CARES Act COVID-19 Reporting Updates

Congress recently passed coronavirus tax relief bills (CARES Act) to help businesses deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 Form 941, through our Aatrix tax forms software, is now available. If you have been using our recommended CARES Act COVID-19 paid leave setup process with the ability to select Retention Credit pay runs outlined in the document below, the 2020 Form 941 will automatically perform the new required calculations. If you did not follow the CenterPoint COVID paid leave setup process, the COVID-19 information will need to be manually entered on the 941 form in Aatrix (Retention Credit pay runs can still be selected). CenterPoint Payroll also has access to Form 7200 - Advance Payment of Employer Credits Due to COVID-19, and other CARES Act COVID-19 reports including PPP Payroll Cost reports to assist in completing the PPP Loan Forgiveness Application.
Click here to view documentation on CenterPoint Payroll and COVID-19 Paid Leave. Or from within CenterPoint Payroll, select Help > CenterPoint Help, and then enter COVID-19 in the Search bar.

NEW: Sign into Online Services from ‘My Account’

Red Wing Software has now made it easier for customers to log into online services for Publish Pay Advices, CenterPoint Time Clock, Red Wing Cloud Service, etc. Links to all online services are now available on the ‘My Account’ page. To access the links to your online services:
Go to the Red Wing Software website:
Click Log in. Enter your Email Address/Password and click Login. The My Member Account page will display.
If you are logged into the Red Wing Software website, select Welcome, (your name) and then select My Account Home to display the My Member Account page.
In the Online Services section, direct login links are provided for customers who are subscribed to the services, and there is also a list of online services available for those who are not subscribed.

Customers in the News

Red Wing Software Customer: Roossinck Orchards, Fremont, Michigan
Story: IFTA tour touts growers, processor power, March 2020 Issue of Fruit Grower News
Summary: The Roossinck family, along with other growers, attended the International Fruit Tree Association Conference.

A Great Way to Track Employee Time, for ANY Business

Do you have employees who use timesheets to track the hours they work? CenterPoint Online Time Clock isn't just a system for employees to clock in and out; it allows employees to manually enter and track their hours and also includes support for managing time off requests.
It’s a great way to track employee time, for ANY business or organization.
Watch this short video to learn more!
For more information, contact Red Wing Software at 800-732-9464 or email

COVID-19 Pandemic: How can Red Wing Software Help You?

During these challenging and unprecedented times, all businesses and organizations have endured sudden and unexpected changes. Red Wing Software is dedicated to providing the service you’ve become accustomed to for your accounting and payroll software. Below we have outlined some of the ways we can continue to help in these uncertain times.
Working from Home – Red Wing Cloud Services
If you and/or your employees need to work from home, and you are using a CenterPoint product, Red Wing Software Cloud Services are available to you. We understand that moving to the cloud may be temporary during the pandemic. While there is a charge for the hosting service, our staff will help you move to the hosted service at no additional charge. Then when/if you’re ready to move back to the locally installed platform, we will help you, also at no additional cost. Please note that the program is exactly the same whether it is used in the cloud or installed. As for Red Wing Software, all employees are equipped to work from home and are currently doing so. This has enabled us to provide uninterrupted service to customers while staying within safety guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other Features and Products
Here are some other features already included within CenterPoint, as well as add-on products, that can help with social distancing, and reducing the need to handle paper.
Email Statements and Invoices
Rather than printing and mailing or handing someone an invoice or a statement, set up your system to have them emailed instead. (This functionality is included in all CenterPoint accounting products.)
CenterPoint Online Time Clock
For use with CenterPoint Payroll, it enables employees and supervisors to enter time online and request time-off from any web-enabled device where the internet is available. Time entry and time off requests can be made from a personal computer or mobile device.
Direct Deposit
Securely deposit your employees’ payroll to their personal bank accounts, eliminating the need for printed checks.
Publish Pay Advices
Employees who receive direct deposit can view an electronic statement of their pay, on a secure website, eliminating the need for paper advices to be distributed.
We wish you and your employees good health during these difficult times, and we are here to help in whatever way we can.