Do You Know What Operating System Your Computer is Running On?

You can find out what operating system your computer is running by using the examples below.

Here are general instructions for finding information about your Windows® operating system. Because all system installations are different, these instructions may not work for you. For further help determining operating system compatibility, please feel free to contact us.

  • Open your Control Panel (you can find it in My Computer or on the Start menu).
  • Double-click the System icon.
  • Alternatively, from your desktop, right-click My Computer and select Properties
  • The window that opens will show you the version of the Windows operating system you are running.

If you are working in your CenterPoint Accounting or Payroll program, you can follow the instructions below to find out what operating system you are currently running.

  • On your Menu bar, click on the Help menu at the top of the page.
  • Scroll down and click on the About menu. When the window opens, click on the System Information tab and scroll down until you see Operating System Name under the Property column. The operating system you are currently running will be displayed under the Value column.


CenterPoint About Screen

AgCHEK and Perception Users: Three Important Things You Need to Know

Ag Check and Support Ends

Red Wing Software users of programs AgCHEK and Perception: there are some upcoming changes to be aware of: AgCHEK and Perception support will be ending soon. (You’ve likely seen a note about this in the company newsletters, postcards or elsewhere.) Support will be ending March 31st, 2015 for AgCHEK and Perception. This means after that date, you will no longer be able to receive support services via telephone or email, and updates will no longer be made to the programs. In addition, there will no longer be payroll updates available for Perception Payroll after December 31st, 2014. Even though the thought of moving to something new might make you anxious, we want you to know that we are here to help! Here are three important facts about moving to CenterPoint, that may just help put your mind at ease, and get you on the road to making the move.

  • All of your data will transfer to CenterPoint.

    Yes, ALL of your data will transfer over from Perception and AgCHEK, even the history! Your vendors, customers, chart of accounts, transaction history…EVERYTHING. What’s more, the process of bringing your data over is a very simple one. There is a tool built-in to CenterPoint Accounting which allows you to complete the process yourself, or the support team can help out if you prefer. They can also help you make sure everything transferred correctly. So you need not worry about having to go back to your old system once you make the move to CenterPoint. You also don’t need to run the two systems parallel, once you’ve made the switch.

  • You can work with the same support technicians.

    Are you worried you’ll have to work with somebody new, once you switch to CenterPoint? You may be happy to know that the same technicians who support Perception and AgCHEK also provide support for CenterPoint. So, you will be familiar with the people helping you. (Note, all of our technicians are excellent, so you wouldn’t have to worry anyway!)

  • There are many ways to learn the new program.

    You’ve been a customer of Red Wing Software for many years, so surely you know we stand behind our customers! There are several ways you can get used to the new CenterPoint program. Most of them are free.

    • Online training videos. (FREE) There are two “New User Essentials” videos available online, which you can use to familiarize yourself with the CenterPoint program. Each video is 60 minutes long, and you can view them at your leisure. You need not be signed in, and a Customer Care Plan is not required. (You can view them now if you’d like!) Customers who view both videos are much more successful in their transition. Click here to learn more: Online Training Videos.

    • View a live demo. (FREE) If you are thinking about making the switch, but you have specific questions or want to see certain things in action, you can schedule and attend a live, personalized online demonstration. To schedule a demo, call us at 800-732-9464, or visit this link to schedule it online: View a Live Demo

    • How2 Documents. (FREE) The How2 Documents section of the web site offers step-by-step instructions for specific processes within CenterPoint. To view the How2 Documents, you need to have a Customer Care Plan and be signed in.

    • Classroom training. (Additional Cost) Some people prefer to attend a live classroom training session. If that is you, we’ve got you covered. Click here to learn more: Classroom Training.

Moving to CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture is an excellent option. Read some of the customer comments about CenterPoint: CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture Customer Comments. Give us a call if you have any questions, or you are ready to take the next step: 800-732-9464.

Total Seed Production Expands Plant Capacity 5th Consecutive year

Total Seed Production, Inc. Logo

Total Seed Production, a Red Wing Software customer, has announced expansion plans. Christy Conaway had this to say about Red Wing Software: "We have used Red Wing Software for 8 years now. It is a wonderful program and we really enjoy the help we get! Thanks for making our business easier to operate!"

Many thanks to Total Seed Production for being a customer, and a hearty congratulations on your growth! Read more about the expansion news below.

