Sun Dogs in Red Wing, Minnesota yesterday, with temperatures of 15 degrees below zero.
By Stephanie Elsen
Professionals from the Farm Financial Standards Council are answering questions about ag financial matters (non-tax related). Here is a question recently submitted by Travis F. Thanks for submitting your question, Travis!
“My question pertains to the reporting of current and non-current portions of non-current liability on a balance sheet. Is a loan with monthly payments treated differently? That is, for a monthly-payment loan, does one still include only the upcoming 12 principal payments for said loan under current portion of non-current liability?”
Thanks, Travis F.
The current portion of a non-current liability (a debt with a repayment term longer than one year) is the amount of principal that is due to be repaid within 12 months of the date of the balance sheet. If the balance sheet is dated January 1st, 2014 then the current portion would be the principal due in 2014 regardless of the frequency of the payment (monthly, quarterly, etc.).
Farm Financial Standards Council
Click Here to Email Your Questions or email with a subject line of “Questions for the FFSC”. The FFSC will select questions to answer on this blog.
Does the thought of an IRS Audit strike terror in your heart? Check out this list of IRS Audit Red Flags, written by Joy Taylor of Kiplinger's.
14 IRS Audit Red Flags
This story, written by Tech Page One, gives a crystal clear explanation about the importance of making the transition from Windows(R) XP to another operating system.
Windows XP: The End of the Road
Forbes lays out an excellent story about publicity and some recommendations for modern times.
Seven Publicity Rules Ever Entrepreneur Needs to Know