Behind the Scenes - May 2021

Jayme (Accounting Software Support Specialist) celebrated a milestone birthday.
Ashley (Accounting Software Support Specialist) took a vacation with Paytin and her mom to NC to deliver puppies and spend time with family and friends.
Allison (Accounting Software Support Specialist) bowled her personal best game with a score of 287.
Katrina (Customer Service Representative) celebrated her dad’s retirement after almost 25 years of working for the City of Red Wing.
Carole's (Staff Accountant) daughter Zoe graduated from UW-Madison in three years with a degree in Biochemistry! She will begin working at research lab at Mayo Clinic in June.

Online Training Sessions

We are pleased to offer our Red Wing Software customers an opportunity to learn more about CenterPoint via Online Training sessions. Online Training sessions provide you with in-depth information and explanations that allow you to learn more about CenterPoint from any location where you can access the internet (high-speed internet connection recommended). The sessions are presented live by one of our CenterPoint experts while you view the presenter's computer screen. You will have the opportunity to ask questions. The sessions are recorded and sent to you so you can refer to the information afterward.
You can view and register for all available sessions by clicking here or click one of the individual session links below.
CenterPoint Payroll Overtime Processing
  Tuesday, August 3, 2021
9:30 am – 10:30 am Central Time
Price: $39.00
Red Wing Software also offers pre-recorded On Demand Training Video sessions as well as live training sessions. This gives you the flexibility to access the training at any point after the original live session was offered. The pre-recorded On Demand Training Video sessions can be purchased with 30-day access and can be viewed as many times as you like during the 30 days. You can view and purchase all available pre-recorded sessions by clicking here.

Online Classroom Training

Red Wing Software has converted our in-person CenterPoint Classroom Training to an online format for 2021. Online Classroom Training sessions offer the same curriculum as the live Classroom Training seminars, which have been temporarily canceled due to COVID-19. The format has been altered to better suit online learning. Hours are limited to four hours per day and run from two to four consecutive business days (depending on the course). Attendees join a scheduled Online Classroom Training session with other Red Wing Software users. Sessions are presented by an experienced Red Wing Software instructor. Online Classroom Training is the most comprehensive way to learn how to use CenterPoint.
You can view and register for all available sessions by clicking here or click one of the individual session links below.
Advanced CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture
  July 13-14, 2021
9:00 am – 1:00 pm CST
Cost: $150.00
This training is a two-part 8-hour live online session held on two sets of consecutive days for a total cost of $150.00 (4 hours/$75.00 for each part) and will be limited to 15 participants.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Occasionally, I get the opportunity to visit some of our customers’ locations and discuss how they use our software and what they might like to see in the software to make it a better fit for their operation. Recently, Matt (Red Wing Software Sales Consultant) and I toured Tomatoes of Ruskin in Florida and had the pleasure of meeting with the people that use our software daily.
Tomatoes of Ruskin grows and packages tomatoes for wholesale distribution. They have been using CenterPoint Payroll for about eight years and had not recently had much contact with our support team. When we questioned them about not calling in for help, they enthusiastically indicated that the software was working so well that they didn’t need any help. We asked what we could do to make their payroll process better, and they mentioned an employee copy function that used to work better for them and was changed in an update about two years ago. To make a long story short, we drilled down a little, found that we had changed that functionality in a prior release. So, we came back and entered a new change request in our internal tracking software to reintroduce that functionality so they would have the option to use it like it previously worked.
The only other request they had was to have the ability to reconcile bank accounts within CenterPoint Payroll, and they were unaware that was already available. So, we showed them where they could access that functionality in the software. We like the questions with easy answers.
I mention these requests to bring up another point. Whenever you, our customers, would like to see changes or new functionality in our software, we encourage you to call or send an email with your suggestions. You certainly are not bothering us with your ideas. The best way for us to make our products better is to hear those ideas from you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your thoughts. While we can’t promise everything, we continually work to make our software better.
I want to thank the folks at Tomatoes of Ruskin for allowing us to interrupt their busy day, give us an excellent tour of their operation, and help us learn more about how people are putting our software to work.
I hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend while remembering those who served our country to keep us safe and free.

Customers in the News

Customer: Will-O-Crest of Clifton Springs, NY, and Dutch Hollow Farm of Schodack Landing, NY
Story: Three Farms Share their Experience Hosting a Virtual Farm Tour
Publisher: Progressive Dairy, March 12, 2021 Issue
What the story is about: Both of these customers are featured in this story where farmers share their own experiences from hosting virtual farm tours.
Customer: Roger Murray of Farm Credit East ACA, Enfield, Connecticut
Story: Benchmarking your Way to Higher Profits
Publisher: Hoard’s Dairyman, March 2021 Issue
What the story is about: Murray goes over the four basic steps needed for higher profits.