Accounting Software Helps You Go Paperless: Part 1

No matter what type of business you operate, you have surely heard about businesses trying to reduce the amount of paper they are using. It all seems so easy in theory, but it can be challenging to actually change the processes you and your colleagues have been used to for so many years. According to, “…every year Americans mail 26 billion bills and statements and 9 billion payments in paper form. The production and transportation of those paper bills, statements, and payments consumes the following resources: 755 million pounds of paper, 9 million trees, and 512 million gallons of gasoline.” Visit their Web site for more interesting facts about going paperless. Here are some of the ways you can use your accounting software to help put your business on the road to eliminating the need for paper.

Send invoices and statements via e-mail.

All of the paper and envelopes that go into sending your customers invoices and statements really add up. Many accounting systems now allow you to set up your customers’ e-mail addresses within the system, and then send all invoices and/or statements to those with e-mail with just a few clicks. If you send out five invoices/statements per day, that’s 1,300 sheets of paper and 1,300 envelopes per year! Just think of the time saved, not having to print, collate, stuff, stamp and send all of that mail. Your customer gets the invoices sooner, and you might just get paid faster, too.

Store customer pricing in the system.

Do you find yourself flipping through disorganized folders of information, seeking the customer’s most current pricing sheets? Not only does this waste paper, but it also leaves the customer waiting while you search. Keep track of pricing in your accounting software and it will always be just a few clicks away. Do keep in mind that accounting software does vary in its capability to store pricing information. Some systems let you store one set of pricing, some store multiple sets and some even allow for unlimited contract pricing. Make sure your system allows you to store pricing in a way that will work for your business!

Enter and store customer orders in the system.

Here again, if you are storing customer quotes and orders in a paper file, things will be much harder to find. You will have a multitude of papers floating around, and it will take longer to access them. Instead, create and save customer quotes and orders in your accounting software system. Quotes and orders can then be searched for by number, customer name, etc. for easy access. The information will be easier to find, and you will consistently provide better service to your customers.

The second part of this blog will be continued in the next blog post.

Product Inventory - Using ABC Analysis to Improve Operations

There is an old rule that is still as relevant today as it has always been, and that is the 80/20 rule. This rule, when applied to your product inventory, says that 80% of you sales are from 20% of your inventory items. Know which items of the 20% are garnering the most sales can be crucial to growing your profits. That’s where ABC analysis can come in handy. ABC analysis within an inventory management software system is a practical report that can show you which items are most profitable. Here is how it’s typically broken down.

In an ABC analysis, inventory items are analyzed and ranked, based on a percentage of sales. Often, the software will give you the option of ranking your items based on either the “cost of goods sold” (COGS) during a chosen time frame (annual is the most popular), or else by the number of ‘hits’, which is the number of times the items have been sold.

When the analysis is done, items are typically ranked in descending order, using the following scale: A=80%, B=Next 15%, C=Next 4%, D=Next 1%, and X representing no sales. Many systems will even let you sort out specific product lines or items on which to perform the ABC analysis.

ABC Analysis can be extremely helpful for planning purposes, since it gives managers a clear picture of top performing items and can help solidify marketing plans, sales forecasts, purchasing plans, and more. By focusing on the 20% of the items that are responsible for 80% of your profits, you can create a smart plan to increase your profits down the line.

What Stresses You Out Most about Running Payroll?

Here at Red Wing Software, we talk to customers and prospects many times each day about payroll concerns. Every single company has different payroll issues that need to be handled in their own way. Frankly, many of our customers use Red Wing Payroll Software products to solve some of their biggest payroll issues and concerns! And when we cannot solve a payroll issue, we still do our best to help our customers handle them with our software. When prospects call us, the concerns we hear about most often include:

  • Employees working in multiple states.
  • Employees working in different departments on the same day.
  • Complex time calculations.
  • Unique deduction (and earning) tracking needs.
  • The need to solve time-consuming data entry.
  • The need to make tax filing and direct deposit more smoothly.
  • More flexible reporting with the ability to track specific information.
  • Flexible ways of paying employees.

So, what issues stress you out the most with running payroll?

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) Rate Reduction

The effective tax rate for the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) will be reduced from .8% (.008) to .6% (.006) on July 1, 2011. Congress has announced that the FUTA .2% surcharge, first enacted in 1977, will not be extended after June 30, 2011.

The IRS is currently revising Form 940 (Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return) to accommodate the two different FUTA rates for calendar year 2011.

Please sign in above and the select your product below for a PDF with full instructions on Modifying the FUTA Rate:

Accounting Software - Benefits of Implementing Order Entry Software

An accounting program allows you to electronically enter, process and save orders. Typically, an order entry system is a component that works along with an accounting and/or inventory management software system. Using order entry can save a business significant time and streamline processes, when compared to using accounts receivable without order entry. Is order entry right for you? Consider the benefits of order entry, and you will get a much clearer picture of whether order entry is right for your business.

  • Know what’s available and increase order accuracy. Instead of writing orders on paper, with order entry you are entering orders right within the software system, where you are able to view item availability as the order is being entered. So instead of saying, “Just a minute, I’ll run back and see how many are available,” you’ll be saying, “There are twelve available to ship, and I can put the rest on backorder for you.” Not only does this make your customer happy, but also saves you time and extra work.
  • Create packing slips and pick tickets. Most order entry systems provide the option of printing packing slips and pick tickets when you are processing orders. The pick ticket is used for the shipping team to know what goes in the shipment, and which shelf to pull it from. The packing slip shows exactly what’s included in the shipment for the customer. Both items keep you organized, and present a professional image of you to your customers.
  • Create partial shipments, and put items on backorder. This is one feature of order entry that probably makes the biggest impact. If you are using accounts receivable, you can only enter invoices; there is no option to keep track of which items have been shipped or which ones are on backorder. Order entry keeps track of all of that information, and also allows you to ship partial orders, which maintains a high level of customer service. Retaining items on backorder also helps you remember to ship items once they arrive into stock.
  • Turn quotes into orders. The ability to create and save quotes is critical for winning more orders. Order entry allows you to create and save quotes, and then change those quotes into orders when it’s time, or even make edits to the quote and then change it into an order. This saves you significant time and also gives your customers what they need in an efficient way.

Adding order entry to your software can greatly speed up your workflow, increase accuracy and most importantly, keep your customers happy.