Red Wing Software Customers in the News

CenterPoint Accounting customer, Bob Sprunger of Raygor Farms, was featured in the September 21, 2013 issue of Progressive Dairyman in the article “Lessons in Silage Management”. Click here to read the entire article.

Red Wing Software customer Gorans Brothers, Inc. was featured in the October publication, The Farmer. Gorans Brothers has a Minnesota Discovery Farms monitoring station on the farm which has been collecting nutrient and sediment data since 2007.

The Person Behind the Voice – Jada Brookshaw

Jada has been a part of the Red Wing Software support team for 14 years. I talked to Jada about what she does in her spare time, and here’s what she had to say!

“I enjoy spending time with my family. I have two children, a girl named Ava who is 8, and a son named Lane who is 6, and my husband is Josh. We live out in the country in Wisconsin and enjoy the great outdoors. The kids enjoy riding dirt bike on our land. This past summer, our weekends were filled with hill climbs and motor-cross events. It is so fun to watch the kids doing something they enjoy. In my spare time I enjoy playing volleyball, and have been playing for many years on a league.”

Jada and her family

Welcome Back to the Support Team at Red Wing Software Leah!


Many customers have spoken with Leah over the years. Leah was at Red Wing Software for five years. She left for a short time and is now back and working on the support team. Though her last name has changed, she is still the same Leah you may remember speaking with. Please join us in welcoming Leah back to Red Wing Software!