Do You Know If Your Checks Are Protected Against Fraud?

Computer Forms, Inc. checks have eight standard security features to protect your company!

Identity theft and fraud are continuing problems. Keeping your company’s assets safe is your prime consideration. We will supply checks that include a minimum of eight (up to ten are available) different security features.

Computer Forms, Inc. the exclusive provider of checks and forms for Red Wing Software customers offers a Price-Match Guarantee.

You can order checks guaranteed to be 100% compatible with your Red Wing Software products and Computer Forms, Inc. will match your current vendor's price on any new custom printed check. Checks must be commercially produced and have comparable design and security features.

To place your order, please call: 1-800-458-0158.

The Person Behind the Voice – Connie Skaggs

My voice isn’t often heard by our customers, my name is Connie Skaggs and I am the Technical Writer at Red Wing Software. I produce the documentation that is included with our products, including How2 documents, online Help, year-end FAQ documents, and training materials.

I have worked in the accounting software industry for over 25 years and have a degree in Computer Information Systems. Some of the positions I’ve held in that time are Customer Support Technician, Customer Support Manager, On-site Installation Specialist, Trainer, and Technical Writer.

Outside of the office, I am very involved with my two teenage daughters, Lindsey (16) and Jenna (13). They are both cheerleaders, active in band and on the high-school dance team, and Jenna tap dances competitively. Needless to say, we don’t often have a free weekend! My husband, Joel, and I both serve on the board of the Dance Team Parent Association and are very active in fundraising for the team. When the girls aren’t in school, we enjoy spending time together at our seasonal campground where we’ve all made great friends, watching our favorite hockey team, the Minnesota Wild, and most of all just hanging out as a family.

Connie,her husband Joel and her two daughters

Red Wing Software Customers in the News

Red Wing Software customer Mason Dixon Farms was featured in the April issue of Dairy Today in the article, “Doyle’s Rules.” The management team of Doyle Waybright; his brothers, Bert, Alan and Joel; and several other family members are constantly looking for new dairy technology to continue to build on their operations success. To read the entire article, click here.

CenterPoint Accounting and Payroll customer, Homestead Dairy, was featured in the April 10, 2014 issue of Hoard’s Dairyman. In the article, “Technology Moves Them Forward,” Brian Houin of Homestead Dairy discusses how he is always looking for new and unique ways to improve the efficiency of his operation, and searching for the next best thing that will keep his farm moving forward.