Customers in the News

Red Wing Software Customer: Johnson’s Rolling Acres, Peterson, Minnesota
Story: Johnsons Convert Barn to Tunnel Ventilation
What the story is about: The Johnsons turned a naturally ventilated freestall barn into a tunnel-ventilated facility, allowing them to maintain a more consistent environment year-round.
Red Wing Software Customer: Johnson’s Rolling Acres, Peterson, Minnesota (Again!), and Bomaz Farms, Hammond, Wisconsin
Story: Progressive Events: ABS Global Experience Features Elite Genetics and Technologies
What the story is about: A four-day event where more than 220 visitors got a behind-the-scenes tour of some of the biggest names in genomics.
Red Wing Software Customer: Valley Springs Farm, Reedsburg, Wisconsin
Story: Harms Reinvent their Farm to Continue in Dairying
What the story is about: Don and Dorothy Harms turned part of their farm into a bed and breakfast.
Red Wing Software Customer: Crist Bros. Orchards, Walden, New York
Story: Jenny Crist Kohn makes the Fruit & Vegetable 40 Under 40
What the story is about: Jenny Crist Kohn, of Crist Bros. Orchards, has been named one of the 40 Under 40, Class of 2018.
Red Wing Software Customer: Clay View Dairy, Goodhue, Minnesota
Story: Meyers Recoup after Devastating September Storm
What the story is about: Clay View Dairy provided much needed help to a neighboring farmer, after a tornado struck.
Red Wing Software Customer: Schulze Dairy LLC, Holland, Minnesota
Story: Do Young Farmers See a Future in Dairy?
What the story is about: Three young farmers come back to the farm to continue the family tradition.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Since Red Wing Software is in the customer service business, I am always acutely aware of the kind of service I get from other businesses so I can learn the best ways to take care of our customers, and the kinds of service that can drive them crazy. (We try to avoid the latter.)
One day last week, I had the “opportunity” to be “WOWed” by the customer service at two local restaurants. Even though Red Wing, MN is a relatively small city, we have a number of “chain” eateries available to us. One such establishment is Culver’s, famous for their “ButterBurgers”. Since all their items are made-to-order, you order at the counter and they bring the food to your table when it’s ready. The food is good, but I also go there to watch their amazing staff.
As soon as I walked in, I was greeted with a friendly voice from behind the counter. I placed my order, took my number to place on the table, and sat down. I watched as the employees working as a team, cleaned tables and chairs, and picked up loose paper and fries from the floor. The neat thing is, they were interacting with customers, and smiling the entire time. While I sat there eating my meal, at least four different people stopped by to make sure everything was to my liking. When finished, I just sat there for a few minutes admiring how this organization was operating like a well-oiled machine. Finally, a young lady came over and said, “We have an extra ice cream cone - would you like it?” and handed me the treat. Most places would have just thrown it out, but she took the opportunity and effort to make an already happy customer even happier. I was “WOWed”. Then, as I walked out, a voice from behind me said, “Thanks for dining with us; have a great day”.
My other experience last week was with another national restaurant chain that shall remain anonymous. When the hostess finally noticed that we entered, she showed us to our table where we waited a few minutes for someone to take our drink order, and then a little later our food order. When our order arrived, we had to ask for another place setting because the three of us didn’t want to share the two knives and forks they had supplied us. The food was good, as usual, but then it came time to pay. I was fortunate to be a guest of the person across from me who was buying. There was a touch screen device on the table that was to be used for payment. After mentioning how disgustingly filthy the device was, I watch as he punched buttons and slid his credit card through the machine at least eight times trying to make it work. After struggling with the device, finally a server stopped by to help complete the transaction. Since he needed a receipt that was printed somewhere else in the building, the staff member had to retrieve it. I thought “WOW” wouldn’t it have been much easier for everyone if the staff member would have just taken the card, or even run it for us right at the table, instead of struggling with this device that was mostly in the way the whole time we were eating. A totally different kind of “WOW”!
In business, every contact we have with a customer, or prospective customer, is a chance to “WOW” them. We should all focus on making sure they are “WOWed” in the right way.

Attention: Red Wing Software Tax-Exempt Customers – Please Read!

Are you sales tax exempt and you receive Customer Care renewals and/or invoices from us that include sales tax? We are required to collect sales tax from all customers in the following states UNLESS we have a sales tax exemption form on file:
• Illinois • Indiana • Michigan • Minnesota
• Nebraska • North Dakota • Pennsylvania • Wisconsin
If your farm or business is exempt from sales tax, please email (, fax (651.388.7950) or mail us a copy of your sales tax exemption form so we can update our records.
** ONLY if you receive an invoice and/or Customer Care renewal with sales tax included.
If you are located in these states but are receiving invoices and/or Customer Care plans from us that do NOT include sales tax, then that means we have already received a sales tax exemption form from you and you do not have to do anything at this time.
This request is only for those of you located in the states listed above. If you are NOT located in the states listed above, we do NOT need a copy of your sales tax exemption form.

Did You Know?

New “Product” Feature Available in CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture Version 12.15
A growing need for raised crop product inputs is traceability. Maintaining products purchased and the ability to provide a list of products applied to each field are often needed. The new “Product” feature added to version 12.15 of CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture allows you to trace those needs. This new feature is available within the program at no additional cost. As crop inputs move from pre-purchase to work-in-process to harvested crops, a product detail flows with the input without additional accounts, so the account list remains clean. Additionally, the product stores customized fields of information, for example EPA registration number, active ingredients, or your own management details such as growing days on seeds. For detailed information, see the Understanding and Using Products document, Understanding and Using Products video, or other Product videos in the Products section here.

Free Pre-Recorded Virtual Classroom Sessions on W-2, ACA, and 1099 Forms

We are pleased to offer our Red Wing Software customers an opportunity to learn more about W-2, 1099, and Affordable Care Act (ACA) year-end tax forms via free pre-recorded sessions in our online Virtual Classroom. These sessions were recorded by one of our CenterPoint experts and provide you with in-depth information and explanations about the year-end tax forms from any location where you can access the internet (high-speed internet connection recommended).
You can view the free pre-recorded year-end tax form sessions and session materials from the links below. Under Course Materials (on the lower-left side of the page), first view the session materials and then view the video.
W-2 Forms for CenterPoint Payroll
ACA Forms for CenterPoint Payroll
1099 Forms for CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture
1099 Forms for CenterPoint Accounting and CenterPoint Fund Accounting