Behind the Scenes - November 2016

  • Connie (Technical Writer) and her family traveled to Platteville, WI for Family Weekend to watch the dance Lindsey and her co-captain choreographed for the half-time show for the 150th Anniversary celebration of the University of Wisconsin – Platteville.
  • Ken (President) and his wife Pam (Administrative Analyst) celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at Key West, FL. Happy Anniversary!
  • Mark (Sales) and his wife Pam looked pretty groovy for Halloween.
  • Roxie (Administrative Assistant) headed up a drop-off site again this year for Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts.
  • Greg (Support Technician) and his wife Jean enjoyed watching a Minnesota Gopher football game from a suite which included a pass to go down on the field and high five Goldy Gopher.

Support Services Ending for Champion Controller and Red Wing Accounting Series Software

Red Wing Software will be discontinuing support services and product upgrades for Champion Controller Accounting and Payroll and Windows Accounting Series Software on March 31, 2018. If you are still using one of these products for your business, it is important that you work with our staff to start the transition process to CenterPoint Accounting and CenterPoint Payroll. There will be no upgrades or telephone support for Champion Controller or Windows Accounting Series once support ends. If you are also using Champion Controller Payroll, you will only receive tax tables for 2017; there will be no tax table updates for 2018.

A Red Wing Software consultant will help you through the transition process. Call us to get up and running on CenterPoint! We will move one database FREE of charge.

To speak with a consultant, please call 800-732-9464.

Thank you for being a long-time customer of Red Wing Software. We look forward to an ongoing partnership with you and your business!

Behind the Scenes

  • Ron (Support Technician) was recently married to Deb. Congratulations to the happy couple!
  • Carole (Staff Accountant ) and daughter Zoe competed at the WSCA Championship show. It is the largest all-breed horse show in the nation, with over 5,000 entries competing in 76 classes.
  • Jayme (Support Technician) coached the B-Squad Volleyball team for Red Wing High School this fall.
  • Roxie (Administrative Assistant) is a fan of Boz Scaggs and recently attended one of his shows. She acquired a few things to decorate her work space with.
  • Mike (Quality Assurance Manager) and his wife Kathryn and friends celebrated her milestone birthday in San Francisco, CA. Some highlights were riding the Cable Car, Golden Gate Bridge and touring Alcatraz.

Red Wing Software - Notes from the President Ken Hilton

This month, the Notes from the President portion of the newsletter is being written by a guest writer. Please be assured that the Notes from the President will continue next month with the words of Red Wing Software President, Ken Hilton.

By Stephanie Elsen, Red Wing Software Marketing Manager

I still remember when my dad brought home a Commodore VIC-20 computer. He set it up in the basement and told us to figure out how to use it. I was around 11 years old, and I thought we were certainly a high-tech family! I followed the instructions and created a little game. It was crazy how you could just push those little buttons and create your very own game.

I also remember the Macintosh computers in the school library where we played the Oregon Trail. There again, just push a few buttons, and take a (fairly slow and choppy) journey across the United States as the pioneers did. Technology grew, and soon I was in college where they expected me to use a computer, along with a Norton Textra Writer program, to write and print up my papers. WHAT? Isn’t writing the paper hard enough? I really struggled with that back then! But before long, it became much easier than using a typewriter, or writing it by hand.

I am sure you can remember as I can all the new technology that came along over those years. I don’t know about you, but I found each and every one a little scary and intimidating at first, but after learning to use it, I wondered how I ever got along without it! Thankfully, now that I’m older and technology moves faster, I am used to learning new things. Windows® 10, the newest iPhone® update, Facebook’s™ new interface…all new technology I’ve gotten used to fairly recently.

I love working for Red Wing Software - a company that is constantly striving to provide new technology for our customers. It is great to hear from customers who can now complete processes faster, access information more easily, and become more efficient because of using our products. We now have CenterPoint available in a cloud (hosted) environment, which can help so many of our customers. Sometimes we have to sunset our older products in order to make way for the newer technology. If you are still using a legacy product, I strongly urge you to have a look at CenterPoint, whether it’s the installed or cloud version. It is an amazing product, and we hear from customers often that they wish they had made the switch sooner.

Behind the Scenes- Red Wing Software's TC 10 Mile Team!

  • Katrina Nelson

    The only race I have ever done was a 5K three years ago in Rapid City, SD, and even that was a challenge for me. I had laughed at Stephanie when she first asked “Would you be interested in running a 10 mile race?” After thinking about it, I thought why not, I’ll give it a shot! I’ve been practicing running ever since then and have really surprised myself. It’s good to have goals (even if it’s a little out of your comfort zone) and keep pushing yourself for a better you. My main goal is to finish the race, without ending up in an ambulance. I am doing this race for my daughter, who is almost four, to show her that you can accomplish difficult goals if you put your mind to it! She has been my little coach. Thanks Coach Kyla!

  • Jill Fox

    I ran a half marathon last October and quit running after that. The TC 10 Mile has gotten me back into running. I enjoy lifting weights and going to classes at the Y but it feels great to get back to running. I will be doing a Ragnar Trail run in September and also completed the Spartan and 1/2 Tough Mudder this summer.

  • Rachel Glover

    Running is one of my favorite things to do for exercise! I love the friendships that I have formed through running groups! I've done a few other 10 mile races along with many 5ks. When this race came up it was another chance to run with a wonderful group of people and it's going to help this mama get back into shape after welcoming our beautiful daughter in July!

  • Stephanie Elsen

    I have run two marathons in the past, and am excited to run this 10 mile race because I want to get back into running. The only running I’ve done for the past few years is to the fridge while watching Netflix. It feels good to be getting back to it – when I started training for this race I could barely run a block without stopping, and I just ran six miles this past weekend. It’s a little bit harder now that I am 47, but I am loving it anyway!

  • Kathryn Zielski

    I'm excited to be running the TC 10 Mile with the Red Wing Software team this year! I consider myself a reluctant runner... I do not love it, but it's the most efficient workout I've found. I go in spurts and have run Grandma's half marathon twice, and the TC 10 Mile two years ago. I haven't run much in the past year, so this has been a good motivator to get started again. Hopefully, I make it to the finish line on October 9th!

  • Lizz Hilton

    I ran consistently in college and within the past two years have started running again. I usually do not participate in organized events as I run not only for exercise but also as a form of relieving stress. I have never run farther than eight miles at a time so I figured this would be a great challenge and motivator to get out of my normal routine. I plan on running the Ragnar Trail Run next year with the company I am employed with.