CenterPoint Year-End Support Tips

CenterPoint Year-End Support Tips
Q: I'm attempting to log into the Red Wing Software web site, but it does not recognize my Email and/or Password?
To Log in to the Red Wing Software Web Site:
1. In your web browser, enter, and press Enter.
2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
Enter your Email Address and your Password.
IMPORTANT: From now on, your email address will be used to log in, rather than a Username. The username will no longer be needed. Once logged in, the My Member Account page will display where you can locate specifics about your Customer Care Membership, Auto-Renewal Information, Product Updates, E-newsletters, etc. If your email address has changed since you registered on the Red Wing Software web site, you will need to register again using your new email address. Please see the "To Register on the Red Wing Software Web Site" section below for more information.
4. Click Login.
To Register on the Red Wing Software Web Site:
If you have not previously registered or logged in on the Red Wing Software web site, please follow the steps below:
1. In your web browser, enter, and press Enter.
2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
3. Click Register.
In the Account Number box, enter your company Account Number. Your Account Number can be located in a few different places:
? On the Support Certificate that you receive upon renewing Customer Care Membership.
? Red Wing Software sends customers a renewal form for Customer Care Membership. This renewal form contains your account number.
? Invoices you’ve received from Red Wing Software contain your account number.
? If others at your company have already registered, they can sign in to their account and find your company’s account number at
5. Continue entering your Title, First and Last Name, Email Address (which is your login), and a Password.
6. Enter the displayed Security Verification code, and then click Submit.
To Retrieve a Forgotten Password:
1. In your web browser, enter, and press Enter.
2. In the upper-right of the Red Wing Software home page, click Log in.
3. Click theForgetlink.
4. Enter/verify your Email Address.
5. Enter the Security Verification code, and then click Send. Click Close.
6. Wait until you receive an email that includes instructions to reset your password.
7. Click the link in the email that you received from Red Wing Software.
8. Enter the Validation Code which was included in the email. If you enter the code and it is not recognized, copy and paste the code from the email. The Validation Code expires in 24 hours.
9. Enter a New Password and then Re-enter the New Password.
10. Click Submit.
11. Click OK.
To Log Out of the Red Wing Software Web Site:
1. At the top of the Red Wing Software home page, click Welcome, (Your Name).
2. In the displayed menu, select Logout.
Q: Can I save a copy of my Federal/State tax forms as a PDF file for future reference?
A: Yes, after your Federal/State tax forms are initially printed, they can be printed again and saved as a PDF by changing the printer to the Adobe PDF printer and saving the PDF file to a location on your computer of your choice. Note: Unless this file is password protected, it can be opened and viewed by any user. Please search the internet for “password protect a PDF file” for more information.

NEW CenterPoint Payroll Topic-Specific Videos

Red Wing Software has released a new series of topic-specific training videos for CenterPoint Payroll. More than 50 new videos have been released, in a shorter, more concise format, so customers can quickly and easily get the training they need.
To view the videos, visit CenterPoint Payroll Help and click on the Videos button, or click here and then click on the Videos button.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Instead of telling you what I think this month, I’ll just ask some questions to provoke some thought. If these questions look familiar, and you’ve been asking them for a while, it might be because I asked similar questions in this newsletter about eleven years ago. Don’t just read the questions, actually think about your answers.
Are you controlling your business, or is your business controlling you?
Do you control the expenses in your business by operating from a budget, or do you operate by the “seat of your pants”?
Do you have processes in place (and documented) for internal job functions, or do you assume everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing?
You know that everyone in your organization has certain responsibilities. Have they been clearly communicated, and do the people in your organization know they have these responsibilities?
Do you know the true cost of items that you produce or buy for resale, including indirect costs?
Do you know your most profitable items and those items that are not so profitable and maybe should be discontinued?
Do you know your businesses key financial ratios, what they mean, and where the danger levels are?
Do you analyze the return on new asset purchases before the purchase is made?
If you think you have good answers to all of these questions, good for you. I challenge you to continually ask these questions throughout the year, and improve operations through better management. At Red Wing Software, we evaluate our position and try to answer these questions regularly. We fear that once we think we know all the answers, we stop improving.

Customers in the News

Lyndell Dairy featured in Dairy Star magazine

West Ridge LLC, of Bellingham, Minnesota, was featured in the July 14, 2018 issue of Dairy Star magazine. In the story entitled, “Sand Bedding, Activity Monitors, 3x Milking Make More Milk for West Ridge,” the Barthel family describes the steps that led to success in dairy farming.

Customers to hold Seminars World Dairy

Check out the lineup of World Dairy Expo seminars, in the September 12th issue of Progressive Dairyman. Three Red Wing Software customers are scheduled to hold seminars at the event. All of these seminars are being held at the Mendota 2 meeting room of the Alliant Energy Center’s Exhibition Hall.

Homestead Dairy, LLC

Large-scale robots: Is it worth the hype? Wednesday, October 3, 11:00am.

Blue Star Dairy

Virtual Tour – Highlights: 2,600 milking/family-run/multi-state farm. Wednesday, October 3, noon.

VanderMade Dairy

Virtual Tour – Highlights: 2,180 milking/cow comfort and longevity. Wednesday, October 3, 2:00pm.

Red Wing Software - Notes from the President Ken Hilton

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

One of Red Wing Software’s core values is to have fun. As an example, while I’m writing this, I hear a chorus of voices singing Happy Birthday in someone’s office. Don’t get me wrong, everyone takes their respective job seriously and wants to live up to our Vision – “Creating the Best Management Software Experience.” But, occasionally, a bean bag tournament will break out.

When you work with the best people and have great customers, then get them together, as we recently did at a classroom training in our Minnesota office, it’s hard not to enjoy the experience. On several occasions over the three-day training, attendees would ask, “Can I meet (fill in the blank)? I talk to them all the time and would like to put a face to the name.” We’d get them together, and then I’d hear the customer say, “I’m the person that always calls and bugs you about …”. Of course, the answer from our staff is always, “You’re not bugging me; that’s my job and we’re here to help. We would much rather you call and get help than struggle and get frustrated. We like to hear from you.”

Our team really does enjoy doing their jobs. During one of the breaks, a customer wanted to discuss something they were struggling with in the software, and had a suggestion for a new feature. Within about two minutes we had a small team assembled to hear what the issues were and find ways to help. Believe me when I say, “These team members didn’t drop what they were doing just because I asked them to - they truly wanted to know what we could do to improve the customer experience.”

Join us in having fun, and help us have fun by letting us help you.