Behind the Scenes - February 2017

  • Carole (Staff Accountant) went with three girlfriends to the NFR (National Finals Rodeo) in Las Vegas. While there they met Martha Josey - a national champion barrel racer that has been competing since 1964!
  • Katrina (Administrative Assistant) and her daughter are very happy the Pats won the Super Bowl!
  • Mike (Quality Assurance Manager) and his daughter participated in the Father/Daughter school dance team yearly recital.
  • Jada’s (Technical Support Specialist) daughter’s 5th grade basketball team went to the state tournament. They finished 12th in their division!

Customers in the News

Hillside Farm, featured in Progressive Dairyman

Laura Flory of Hillside Farm, a Red Wing Software customer, writes for Progressive Dairyman. She recently shared a touching story of her daughter’s first smile, while on a walk to see the cows. See the story here: A time for everything: A dairywoman’s transition from farmer to farm mom.

SunBurst Dairy, featured in the Dairy Star

SunBurst Dairy, a Red Wing Software customer, was featured in the story: Variety of factors help SunBurst Dairy achieve 36 percent preg rate, in the December 24th issue of Dairy Star. In the story, Yogi Brown details how they achieve their success. Click Here to read the whole story.

Behind the Scenes - Greg Lahaie to Retire

Greg Lahaie is retiring from Red Wing Software this week. You’ve most likely spoken to Greg if you’ve called our support team in the last 20 years. Greg has been employed with Red Wing Software since 1994, was away for a couple of years, and has been back since 2000. Greg and his wife, Jean, have been married for 42 years. They have three children that live in England, Virginia and Minnesota, and five grandchildren. Their grandchildren keep them busy watching their softball and soccer games, going to concerts, etc. They also love to travel. Having traveled to all 50 states, over 30 countries, and four of the seven continents, Greg is our go to person if we have a travel question.

Retirement plans include traveling to more national parks and monuments and convincing his wife to go to Antarctica. They will continue to be Minnesota Twins season ticket holders and will go watch them in different cities to add to the 11 they have seen them at so far. Grandkids, reading, riding bicycles, occasionally playing golf, and fishing will fill in the rest of the time.

We’ve tried many different ways to get Greg to come in and work occasionally or even provide his cell number to call so we can ask him questions, but so far he hasn’t agreed. We will miss his professional expertise and his friendship. Hopefully he will have some free time to stop in or go to lunch. Best wishes in your retirement Greg!

Red Wing Software Customers in the News - January 2017

Vir-Clar Farms, featured in Progressive Dairyman

Vir-Clar Farms was featured in the December 12, 2016 issue of Progressive Dairyman. In the story entitled “Visitor Center Gives Modern View of Dairying”, Katie Grinstead shares details about the farm’s new visitor center.

Yorek Farm, featured in Dairy Star Magazine

Yorek Farm was featured in a story in the December 10, 2016 issue of Dairy Star Magazine. In the story, “A Fine-Tuned Dairy”, the entire Yorek family helps explain their progress in expanding their operation.

SunBurst Dairy, featured in Hoard’s Dairyman

SunBurst Dairy was featured in a story in the November 28, 2016 issue of Hoard’s Dairyman. In the story, “Nutrition Sets up Reproductive Success”, Brian Brown of SunBurst Dairy explains their nutrition program and methods to increase reproductive success.

Shrimpf Farms, featured in Dairy Star Magazine

Kristin Schrimpf of Shrimpf Farms was personally featured in the November 12, 2016 issue of Dairy Star Magazine. In the story, “What is the Value of Networking with Other Women in the Industry?”, Kristin shares her background in dairy farming.

Dorrich Dairy, featured in Dairy Star Magazine

Dorrich Dairy was the subject of the story, “A Novel Bedding System”, which appeared in the November 26, 2016 issue of Dairy Star Magazine. The story elaborates on Dorrich Dairy’s new composting system.