from designing postcards and trade show booths, editing and publishing videos, administering the website, and doing front-end web development. In other words, I wear a lot of hats. I have two kids, Liam (10) and Maggie (8), with my wife Cori, the QA Analyst at Red Wing Software. During the warmer months, I love camping and mountain biking as a family, volunteering with the local mountain bike club, and working in the yard. In the winter, I like to slow down, and I spend my time inside cooking, playing video games, and working on small projects around the house. I frequently take on overly ambitious home improvement projects with completely made-up timelines (My favorite one is, “This should only take a month”). Prime examples: taking two years to renovate a kitchen only to sell the house six months after finishing it or redoing all the floors and trim in the house we just moved into, which I hopefully will finish sometime before my kids graduate high school.