eFiling More Than a Trend...

This post is by Bruce Senti of Aatrix State and Fed Payroll Reports

Compliance will be the BIG topic for 2013.

As the recent political environment has shown, the idea that tax policy will change little in 2013 is laughable. The federal government will continue to struggle with necessary change and no one knows exactly what direction tax code and legislation will go.

What we do know is that with the implementation of universal health care and ever-growing deficits, every taxing authority is likely to be impacted.

The most obvious outcome of such volatility is that change in rates, formats, forms, and filing requirements are a certainty. Keeping up with those changes and remaining in compliance will be an even more difficult task for payroll administrators than it has been in the past.

As states attempt to comply with new federal standards and respond to their own fiscal needs, it is more likely that there will be multiple changes during the next twelve months.

Forms will change to accommodate new taxes, changing rates, and increased limits as well as new calculations required for compliance. More and more businesses will be required to eFile as agencies seek to save money by eliminating paper forms.

What administrators can do to insure compliance.

In the past it would really boil down to two options: Businesses could hire additional staff to monitor the changes that affect their business or they could rely on compliance professionals that work for filing services or payroll services and outsource their process. These two options tend to be very expensive and eliminate the ability to control their own payroll start to finish.

In the last seven or more years, a new option has emerged as payroll software companies have partnered with payroll reporting software and eFiling services to take advantage of the compliance expertise inherent in those companies to assist their customers in meeting the changing environment.

A solution that is fully integrated into the payroll software is the best choice. It eliminates the need to transfer manual reports or transcribe info to a third party. It provides a familiar interface and improved accuracy as the actual paycheck data is used to produce the filing information.

Taking advantage of a company that deals with compliance every day is the safest way to insure your company is compliant. If your software has not partnered with an eFile and compliance service you may need to re-evaluate whether different software may be appropriate.

Why CenterPoint Accounting Software for Agriculture?

Accounting Software – CenterPoint Accounting Software

By Stephanie Elsen

Are you looking for something better to handle the financial information for your farm? You might be wondering if you came to the right place. During the search process, you probably noticed that there are many accounting software programs available. It can be hard to decide between them all. Here are some statistics about the people who choose Red Wing Software’s CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture to handle their farm’s financial information.

  • About 55% need agriculture-specific features or accounting features that work well for farms. By far, the number one reason people move to CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture is that they want to enter and track information specific to how a farm operates. Functions such as production analysis, multiple quantity inventory tracking, and ag-specific ratio analysis (and much more) provide meaningful information, so it is easier to make profitable decisions for your farm.
  • 27% are outgrowing their basic accounting software. Those who began by using a basic or “shelf” software program can find that as they grow, it can no longer handle their needs. Perhaps they need to manage more than one entity, or the number of transactions has become too large for their current system. In these situations and many more, CenterPoint is a great program to look at. It can handle the multiple entities, and there is no hard limit to the data that can be entered and stored.
  • 18% are new farms. Farms and agricultural operations just starting up can definitely benefit from the accounting and financial tools offered in CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture. Why not start with a program you know can grow as your operation grows, and can give you the information you need, in the way you need to see it. Staying on top of financial trends and knowing your profitability from the start can really help you grow!

Make the right decision for your farm. Red Wing Software and CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture have helped thousands of farm accounting software users manage their financial information. Contact us today to see how we can help you by calling 800-732-9464 or e-mailing info@redwingsoftware.com.

Why CenterPoint Payroll Software?

Accounting Software – CenterPoint Payroll Software

By Stephanie Elsen

Are you searching for a payroll solution to handle your company’s growing needs? If so, you are not alone! We talk to businesses every single day who are seeking a better way to manage their payroll processes and tax filing. About 380 people each day search the internet with the term ‘payroll software’. That’s a lot of searches! So how do you know if you’ve come to the right place? Consider these figures about those who benefit from our payroll software.

  • About 33% have outgrown their basic payroll software. Perhaps your system has hit its limit on number of employees or years of history? Maybe you got new computers and the old software system you are using won’t work with them, or you are losing support for an older system. We talk to people every day with these issues, and our newer technology and no cap on number of employees, years of history, and other data can help tremendously!
  • About 27% need specific features to accommodate their business needs. Whether it’s the management of payroll in multiple states, pay by piece rate, different pay types for an employee during the same pay period, or MANY more features, CenterPoint Payroll Software can fulfill those needs! If you have a specific feature that is missing from your current payroll software, just ask us. There is a good chance CenterPoint can handle it and make your life so much easier!
  • 27% are new businesses. Whether your business is small or large or in between, it is special and can have unique payroll needs. Restaurants need a system to help manage employee tips, farms may need to manage piece rate for the picking of produce, and accountants need to manage after the fact payroll. All of these (and many more) are important features yet can typically not be managed with basic payroll software. That’s why so many new businesses start out with CenterPoint Payroll Software.
  • 13% or so are cutting costs or bringing their payroll back in-house. Using a payroll service is popular and those who like it should stay with it! But for those wishing to bring their payroll back in house, CenterPoint is an excellent option. Some companies want to save money, and some want to gain control of their payroll. If you would like to check into those options, be sure to keep CenterPoint Payroll Software on your list of options.

Red Wing Software and CenterPoint Payroll Software help thousands of businesses manage their payroll efficiently and for less money. To see if we have a good fit for you, please call 800-732-9464 or e-mail: info@redwingsoftware.com.

Why CenterPoint Accounting Software?

Accounting Software – CenterPoint Accounting Software

By Stephanie Elsen

If you are looking for accounting software and you came across our site, you might be wondering where CenterPoint Accounting Software and Red Wing Software fit into the scheme of accounting software programs.

There are so many accounting software companies out there; it can be hard to tell the difference between them all. To give you a good idea of who we are, consider these statistics about the people who are benefiting from our software.

  • 37% have outgrown their basic accounting software. People who started with a basic or “shelf” accounting software find that their business has outgrown the basic software’s capabilities. Perhaps they are entering too many transactions or inventory items, or the system is getting bogged down by too much stored history. This group also includes those who are using old, outdated systems for which they are losing support or the software cannot operate on newer computers they are purchasing. CenterPoint Accounting Software is a mid-market program and works very well as an option for those outgrowing their basic accounting software!
  • About 26% need better financial reports or specific software features to handle their company’s needs.People who desire better financial reporting account for a large percentage of new customers! Tracking information by department or profit center, drilling down to source entries, and a tight audit trail are all important considerations for a growing business. CenterPoint Accounting Software performs these functions very well. Many specific software features are also handled in CenterPoint. Managing multiple companies & consolidated reporting, managing multiple units of measure, and the ability to create custom reports are just a few of the features that can be handled within CenterPoint.
  • 20% are new businesses.Not everybody wants to start out with a basic shelf accounting software program. Those who understand the importance of good financial management and those with more complex needs at the start of their business turn to CenterPoint Accounting Software.
  • 17% are cutting costs or bringing the accounting back in-house. People who find themselves paying for and using a system that is way more functionality than they need often find that CenterPoint can handle what they need, and for significantly less money. People who are also trying to cut costs and gain control by bringing their accounting back in-house also find CenterPoint to be a great option.

Red Wing Software and CenterPoint Accounting Software have helped thousands of accounting software users manage their financial information. Contact us today to see how we can help you by calling 800-732-9464 or e-mailing info@redwingsoftware.com.