Minimum Wage Adjustments

Do you have employees who are paid by piecework? This type of employee payment is typically used in agriculture, manufacturing, and other industries.

Obviously there are both Federal and State minimum wage requirements you must meet as an employer. No matter what method you use to pay your employees, you need to make sure they are earning at least minimum wage. This can be difficult when you are calculating pay via piecework, unless you have the right software.

If you pay employees via piecework, be sure your payroll system has a feature to manage minimum wage adjustments, or in other words, a system that can tell you whether your employees have earned minimum wage. More importantly, if the employee’s piecework has not added up to minimum wage, the system can calculate the difference and add that amount to their pay, so that you are meeting the Federal and State minimum wage requirements.

CenterPoint Payroll Software for business and for agriculture has a minimum wage adjustment feature that can make this task much easier! Save the time and guesswork associated with minimum wage adjustments, and ask us about CenterPoint Payroll today!

The Person Behind the Voice – Roxie Thoner

If you’ve ever called Red Wing Software, you’ve probably talked to Roxie Thoner. She’s been helping Red Wing Software customers get what they need for more than 21 years! We caught up with Roxie and asked her a few questions, so you can get to know her a little better.

  1. What has been your favorite part of working at Red Wing Software over the years?

    The people - we have a great group here which makes it fun. Also, things are always changing in the software industry so even though I’ve been here a while, there is always something new.

  2. What’s one of your favorite stories, having spoken with so many Red Wing Software customers?

    I feel like I have many friends I’ve never met all around the country. I have to laugh when I answer the phone and someone who hasn’t called in years says, “Roxie I can’t believe you are still there.” I think they are happy I’m still here!

  3. Tell us a little bit about your twin grandsons!

    Ezra and Ashton are our 1st (and 2nd) grandchildren and are 14 months old. It’s so much fun to watch them interact with each other. They are mobile now and what one of them doesn’t think of the other one does. I hope I can keep up with them. Everyone told us being grandparents is the best and they were right.

  4. What do you like to do outside of work?

    Well, when I can’t go visit the grandsons, I enjoy working in my flower gardens, sitting around a bonfire and visiting with friends. Now that we are empty nesters, I’m hoping to do some quilting. I like to travel and am currently looking forward to visiting a former co-worker who now lives in Alaska this August.

Turn Your Education and Training into Profits for Your Business

Guest-post by Erin Palmer, of Villanova University

If you’re like most hard-working entrepreneurs, you would love to leverage your educational background and training to help your business grow. After all, you invested many years and plenty of money in your education. Now it’s time to make it work for you by boosting your business’s bottom line.

Using Your Degree to Make More Profits Starts With Networking

Along with your degree, you “earned” a valuable resource during your college years: a network. Successful business owners know that networking can be one of the major keys to building and growing a sustainable business. Here’s how:

  • Finding unexpected opportunities: Most private companies don’t advertise when soliciting bids on contracts. The majority of sales are made through personal recommendations. Your network contacts can keep you informed about appropriate opportunities for your company.
  • Locating the best talent: You’ll have much more luck finding proven performers by asking your contacts than by placing an online ad.
  • Connecting you with mentors: No matter how much experience you have, there are other people with more. Tapping into a mentor’s knowledge can pay off by helping you avoid mistakes, improve operations and earn more profits.
  • Multiplying your knowledge and experience: Your network is likely filled with people from all walks of life who have worked for hundreds of industries, in thousands of roles. Many will have the insights you need at various times, and all you have to do is ask.
  • Growing your customer base: Network contacts can be your best customers. Plus, each has his or her own circle of friends, family and colleagues. This results in nearly endless promotional potential. Referral customers are often the strongest and will refer even more customers.
  • Establishing a vendor base: Strong businesses need solid supplier relationships. Avoid over-dependence on one or two vendors; look to your network for supplier recommendations.
  • Forming strategic partnerships: Many folks in your network share a similar customer base, but are not direct competitors. Referring work to each other is a great way to increase business.
  • Knowing key players: Many business owner needs to establish relationships with bankers, lawyers, community leaders and political figures. Rely on your network to introduce you to these key people, who could help your business when you need it.

Don’t worry if a busy work schedule has prevented you from maintaining ties with your college network. Simply join your alumni association and you’ll be instantly reconnected to a network of people, whether you were good friends and lost touch, or you never even met during college. And if you’re not already establishing business connections through social media networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, be sure to get started as soon as possible.

Another way to leverage education for the benefit of your business is through professional training for you and your staff.

Seek Out Training That Can Increase Your Profit Margins

Education is powerful, and can be extremely valuable for small business owners. Wherever you seek more knowledge, whether in an advanced degree program, professional training, or continuing education course; attending conferences; or joining professional organizations, you’ll be doing yourself and your business a favor. If you don’t stay up on industry trends or continue honing your business skills, you could quickly fall far behind the competition.

Moreover, don’t neglect professional training for your employees! Professional certifications, webinars, software classes or on-the job training initiatives will help them keep up with industry news and developments, which can pay off in numerous ways. Studies show that better-educated workers do a better job and tend to be more loyal. They will also be empowered to help drive business by utilizing their up-to-date skills, and by confidently promoting your business wherever they go.

Use Your Education in Business and Enjoy a Stronger Bottom Line

Business owners are natural risk-takers with willpower and determination to spare. While that’s a powerful combination of traits that are necessary for success, it’s not always enough. By using these tips, you can also leverage the power of your education and training to make your business stronger and more profitable, and keep it alive for the long run.

This post was provided by Erin Palmer. Erin writes about topics such as business intelligence certification. Her work helps students learn about business analyst training options.

Payroll Solutions: What Are My Options?

If you are searching for payroll solutions, then you have surely realized the necessity to streamline the processes for such an important part of your business. The subject of payroll can be daunting with the timely tax filing requirements, employee benefit tracking, and a whole host of other concerns. What system will be best for you and your business for processing payroll accurately and efficiently?

Manual processing

Of course this is the most basic of payroll solutions! Processing payroll by hand might seem like a good solution at first, in fact, it might not be so bad to start out. But then there comes a point when things like employee benefits, wage calculation, and many other payroll functions are too difficult to track by hand or in a spreadsheet.

Payroll software

Payroll software refers to a software application that is installed at your physical business location. Once the system is installed and working, your data is entered and also stored and accessed from your location and on your computers. Many people like the control offered by keeping the software and data in-house, rather than outsourcing it. Things like accessibility and security are completely within your control.

Payroll Service

Payroll services take some of the burden of payroll processing off the shoulders of the employer. While payroll services vary greatly, one of the key benefits is that the service takes care of the punctual filing of tax payments. Payroll services can also provide other services such as the distribution of employee checks and providing reports.

Only you can decide between payroll solutions and which one is best for your business. Things that go into the decision would be the size of your business, the complexity of your payroll, and how much control you wish to have.