Accounting Software - Benefits of Implementing Order Entry Software

An accounting program allows you to electronically enter, process and save orders. Typically, an order entry system is a component that works along with an accounting and/or inventory management software system. Using order entry can save a business significant time and streamline processes, when compared to using accounts receivable without order entry. Is order entry right for you? Consider the benefits of order entry, and you will get a much clearer picture of whether order entry is right for your business.

  • Know what’s available and increase order accuracy. Instead of writing orders on paper, with order entry you are entering orders right within the software system, where you are able to view item availability as the order is being entered. So instead of saying, “Just a minute, I’ll run back and see how many are available,” you’ll be saying, “There are twelve available to ship, and I can put the rest on backorder for you.” Not only does this make your customer happy, but also saves you time and extra work.
  • Create packing slips and pick tickets. Most order entry systems provide the option of printing packing slips and pick tickets when you are processing orders. The pick ticket is used for the shipping team to know what goes in the shipment, and which shelf to pull it from. The packing slip shows exactly what’s included in the shipment for the customer. Both items keep you organized, and present a professional image of you to your customers.
  • Create partial shipments, and put items on backorder. This is one feature of order entry that probably makes the biggest impact. If you are using accounts receivable, you can only enter invoices; there is no option to keep track of which items have been shipped or which ones are on backorder. Order entry keeps track of all of that information, and also allows you to ship partial orders, which maintains a high level of customer service. Retaining items on backorder also helps you remember to ship items once they arrive into stock.
  • Turn quotes into orders. The ability to create and save quotes is critical for winning more orders. Order entry allows you to create and save quotes, and then change those quotes into orders when it’s time, or even make edits to the quote and then change it into an order. This saves you significant time and also gives your customers what they need in an efficient way.

Adding order entry to your software can greatly speed up your workflow, increase accuracy and most importantly, keep your customers happy.

How to Choose the Right Time Clock Software for your Payroll Software

Many different types of businesses find time clocks crucial to the smooth and accurate operation of their business. Strawberry farmers, machine shops, fast food restaurants, manufacturing facilities and plant nurseries are just a sampling of the business types that would be lost without the ability to import time from a time clock in order to efficiently run payroll. Typically, a payroll software program is sold separately from a time clock. Thankfully, many systems are made in a universal format, such that they can often work together correctly. Use this article as a guide for how to choose the right time clock software to work with your payroll software.

The range of time clocks available is quite large, so be sure to find one that is appropriate for your business. First, think about your requirements and what type of information you would like to import from the time clock into your payroll system. For example, if you have simple time tracking requirements, you may need to import just the employee abbreviation, date, hours, and earning code. For more advanced requirements, you may need to also track things like profit center, department, work shift, pay defaults, expense accounts, pieces, etc. This all depends on your business. After determining the type of detail you would like to capture, it’s time to select the time clock. Determine the type of time capture tool appropriate for your needs and research manufacturers/distributors that offer the desired time clock solution. Here are a few examples of different types of tools that are available:

  • Electronic Time Clocks
    • Punch pad for employees to enter information
    • Card swipe (each employee has an employee identification card used to swipe)
    • Biometric (thumb or hand scan identifier)
  • Mobile/Hand held time capture devices (for capturing time/pieces at external locations)
  • Time Capture Software (computer based tracking)
  • Web-based time tracking tools

Before choosing the time capture device that’s right for you and your business, request a definition of the type of file their tool creates and the format of the file. If they can also provide a sample file, it is helpful in verifying compatibility. Here are the most common file formats.

  • Comma Delimited File Format (CSV) is a common file type for importing data. The data in the file is separated by a comma. For example: smithj,01012011,08,HR. The definition of that file would then be: employee abbreviation, date, hours worked and earning code.
  • Fixed Width File Format: The data isn't separated by any fields, instead the software tracks the number of characters per field being imported. An example of the data found in a fixed width file: 00000001110101201108HR. The file definition would then be: Characters 1-10 are the employee abbreviation,11-18 is the date, 19-20 is the number of hours and 21-22 is the earnings code.

Make sure that the file format for the time capture device you are interested in will work along with your payroll software. A call to your software provider would be helpful in ensuring the file format will work with the software.

Here are some of the popular vendors of time capture devices:

  • Qqest/Time Force
  • Acroprint
  • Nova Time
  • Kronos
  • T-3 Technology (hand held devise)
  • Agricultural Data Systems (hand held device)
  • Hand Track (hand held device)

Selecting the right time capture device to work with your payroll software will affect your business. Track the right information, select an appropriate time clock, set the whole system up correctly, and you will be on your way to seamless pay data entry for years to come.

Accounting and Payroll Software - Five Ways to Go Green

Everybody seems to be going green these days, and with good reason. As a business, it is important to do what we can to operate “greener”. There are things a business can do with their accounting and payroll systems that will make a large impact on the environment. As an added benefit to your company, while you are going green you will be streamlining your processes, saving processing time, and saving money too.

  1. Send invoices and statements via e-mail instead of via snail mail.

    These days nearly every business has an e-mail address. Set up customers with e-mail addresses to have their invoices and statements sent via e-mail. The environment will benefit in many ways, including the savings of gas to deliver the mail, the trees saved from the paper, and the gas emissions cut out. There are added benefits your company. You will save on the cost of stamps, invoice paper, envelopes, printer ink, and the cost of the time to print, mail and stuff the envelopes. What’s more, customers will have their invoices and statements instantly, promoting faster payment! If your business sends 300 invoices per month, that adds up to 3,600 sheets of invoice paper and 3,600 envelopes per year!

