Behind the Scenes - November 2021

Julie (Implementation Consultant) and her friends attended a charity Witches Night Out.
Allison (Accounting Software Support Specialist) got a new tattoo honoring her dog, Bentley, that she lost in January. In the tattoo, there is his paw print with his portrait, and then some birds, feathers, and her horse Jetta’s hoof print.
Katrina (Customer Service Representative) and her daughter, Kyla, celebrated their dog Kota’s graduation from basic obedience training.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving gathering with family and friends.
Our development, support, quality assurance, and education teams have been busy programming, testing, and documenting the 2022 payroll withholding tables and the tax changes for depreciation. Subscribing to a Customer Care Membership with Red Wing Software ensures you have the latest information for accurately calculating payroll and depreciation in a timely manner. This newsletter is packed with valuable year-end information, so I’ll keep my very important message brief.
On behalf of Red Wing Software, I want to wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and prosperous New Year to our families, customers, co-workers, partners, vendors, friends, and especially all the people that help keep us safe and free.

Product Suggestions

A new email link has been added to the Red Wing Software newsletter. In the right-hand column, you will find “Product Suggestions” with the email under it. Use this email to submit product suggestions and leave feedback for CenterPoint or any other Red Wing Software product you use. Customer suggestions are crucial to making Red Wing Software products the best they can be. All product suggestions, no matter how big or small, are reviewed by our team. Just click on the link, and your default email program will open an email to that address. We look forward to receiving your suggestions.

Behind the Scenes - October 2021

Carole (Staff Accountant) and a friend did a cattle drive in the bluffs of southwestern Wisconsin (Devils Hole Ranch).
Larry (Manager of Information Systems) and his kids ran the Twin Cities Marathon on October 3rd. It was the first full marathon for Ellie and Larry, and for Marcus, it was his second. They started training last December and had a great adventure running around the lakes, rivers and creeks of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Roxie (Administrative Assistant) and her husband Steve toured some New England states. They are pictured here at the Taftsville Covered Bridge in Woodstock, Vermont.
Connie (Technical Writer) and her family traveled to South Dakota to take in a SDSU Jackrabbit football game and watch a half-time dance choreographed by their daughter (sister), Jenna.