Tipton, Indiana, - Total Seed Production, Inc. (TSP) is pleased to announce the completion of yet another plant expansion project. This year completes the goal of doubling the plant’s capacity within 5 years. This type of investment proves TSP’s commitment to its customers to continue providing them with high quality seed and first class service; which the company has consistently been doing for the past 78 years. “Our operation continues to expand because of our unique seed production structure, which allows us to be an unmatched leader in quality and service.” said Aaron Conaway, President of TSP. Aaron Conaway also states “TSP’s key to success is centered on our vertical integration and being able to control every step of the process. This includes raising the crop on our own land, through the entire packaging and distribution process.” TSP is located in the heart of the best seed production region, on nutrient rich soils, with all seed fields being produced in the four counties surrounding the facility.

A few of the capacity expansions over the last 5 years have been:

  • 2014: Fully automated packaging line with robotic palletizer and 24,000 sq. feet of additional warehouse storage
  • 2013: Doubled capacity of the treating / packaging facility, added refuge blending equipment, and 17,000 sq. feet of additional warehouse storage
  • 2012: 100,000 bushel single pass-reversing ear corn dryer, and 84,000 bushel of additional bulk corn storage capacity
  • 2011: 100,000 bushel single pass-reversing ear corn dryer, and 75,000 bushel of additional bulk corn storage capacity
  • 2010: Doubled capacity of the husking and sorting facility by adding 4, 16 lane A&K husking beds

Total Seed Production Inc. is family owned and operated by 4th generation seedsmen, and is one of the largest vertically integrated seed corn and soybean seed producers in the United States. The home office and production facility is located in central Indiana and services customers throughout the entire USA, Canada, and Mexico.

Learn more at

Total Seed Production Employees

In photo: (left to right) Ryan Campbell (Vice President) Christy Conaway (Secretary/Treasurer), Aaron Conaway (President)

Financial Accounting Software: The Changing Landscape

By Stephanie Elsen

Remember back in the 1980’s when financial accounting programs were really starting to sprout up here and there? Software developers from all over created and marketed their own applications to businesses and organizations. People in businesses of all sizes finally had the opportunity to track and manage financial information on a computer, rather than on paper. As time went on, some financial accounting software developers got purchased or merged, some closed their doors because of too much competition, and some thrived and are still improving and growing today.

Back when all the accounting software developers were starting up, even the smallest, one person developer could create and market his/her own accounting application. It was so much easier to do back then, since businesses often wanted to buy the system from someone local. They wanted a partner who could be there to help them if needed. Buying from a local software provider gave the business a sense of comfort, knowing there was someone who could help them when needed. And then, the internet changed everything. More and more support options became available online, phones became automated, and many software companies started providing telephone and internet support options. Bigger companies such as today’s Intuit and Sage started acquiring customers on a large scale. Many other smaller companies continue to grow and thrive as well.

Computer with accounting software

Today, the practice of purchasing financial accounting software from a company that is not in your neighborhood is well accepted. There are still many wonderful local developers and also partners who represent the larger accounting software companies, by providing services for them locally. These days, the service you get from your software provider can vary greatly. That’s why you should always check out these aspects of the services they offer.

  • Are they easy to reach?
  • Do they speak your language?
  • Are they experienced?
  • Are they responsive and courteous?
  • Do they make meaningful updates to their system?

No matter whether you choose a mass-marketed product or one from a smaller company, these questions are extremely important in your research process. Managing your company’s financial information is not a subject to be taken lightly. Ask the questions, get the answers, and choose the financial accounting system that is just right for you.

Red Wing Software Offers Online Training Registration

Red Wing Software offers live classroom training for customers at its facility in Red Wing, Minnesota, as well as other locations throughout the year. Customers have traditionally called to register for the classroom training. Signing up online makes the process simpler, for those who prefer to go online. (Those who prefer to register by phone still have that option as well.)

To register for live classroom training online:

  • Go to (Be sure to sign in, so the system recognizes you as a customer.
  • Choose Training>Classroom Training.
  • Click on the link for the training session for your product, and the date you prefer.
  • Click the ‘Register’ button.

Follow the cues to register. Customers who have a current Customer Care Plan are eligible for a discount, based on the level of their plan. If you are logged in and have a Customer Care Plan, the system will recognize it and show your discounted pricing.

To learn more, please see the Press Release.