Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays is over, it’s a good time to dig out the budget you created for 2024 and compare line-by-line how well you managed the business as projected in your budget. (You did create a budget for 2024, didn’t you?)
I understand there are always anomalies during any given year that can’t be foreseen, but many mature ongoing businesses should be able to project the coming year accurately. When these unforeseen expenses (or revenues) occur, if you consistently compare actual events to the budget, you can adjust other areas to accommodate the changes.
With Red Wing Software’s accounting products, you have the tools to create and compare budget to actual information with a level of detail that works well for your business. CenterPoint Accounting has both simple and advanced budgeting features built into the product. Extensive help documents and video tools are available within the software to help you get started.
If you’re new to the process, give it a try. Over time, you’ll learn to project finances very accurately.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Welcome to 2025! We all know what a new year brings: New Year’s resolutions. Since I’m certain many have not taken the time to think about what they plan to do differently in 2025, I will suggest a resolution that will work for everyone. Use your accounting software for one thing that you haven’t previously been using it for.
All too often, I hear someone say, “I really only use my software as a glorified checkbook,” or “I just keep records for my (fill in the blank).” Of course, my initial thought is – why? You go to all the effort of entering all transactions into the software, which is the hard part of recordkeeping, then don’t take advantage of all of the benefits you can get by looking at any of the hundreds of reports that are just a click away, which is the easy part.
So, whether you’re a power user or someone who isn’t taking advantage of the power of your software, I challenge you to add just one new analysis habit to your recordkeeping routine.
Have a happy and prosperous New Year.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Well, we survived another election season, and the sun still shines, and the sky didn’t fall. Now it’s time for everyone, including our elected officials, to band together for our collective future success.
I hope everyone had a nice and fulfilling Thanksgiving. This is a special time of year for most people in this great country and many people worldwide.
I wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a prosperous New Year to the most important people on earth: our customers, employees, partners, and suppliers. To our customers, partners, and suppliers, thank you for your generous support. To our employees, thank you for your hard work and dedication that makes Red Wing Software “the friendliest software company on the planet and the kind of place you always wanted to work.”

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Have you ever boarded a commercial or private airplane and noticed the pilot(s) with their head down focused on reading documents before takeoff? They aren’t brushing up on “how to fly this thing.” They are going over a detailed checklist of all the important things they must accomplish before leaving the ground. They know it is extremely difficult to pull over and fix something after take-off if they skip an important step.
We should all treat our recordkeeping with the same level of scrutiny. If we miss something in the accounting process, it can cost us unwanted penalties and interest, not to mention missed opportunities.
At Red Wing Software, Zoe, our amazingly efficient internal accounting person, has a spreadsheet with four tabs containing lists of items that need to be accomplished weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. These tabs each have as many as 50 items. Without such a document, I can’t imagine anyone trying to remember all these tasks.
Of course, having such an extensive list is not worth much if there aren’t processes to explain how to accomplish all these items. So, she has a twenty-six-page supporting document that tells how each of these tasks should be completed. These lists and processes should evolve and be updated over time as the need arises. Having these documents in place also helps business continuity should a personnel change occur. Thanks to our previous, equally amazing, internal accountant (Zoe’s mother), Zoe was fortunate to have a head start on these lists and processes.
While I focused primarily on the accounting processes, having checklists and supporting processes documented for all important areas of the business is equally important.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Another election cycle has rolled around. Is it just me, or do these cycles seem more frequent, longer, or just noisier?
Making our preferred choice of candidates can be difficult because of all the confusing messages we hear, but we need to sift through the noise and try to get to the facts. We must look past the teleprompter speeches and look at the underlying philosophy of the candidates. What direction do they want to take the community, country, and world? We need to ignore the talking heads that tell us what a candidate means from their perspective. After an interview, speech, or debate, change the channel to something non-political and decide for yourself whether the candidate is the kind of leader you would like to see guiding their respective geographic area. Then, of course, you need to vote!
Remember, whether your candidate wins their race, or the opposition comes out victorious, know that you will get another chance to vote in two more years. However things turn out, there is no better place in the world to call home.