The Person Behind The Voice – Jon Isackson

Red Wing Software Product Manager / Support Services Manager

Jon Isackson is Red Wing Software’s Product Manager and uses his more than 31 years of experience to help shape the products that are produced for our customers. Then, in his role as Support Services Manager he leads a team of dedicated professionals in making sure that our customers understand how to effectively use those products. Many of you may have spoken with Jon during our very busy season, as he was on the phone helping with the large volume of customer calls, and spent most Saturday mornings doing research on any payroll problems that needed to be solved in order to get our customers up and running.

Jon started with Red Wing Software as a programmer in 1981, then splitting his time between development of the software and support of the customers who used the software. As Red Wing Software grew, he advanced from being the sole developer to heading up the entire development team. After the merger with Red Wing Software, Champion Business Systems and FMS Harvest in 2000, Jon moved from development to become Product Manager and Support Manager.

Having been here since Red Wing Software’s early years, Jon helped form the company Red Wing Software is today, from the special care we give to our customers, to the use of customer comments in shaping the development of our products.

Jon stays young by spending time with his granddaughter Kathryn, and enjoys the Minnesota summer by spending time on the local golf courses.

Computer Solutions Incorporated (CSI) of Kansas Held 25th Anniversary Event

By Stephanie Elsen

Red Wing Software partner Computer Solutions Incorporated (CSI), of Smith Center, Kansas, recently held an educational event to commemorate its 25th anniversary. Red Wing Software would first like to offer a word of congratulations to Galen Lambert, his company (CSI), and his whole team on their 25th anniversary in business! Galen and his team have helped Red Wing Software customers for many years, and have offered valuable input into Red Wing Software products as well. We appreciate their partnership and all they have done over the years.

The CSI 25th anniversary event brought in speakers from all over the U.S. to talk about security and the cloud. The event featured key note speakers and a variety of educational breakout sessions. Dinner was provided for everyone in the evening.

CSI is a privately owned company founded by Galen Lambert in 1987. CSI’s corporate office is in Smith Center, Kansas, with satellite office in Beloit, Concordia, and McPherson Kansas. CSI’s main focus is on information technology services.

What’s your Favorite Add-on for CenterPoint Accounting Software or Payroll Software?

By Stephanie Elsen

Over the years, Red Wing Software has worked hard to create add-on items that our customers have requested and need for their accounting software and payroll software. Whether you are using CenterPoint Accounting for business, agriculture, nonprofit or municipal, or CenterPoint Payroll, what has been your favorite add-on, and why?

Here are some popular add-ons available for CenterPoint:

  • Advanced Earnings Matrix
  • Check Designer
  • General Ledger Journal Import
  • Employee Training/Certification Tracking
  • Publish Pay Advices
  • Ratios
  • Time Import

Which of these have you found most useful, and why?

Accounting Software – How Much Can You Save?

By Stephanie Elsen

Have you ever wondered if switching software is worth it for you and your business? There is the cost of the software itself and training, not to mention the time investment. So, how do you know if it will really be worth all your time and money? Now there is an excellent tool where you can plug in real details about your business and see how much money you could potentially save. The tool was created by the accounting software experts at Click on the link to give it a try for yourself!

Accounting Software – How Much Can You Save?