Believing These 3 Myths about Accounting Software Keeps You from Growing

Using an accounting system that can′t handle your business needs can be detrimental to the growth of your business. Check out these three myths about accounting software and see if your business is being held back.

Myth 1: It′s better to stay with my current accounting system than spend time and money on something new.

It may be tempting to stick with the accounting program your business has been using for many years. Moving to a new system takes time and effort, and it also means your accounting team will need to learn the new system. After many years of using the same system, users have likely become comfortable with it. As the system has aged and become outdated, users may have built work-arounds to make up for the lack of features. Because these work-arounds become habit, they don′t seem to be additional work, but in reality, there is likely a better way. Newer technology can eliminate work-arounds, eliminating manual work and reducing errors. Implementing a new system can help you provide better customer service, and can also help you increase profitability when you know where your profits are coming from.

Myth 2: All accounting systems offer basically the same features.

If you search for the term ‘accounting software’ you will find a multitude of systems available. You can be sure that none of those systems are exactly the same. All accounting systems offer a unique set of features. If you are working with a system that does not contain the features your business needs to operate efficiently, you are holding your company back from growing. Imagine the time you could save by emailing invoices, importing bank transactions, or being able to manage two inventory locations. These are just a few of the accounting system features that can propel your business forward because of the time-savings. In-depth reporting can also make a difference to your bottom line. By seeing information relevant to your business, you can make adjustments to increase your profitability.

Myth 3: If the software is good enough, I won′t need support.

No matter how good a software system, support is extremely important. Using software without support can lead to confusion and costly mistakes. The software support team can help you learn new processes and ways of doing things you may not have thought about, which can in turn help you streamline processes and increase revenue. They can answer any questions you have or help you solve problems. When you make a mistake and time is of the essence, you will be thankful to have a support person walk you through the process of fixing it, rather than guessing and getting it wrong. Indeed, support may just be the most important consideration for your software purchase.

Using an outdated software system or one that does not meet your business needs can hold your business back. Now that these myths have been busted, have a look at your system with fresh eyes and consider how you can grow by moving to something that fits your business better.

Did You Know?

You can stay up-to-date with the latest product updates and utilities available for download by accessing them through the Red Wing Software web site. From our web site, you can view the latest list of enhancements for all CenterPoint products by selecting Downloads from the top menu and then choosing your product from the drop-down menu. Once you are on your products download page, you can then view the What's New documentation by clicking the link included in the Updates section of the page.

Customers with a current Customer Care Membership can also download the latest versions from the same location by logging in and clicking the Download Now link and following the on screen instructions.

If you would like to purchase a Customer Care Membership, please call 800-732-9464.

Red Wing Software - Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, January was extremely busy in the office. Well, February seemed to be just as busy outside of the office. We had staff at several trade shows, and other staff taking our product training on the road. Among the venues that we attended included one of the largest trade shows under one roof. It was nearly a mile from one end to the other and included thousands of exhibitors. Check our web site for locations where we will be displaying or teaching our products, we would love to see you at one of the locations.

We had a chance to talk to many current and potential customers, and communicate the latest in what’s available in financial management software. One of the most interesting things I heard at the conference that I attended last week was the number of attendees that are still using outdated, obsolete, or antique hardware and software technology. (Yes, in some cases, systems that are over 20 years old.) That observation reinforced my belief in the importance of our role in keeping our customers informed about the latest technologies, and the importance of helping them keep their systems up-to-date.

One of our staff members made the comment; “Because of old technology, many people are just one computer burp away from losing all of their financial data history.” If you are in need of a technology checkup, please give us a call and let us help with your go-forward plans.

- Ken Hilton, President

The Person Behind the Voice – Jayme Poole

Jayme Poole has been at Red Wing Software since June, 2014 as a member of the support team. I talked to Jayme to see how she likes being a part of Red Wing Software so far, and to learn a little more about her.

What do you like most about working at Red Wing Software?

I love the fact that it is my job to help customers get their problem solved. To know that when I am done with a call, I have just helped someone find an answer to their problem.

What do you like to do outside of work?

In my spare time, my favorite thing to do is spend time with my family and friends! I have two kids, a son named Jackson who is nine, and a daughter Jaydea who is seven. Also, my boyfriend Brian has a son Collin who is twelve. They keep us very busy! When we are able to get out, we like to go to friends’ houses and socialize. I also coach volleyball for youth girls when time allows, unfortunately this year I had to take off due to a busy home life. I am looking forward to getting back to it next year!

Jayme and her Boyfriend Briand, with their kids Collin, Jackson and Jaydea

CenterPoint Payroll and the Affordable Care Act

ACA Requirements

Red Wing Software will implement the requirements for reporting applicable to employer-sponsored coverage for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the first half of 2015. CenterPoint Payroll will allow you to track all the information you need to complete the 1095-C and 1094-C forms for your organization, as well as the reporting requirements for the employee W-2 form.