Are you and your business in need of new accounting software? Are you dreading the buying process because of stories you’ve heard? Many times, the stories you hear are just that. Check out these four myths about buying accounting software, and you might just gain the confidence to make the software purchase you need for your business.
Transition times are long and tedious.
You may have heard others talking about their accounting software switch and how long it took to implement the new software. This is not a rare occurrence, but it’s definitely not a requirement for switching software. There are things you can do to prevent long transition times. Typically, these issues are the result of a lack of planning. You can lessen transition time by scheduling your data transfer or new data entry ahead of time. If your software vendor is going to help you, be sure they are committed to that date. Also m ake your internal staff aware of the scheduled date well ahead of time. When the data transfer/entry day arrives, you, your staff, and your vendor should place your primary focus on getting the data into the new software system. One mistake many businesses make is making the software transition a low priority, so efficiencies get lost, errors are made, and the process seems to drag on. Make your transition a priority, and it will be completed more quickly and efficiently.
You should wait until you have plenty of spare time to make the software transition.
It is true that you should schedule your data transition/entry during a time you are not at your busiest. However, if you wait until you are absolutely sure the transition day will be free and clear of any problems, that day will never come. Your business will always have work to be done, issues to deal with, and problems to solve. Therefore, be realistic and shoot for a day and time that will provide those who are involved enough time to focus on the transfer.
There are hidden costs associated with accounting software systems that pop up after you purchase it.
Believe it or not, many times what are considered “hidden costs” turn out to be needs and features that had not been discovered during the software search. This happens either because you forget to mention it, the sales representative didn’t ask about it, and/or your business needs changed. To keep this from happening, take control of your business needs well before your software search even begins. Make a list of the features your business needs. Get other departments involved in creating the list, and let them know that it will affect their job for years to come. Provide that list to your vendor and ask for a written quotation. Be sure your vendor understands your type of business, so they are also equipped to ask relevant questions you may not have considered.
There is a software package out there that precisely meets your every need.
Unless a software vendor is completely customizing a system that is specifically tailored to your business, expecting it to match up perfectly with your every need is unrealistic. What is important, is to find one that fits your needs BEST, at a price point you can afford. This is where your list of needs comes in handy. Use the list, and also schedule a live demonstration of the system for everyone involved. This way you can learn how the system will handle your needs, or discover deal breakers well ahead of time.
With careful planning and preparation, your company can find an accounting software system that will fit well and help your business for years to come.