  2. Use direct deposit instead of printing paychecks.

    Imagine the amount of paper saved if you print checks every week for 100 employees. By paying employees with direct deposit, a company would save 5,200 envelopes and 5,200 checks per year. Save even more by skipping the printing of the pay stubs, and have your employees receive e-mail notifications about their pay, and the ability to log on and view pay data online.

  3. File tax forms electronically instead of printing and sending forms via mail.

    Do you order tax forms every year? Think of the time you spend ordering them, the cost, and the impact of all that paper. This year, file your tax forms electronically, and you can save the paper from the forms, the envelopes, and the stamps.

  4. Send and store reports electronically rather than printing.

    You likely run financial reports every month, whether it’s an income statement, balance sheet, or a long list of other reports you run for your business. You likely send the reports around to people who view them once, and then shred or throw them in the trash. Send the reports via e-mail, and you will save a significant amount of paper each month. Those who wish to keep the reports for later viewing can either store them in an e-mail storage file, or they can save the documents in a password protected file.

  5. Keep track of handwritten information in a computer spreadsheet.

    Sometimes it seems easier to just track things on paper instead of using a spreadsheet on your computer. Some of the things people still track on paper include serial and lot numbers, customer orders, customer pricing, and much more. Most people are shocked to learn how much time is saved by entering this information into a computer system instead of on paper! Most accounting software and/or payroll software can handle the storage of this information. By backing up the information on a regular basis, you can ensure this data does not get lost. Not only does this save on paper, it keeps information more accurate and easily accessible from one location.

Accounting and Payroll Software - Ten Reasons Why Current Software Technology is Crucial to Your Business

As a business owner, it's easy to make accounting software and/or payroll software a low priority. After all, you are busy making sure sales are up, costs are down, profits are high, and everyone is staying productive. Unfortunately, it's so easy to fall behind if you don't stay abreast of technology, and when that happens you can quickly lose the benefits that the software was supposed to provide in the first place. Here are ten reasons why keeping your accounting and payroll software technology current is crucial to the successful operation of your business.

  1. Hardware Compatibility:

    The old dot matrix printer still works fine, humming away in the corner, printing your invoices dot by dot. Hey, you can't hear each other speak over the noise, but you've become accustomed to it. So, why move? This is an all-too-common scenario, whether it's a printer, computer, or a long list of other hardware devices. For a business, hardware is an important component which allows you to print invoices, save valuable files, communicate with customers, and much more. The older your software system gets, the less likely you will be able to keep on performing those functions in a timely manner, and eventually you won't be able to at all. The software you are using plays a huge role in the hardware you are able to operate. Compatibility with new hardware is why it's important to keep your software up to date.

  2. Safety and Security:

    The good news is that we are now able to communicate much more quickly within a business, and also with outside contacts such as vendors and customers. E-mail, instant messaging, and a host of other modern technologies make communication much faster! But the downside is that there are also many more security threats. Keeping your software technology current helps keep your data safe from hackers!

  3. Time Savings:

    If you've been doing things the same way for many years, it's easy to believe that your way is the fastest way available. After all, learning a new system does take time. But in the long run, things like running reports, processing invoices and keeping track of data are generally done more quickly with newer technology.

  4. Company Image:

    How do your customers feel when they receive and view your invoice? Is it printed on nice paper with your logo and a custom message? Or is it printed on thin paper with tear marks on the sides, barely legible because of printing issues? Do not discount the fact that what your customers receive from you impacts their image of you. Having newer technology allows you to print documents and perform other functions that look much more professional than they did years ago.

  5. Customer Satisfaction:

    What happens when your customer asks to view all of their sales from you for the past three years? Are you able to help them, or is your historical data limited? This is one example where your technology affects your customer satisfaction. By moving to newer technology, you can improve your customer service and meet the needs of your customer more quickly and easily.

  6. The Green Factor:

    Older programs often require the printing of documents such as reports, financial statements, invoices, orders and other documents. Newer technology offers the ability to keep track of and send such communications electronically, saving many trees per year!

  7. Crucial Updates:

    If the software technology you are using is extremely old, chances are your program is no longer being updated or enhanced by the company who developed it. You may think your program doesn't require any more updates because it's been around for so many years. The truth is that updates and enhancements help keep your software compatible with everything else on your computer. By not receiving updates, you will experience more and more problems as other technology moves forward. Moving to newer technology can assure you get the updates to keep your company safe and secure.

  8. Support and Help:

    Many older programs are no longer supported, meaning there is no help available in case of questions or problems you may have with the software. While you may know the software well, there are always questions that arise with the advancement of other technology you are using. Maybe you installed a new printer or need help getting a time clock working with your software. Or perhaps a new employee started who is unfamiliar with the program and has questions. In cases like these, having support available is crucial to the function of your business.

  9. Compliance:

    These days even the government is starting to require companies to have a certain level of technology. Certain government forms must now be submitted online, and no doubt that trend will continue. Older programs often cannot handle the newer tools necessary to stay compliant, and moving to new technology will be needed to meet those requirements.

  10. The Band-Aid Factor:

    If you have ever had an extremely old car, you are all too familiar with the process of fixing one thing after another until you are worn down, and your pocketbook is empty. Trying to get anything old to keep working can become tiresome and can also become extremely expensive. Because you are keeping so busy trying to make the system work, you may not even be aware of how much time and money you are spending to hold everything together. Moving to newer software technology can seem challenging at first, but it is typically the best option for your business in the long-term.