Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Notes from the President
I have just three short notes for you this month:
First, I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season.
Second, January is historically the busiest month here at Red Wing Software. With everyone closing their 2019 books, beginning 2020, and making sure their payroll information is up to date, our support lines light up. We have prepared internally for this by getting everyone in the organization ready to answer your calls. You can help us ensure that you have a smooth transition to the new year by reviewing the documents available in the online help, and in this newsletter, that answer frequently asked questions about your software. You can also get additional information by visiting the Help section on our website.
Finally, all of us at Red Wing Software wish you a happy, prosperous, and safe New Year.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Think big, take small steps, and keep the end goal in mind. When we, at Red Wing Software, are contemplating any major change, addition to functionality, or new software module, we always start with the end in mind. We first ask, “What are we trying to accomplish with this project?” We want to make sure the result is what our customers want out of the new functionality, and we then plan how to achieve that result.
Once we decide on the plan, and the path to reach the goal, we start to lay out the “baby steps” to get to the end. No big project can be accomplished by thinking we can do it all at once. We lay out and document all the steps it will take to complete the project.
Many of our changes and new projects are the results of requests from customers. They may need additional information on an existing report, a totally new report, or even a completely new module. We work with the customer to determine the correct result, and the best steps to accomplish the process used to get there.
In your business, whenever you are faced with a task that may seem insurmountable; think big, take small steps, and keep the end goal in mind.


Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

How do you know if you’re doing something the best way, if you’ve only tried one way to do it? Look at any important process in your organization and think about a way to change it. You might be surprised to find out the way you’ve been performing that process isn’t the best way.
You may ask someone to be more efficient, at a lower cost, or with fewer errors, but is the system they are working in allowing them to accomplish any of these results? Trying one or more alternatives to a given process might produce the results you’re looking for, or even better results than expected.
At Red Wing Software, we never assume that there is only one way to accomplish a task. We constantly challenge our staff and debate new ways to improve, move new requests for changes through the process faster, or make our software faster, easier to use, with fewer errors, etc. Sometimes we need to think outside the box and try some ideas that feel a little strange at first. Quite often this exercise yields a result that wouldn’t have been considered without a group of us throwing out ideas and hammering through to a conclusion.
Try it. You might be surprised. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but a wise customer told me once, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you already are.”

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

I seem to be writing about this month’s subject way too often this year. One of our Accounting Software Support Specialists, Ron Delaney, retired at the end of September. Ron was an employee early in the company’s history and started his second tenure with Red Wing Software in 2006. Many of you have likely talked to Ron as you migrated from our legacy products to CenterPoint, or when needing a little help using our products. I’m certain Ron will stay busy in his retirement attending his granddaughter’s soccer games and other activities. I hope to continue to see Ron at our regular Tuesday golf outings, and I know he’s been brushing up on his game as he’s won enough this summer to have to give up his amateur status. We wish Ron the best in his retirement, and he will certainly be missed.
On a related note, many of you have probably talked to Renae, the newest member of our Support team. Renae comes to us with accounting, payroll, business, and industry knowledge, and is quickly learning CenterPoint to help our customers get the most out of their software. We’re excited to have Renae as part of our team.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

It’s hard to believe, but summer is almost over. While we’re busy year-round at Red Wing Software, it does seem to let up a little in late summer. This gives many of our dedicated employees a chance to take a few, well-earned, days off, travel a little, and get ready for a busy winter. Based on the number of calls we get on our support lines, many of our customers are also not spending as much time on their recordkeeping and financial analysis.
Now that many of us have had a chance to rejuvenate, it’s time to get back focused on our business. Let’s take some time to make sure all information is up to date. Check inventory and verify that accounts receivable are not getting old. It’s a great time to check actual financial information compared to the budget for the year. Are we on track with revenue, and are expenses in line with projections? If numbers are a little off, there may still be time left in the year to get things back on track.
I hope everyone has had a chance to have a little down time, and if you’ve had that opportunity, now is a great time to get back focused on the business.