Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Cautious, but not fearful. I was having a conversation recently with our Red Wing Software CEO, Jim, and as often happens during these times, the subject of the pandemic came up. We discussed how we felt about the risk of contracting the virus and what steps we were taking to protect ourselves and others.
His response was he was “cautious but not fearful.” I thought that was a great attitude toward the pandemic, and many other things in life and business. When thinking about personal purchasing decisions and or major life-changing decisions, after doing the appropriate research, and making your decision, be cautious, but not fearful of your choice.
When making business decisions, such as taking on a new venture, investing in new modern equipment, or deciding when it’s time to hire additional employees, again, after doing the appropriate budgeting for the new project, evaluations of the new equipment, and interviewing and selecting the right people, move forward, and be cautious but not fearful.

Behind the Scenes - June 2020

Katrina (Customer Service Representative) captured this awesome picture of lightning during a storm on June 2nd.
Roxie (Administrative Assistant) enjoyed birthday partying with three of her grandsons (ages 11, 6 and 1) whose birthdays are within five days of each other.
Ashley’s (Accounting Software Support Specialist) daughter, Paytin, got her braces off.
Allison’s (Accounting Software Support Specialist) dog, Bentley (black Great Dane), visited his “girlfriend”, Abby (Golden Lab cross), and Abby’s brother, Arlo (the brown and white Shepherd cross).

Online Training Sessions - July 2020

Online Training SessionsWe are pleased to offer our Red Wing Software customers an opportunity to learn more about CenterPoint via Online Training sessions. Online Training sessions provide you with in-depth information and explanations that allow you to learn more about CenterPoint from any location where you can access the internet (high-speed internet connection recommended). The sessions are presented live by one of our CenterPoint experts while you view the presenter's computer screen. You will have the opportunity to ask questions. The sessions are recorded and sent to you so you can refer to the information afterward.You can view and register for available sessions from our website at by selecting Menu > Online Training (under 'Services' on the top right-hand side of the menu) or by clicking the links below.

Paperless Payroll Workflow
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Central Time
Price: $59.00
Note: This session may exceed the two-hour scheduled timeframe.
Paperless Payroll Workflow
Thursday, July 30, 2020
9:30 am – 11:30 am Central Time
Price: $59.00
Note: This session may exceed the two-hour scheduled timeframe.

Click the links above or click here to register for these sessions.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

As I write this, we are approaching a significant date in the history of the United States. This may sound a little strange at first, but I choose not to celebrate the 4th of July. However, I will be celebrating Independence Day; it happens to be on July 4th.
I feel we tend to recognize, observe, and celebrate dates rather than the events that made the dates important to us. Remember the special events that happened on a date and recognize why that date is significant.
These thoughts can carry into your business management, as well. Every day, week, month, and year we run a variety of financial reports to track how our business is operating. We look at a Balance Sheet and get a snapshot of the financial health of our business, but do we dig into it and determine what caused the changes on this report? We run an Income Statement, P&L, Statement of Farming Activities, or Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (depending on your type of organization), but do we take the time to drill down and determine why the business is heading in the direction it is?
Every country and business have events and reports that they recognize and review at certain times of the year. Let us make it a point to remember why we are running these reports and the reason we are celebrating these dates.
Independence Day is also a great time to remember all the people that keep us free and safe, especially in challenging times.