CenterPoint Remove Transaction History Service Available

Red Wing Software is now offering a service to remove transaction history from your CenterPoint database(s) for any number of fiscal years and keep your beginning balances, outstanding payables, and receivables. Here are some reasons why you might want to remove transaction history.
The SQL Express database is approaching the 10 GB Microsoft SQL Express database limit. (SQL Express is the default version installed on CenterPoint systems).
Remove history that exceeds statutory retention requirements.
After removing transaction history, you can clean up master files without history. (Master files include Customers, Vendors, Employees, Projects, Profit Centers, etc.).
In some cases, there will be improved performance.
Normally, Red Wing Software can perform the remove transaction history service in an afternoon and get the database back to you by noon the next day. It may take longer if your database contains three or more companies. The service is offered at no charge to customers.
If you are using SQL Express, and your system contains 8GB or more of history, or you simply notice a system slow down, you may want to consider having transaction history removed.
To check the size of your database in CenterPoint, please follow these steps.
Select Help > About.
Select the Server information tab.
To determine the size of the database, look at the DB Size column.
Please call Red Wing Software at 800-732-9464 to schedule an appointment. You can also inquire by email at

CenterPoint – Your Short Review is Needed!

Red Wing Software displays products on the internet on a wide variety of websites, and some of them allow customer reviews. The reviews let others know what to expect! is one of those sites. We would love to get your review. You get good karma for spreading the word, and others benefit by seeing what real users think. We appreciate your feedback. Click the link below to submit your review. It should only take a few minutes. Thank you!
Click here to review CenterPoint Accounting
Click here to review CenterPoint Payroll
(Please note that we will read all the reviews, but we cannot access them in any way to edit or know who wrote them, since they are on a third-party site that does not belong to Red Wing Software. If you would like a response to any review or comment, please email

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

March 1st marks a milestone for me. I have now been with the company in some capacity for 40 years. 40 years!? Is that even possible? To give a little background, I started in a support position. Forty years ago, having a personal computer wasn’t too common, so in addition to providing software, we also sold computers, printers, and the like. So being a computer nerd, I was a good fit for the job. Over the years, I learned enough about software, accounting, and payroll to be dangerous. Enough about me. I really want to highlight our team’s longevity and knowledge.
To begin with, our average years of service throughout the organization is over 21 years. If I bragged about each person, this article would be several pages long, so I’ll focus on a few, and over time, each team member should show up in this newsletter. Here are a few examples:
Roxie, the voice of Red Wing Software, for over 32 years.
Larry, our internal technology guru, officially over 25 years. (Unofficially, I think he was stuffing envelopes for the company before he graduated 8th grade.)
George, a developer and internet technology expert, with over 33 years.
Tim, our Support Manager, has completed almost 30 years.
I shouldn’t have even started listing names, as I like to brag about our entire staff. We also appreciate new people and fresh ideas, our newest team member (just four months), Jake, hit the ground running. If you’ve had an opportunity to talk to him in his support role, you know about his commitment to seeing an issue through to the end. I would be remiss not to mention the many customers who have been with Red Wing Software since the beginning.
We have been extremely fortunate to have a great, dedicated team throughout Red Wing Software for a long time. We plan to continue this history of longevity for many years to come.

Employee Spotlight

Hi, I am Stephanie, and I have worked at Red Wing Software for nearly 18 years! I love working at Red Wing Software for many reasons, not the least of which is that we all know each other here, and we always support each other in whatever we may have going on in our lives. I enjoy working in marketing also because there’s always something new to learn, some new technology that can help us get our message out, and it is good to be learning new things constantly. It helps keep me feeling young!
One of the things I love to do outside of work is travel. I went on an exchange in high school and got hooked on traveling to new places! Several years ago, I met a guy who loves travel as much as I do. We got married in 2020 and have been on a mission ever since to see as many places as possible, even while we both still work full-time. In September, we went on a guided tour of Norway and were in constant awe of the country’s beauty. My favorite part of the trip was swimming in an outdoor pool at the Alexandra Spa in Loen while looking around at all the mountains and the beautiful landscape surrounding us. The fjords were absolutely out of this world! There are so many beautiful places in this world, and I love Norway, but my favorite place is still Vienna, Austria.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Usually, working in the technology industry is not a very scary occupation. After all, I’ve never heard of anyone getting seriously injured by a computer or software. However, a few things I’ve experienced or heard over the years are very scary. I want to share a few of these stories and will change the names to protect the guilty.
I will admit this first story is all on me. A long time ago, when we still used the DOS operating system, I was helping a customer clean up their computer and accidentally stepped them through how to delete all the files on their hard drive. As soon as they hit “Enter,” I realized what I had done, told them not to do anything on their computer until I got there, hopped in my car, drove to their location, and recovered everything I had them delete. That was a bit scary.
Here are some other scary things I’ve heard from customers:
“I just got a new computer and am using the old, outdated software. Since I no longer have the original program disks and don’t want to update, I’ll just use the old computer for my accounting.” So, what happens when the old computer dies?
At a January trade show, I heard, “I guess I should start putting in last year’s accounting data.”
“My hard drive crashed. Can you help me get my data back? I don’t have a current backup.” We are happy to help install the program on a new computer and restore data from a recent backup, but we can’t recover data from a destroyed drive.
I hope we didn’t hear these things from anyone reading this, but take a moment to think about what it would take (cost) to reenter months or years of data, and make sure you never put yourself in a position where this is necessary.