Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Think big, take small steps, and keep the end goal in mind. When we, at Red Wing Software, are contemplating any major change, addition to functionality, or new software module, we always start with the end in mind. We first ask, “What are we trying to accomplish with this project?” We want to make sure the result is what our customers want out of the new functionality, and we then plan how to achieve that result.
Once we decide on the plan, and the path to reach the goal, we start to lay out the “baby steps” to get to the end. No big project can be accomplished by thinking we can do it all at once. We lay out and document all the steps it will take to complete the project.
Many of our changes and new projects are the results of requests from customers. They may need additional information on an existing report, a totally new report, or even a completely new module. We work with the customer to determine the correct result, and the best steps to accomplish the process used to get there.
In your business, whenever you are faced with a task that may seem insurmountable; think big, take small steps, and keep the end goal in mind.


40th Anniversary Customer Stories

Customer: Jack Kaschmitter, Paynesville, Minnesota
My story goes back to about 1983 with the name of Red Wing Business Systems. I have lived on and now taken over the dairy farm I am on. At the time of computers being introduced to the ag and farm world, Red Wing Software was the only software for use on a Radio Shack TRS-80 computer. It is only now that I remember the name of John Chandwick, who was my go-to man for answers. Thinking of it, I have been doing my personal books back then, and now operating this farm for over 35 years and still using the GL and AP modules. I certainly enjoy the ease of check writing.
Congratulations to Red Wing Software on 40 years.

Red Wing Software 2020 Classroom Training Sessions

Please click on a link to view more details and to register for a session. A brochure with this and additional training options will be sent out to you in the coming months. Visit to view other training options as well.
March, 2020
CenterPoint Payroll: March 2, 2020, Fort Wayne, IN
CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture: March 3-5, 2020, Fort Wayne, IN
May, 2020
CenterPoint Payroll: May 12, 2020, Red Wing, MN
CenterPoint Accounting: May 13-14, 2020, Red Wing, MN
July, 2020
CenterPoint Payroll: July 20, 2020, Red Wing, MN
CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture: July 21-23, 2020, Red Wing, MN

Behind the Scenes - October 2019

Carole (Staff Accountant) competed in an obstacle competition hosted by the St. Croix Mounted Sheriff’s Posse with her Arabian horse RTR Thunder Lord (AKA Blackie). He placed 10th out of 60 exhibitors! In the pictured obstacle the barrels were stacked tall and they had to “bowl” them all over and then walk through the downed barrels.
Matt's (Sales) daughter, Lena, performed with the Rosemount High School Marching Band where they were crowned 2019 Youth in Music Grand Champions and MN State Champions.
Julie (Sales Engineer) enjoyed the wedding of her son, Joey, and new daughter-in-law, Somer.
Katrina's (Customer Service Representative) daughter, Kyla, and Carrie (Administrative Assistant) packed shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child at Roxie’s (Administrative Assistant) 59.9th Birthday Packing Party.