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Behind the Scenes at Red Wing Software - March 2016

  • Julie’s (Sales Engineer) son Joey’s college team won the CCIW Indoor Conference Track Championship. Joey is one of the team captains and competes in vaulting. This was the first time the school has won the indoor championship.
  • Connie’s (Technical Writing) oldest daughter was recently made the Captain of the University of Wisconsin Platteville dance team for 2016-2017.
  • Roxie (Administrative Assistant) and her husband Steve welcomed granddaughter Vada Marie. Having four wonderful grandsons already, it was fun to shop for pink, ruffles and bling!

Red Wing Software Customers in the News

Laura Flory, a dairy producer at Hillside Farms and a Red Wing Software customer wrote a story entitled “An Ounce of Prevention” in the February 25th, 2016 issue of Progressive Dairyman.

Lori Butler of Paul Dotterer and Sons Dairy Farm and a Red Wing Software customer was featured in the March 12th, 2016 issue of Progressive Dairymen, in the story “Women’s Work: Operating Equipment isn′t Just for the Boys.”

Red Wing Software - Notes from the President Ken Hilton

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Spring is here, at least on the calendar, and it’s a great time to do a little spring cleaning of your financial records. You are likely either going through the data for your 2015 tax return, or have recently completed it, so all of the information should be fresh in your mind. What a perfect time to review those things that took a little longer to figure out than they should, and fine-tune your system to make it easier for next year.

Maybe it’s a tweak to your chart of accounts. For instance, let’s say you have information spread across multiple accounts, and you now realize they could be combined into one account. Did you know there is a function in CenterPoint that will combine one or more accounts and all of the history into one account?

Or just a small change in the way you collect information or enter transactions could greatly reduce the time it takes to maintain the detail you need for reporting. In any event, take a few minutes and maybe even talk to others in your organization who deal with financial and other important data, and look at ways to make your business more efficient and profitable.

- Ken Hilton, President

Behind the Scenes at Red Wing Software - February 2016

  • Many Red Wing employees collected hygiene items to donate for our local Youth Outreach center whose supplies were low.
  • Janet (Sales) enjoyed horseback riding in Tucson, AZ. She was very happy they didn’t see a snake.
  • Mike (QA Manager) traveled to Iowa for his daughter Kadence's dance competition.
  • Tony (Programming) shared a photo of his home in Pennsylvania after the January blizzard went by.
  • Connie's (Technical Writing) youngest daughter danced in the Minnesota State Dance Competition at the Target Center on both the Jazz and High Kick dance teams.
  • Stephanie (Marketing) was appointed as a board member for the Port Authority in Red Wing, Minnesota. The Port Authority helps promote economic growth in the city of Red Wing.