Red Wing Software customer Indy Family Farms to be honored at the Indiana State Fair

Check out Red Wing Software customer, Indy Family Farms, who will be honored at the Indiana State Fair. They are the single Indiana State Fair representative for Produce Day as they highlight various ag-related disciplines. Click to read the full story at their local paper, the Daily Journal.

Rob Richards and sons Eric and Aaron Dave Charrlin Photography

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting for CenterPoint Payroll

Red Wing Software has released a new feature with CenterPoint Payroll that allows employers to track and report required ACA information for tax filing purposes.

The new feature allows employers to track ACA information so it will appear on forms 1094-C and 1095-C. Current CenterPoint Payroll users can now download and install the newest version, 9.18, even though the final versions of forms 1094-C and 1095-C will not be available until the week of December 21, 2015, when Red Wing Software releases the end-of-year tax forms and tax table updates. Customers will automatically be prompted to perform an update when the forms are ready.

If you do not currently use CenterPoint Payroll but are interested in purchasing it, please call 800-732-9464.

Picking the Right Accounting Software with Abraham Lincoln Quotes

Our beloved 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, had an amazing way with words. Let’s have a look at some of his best quotations, and how they can apply to your accounting software search.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” -- Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln understood the importance of preparation. This quote can also apply to your software search. The most important part of a software search is not in the free demo trial or your conversation with the vendors (though those things are important). The most important part is in the research you do before even looking at any software. It used to be easy finding an accounting system because there were very few to choose from. Now, there are hundreds of software packages available, each of them unique, ranging from ‘FREE’ to $100k+. Do your research about various software companies. Find out whether their features, service options, training, etc. will enhance your processes. Look at their web site and marketing materials, and read customer reviews. Then you can narrow your search down to a short list of vendors and be confident when making that first call.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” -- Abraham Lincoln

These famous words from Lincoln lend themselves well to an accounting software search. When selecting a new accounting system, be sure to gather input from everyone who uses or is affected by the system. Without asking for everyone’s input, how would you know that the shipping team needs a new kind of packing slip, the warehouse team needs a better way to track inventory, or the accounts receivable team needs a better report for collections? By including everyone in the search process, you will gain knowledge that results in a system that would be beneficial to everyone. After all, a company divided by accounting software may stand, but it won’t be pleasant, and it won’t run as efficiently as it could.

“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” -- Abraham Lincoln

Once you have selected an accounting software system, you should feel confident in your choice (as long as you’ve put in the time and effort to research carefully). Installing a whole new system can be challenging at times, but it will be worth the additional time and energy to solve the problems that led you to your search in the first place. So if there are problems to solve along the way, stand firm in your decision, and encourage other users to do the same. Also be sure to trust in the help provided to you by your new accounting software vendor. They work with new customers often, and are a vital resource to help get you through the transition.

3 Effective Ways to Get More Out Of Your Accounting and Payroll Software

Managing the accounting and payroll system is an important job. Use these three tips to make your job easier, and get better results.

Use the universal help key.

Did you know there is a function key that can help you find the answers you are looking for, right within the accounting system? Most programs, not just accounting programs, offer help that is specific to their program.

This help can be accessed by using the F1 function key. F1 is a shortcut key that brings up a help screen, so you can find the answers you are looking for. Within Red Wing Software accounting programs, the help is specific to the area of the program you are working in. While some people may find this obvious, those who were unaware can gain a lot by starting to use this handy function. Using the F1 key can save you considerable time by providing the answers you need immediately. It can also help you learn new ways of performing tasks that you may not have considered.

Invest in training.

Some of us are really good at learning how to use a new software program. Others of us, not so much. Either way though, attending training for your accounting software is an excellent idea. It will likely make your job easier. Getting training by the company who developed the software, or a close partner, will provide you with tips and tricks you may not have thought of on your own. You simply don′t know what you don′t know, and training will show you what you don′t know. What′s more, you can ask questions during training, to get your specific questions answered. Attending training is a crucial investment for those using the accounting system. It can simplify and improve processes for years to come.

Create your own reports.

Not all businesses are created equal. Well, in fact no two businesses are the same. Don′t get stuck with reports that do not meet the needs of your business, or the needs of those requesting information from you. Whether it′s you, your management team, or others requesting information, use report customization to generate the information that is needed by creating your own reports.