Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

This year the employees at Red Wing Software are celebrating forty years of providing software and related services to our customers. There have been an amazing number of changes over the years, and a few of the people that make Red Wing Software what it is, have seen virtually all of these changes. While we constantly look for new, talented people to join our team, we have been fortunate to have retained many of the people that had the vision to start this journey and help get our company off the ground forty years ago.
Throughout the year we will be organizing events that our employees, customers, and local community will have an opportunity to get involved in. One thing you may notice is a change in our logo for this year. You will see it on our website, advertising, and other places we use the logo. We have also asked our employees and customers to relate stories of how things have changed over the last forty years. We will share stories in our newsletters throughout the year.
We consider all of our customers and employees (past and present) a part of the history and success of Red Wing Software and wish to thank every one of you for the many years of support and service that you have given us.

Did You Know?

Did you know that the Direct Deposit module for CenterPoint Payroll can produce an ACH file compatible with Cachet’s ACH processing solution?
Cachet Financial Services provides secure, convenient, affordable ACH processing services and wire services for payroll-related electronic transactions.
Cachet’s services include:
Direct deposits
Tax payments
Garnishment, benefits & 401k payments
Expense reimbursement payments
Agency checks, fee collection
Wire options for added transaction security
Help with audits
Payroll account reconciliation
$50M crime bond, SOC I Type I audited
Processes ACH transactions up to 9pm ET
For additional information visit their website at

Free Virtual Classroom Sessions for June

This month the Virtual Classroom is offering two free pre-recorded sessions that will give you an overview of the new feature enhancements in version 14 for CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture and for CenterPoint Payroll. The free sessions provide you with the flexibility to access the training at any point.
To view the What's New in CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture version 14 video, please click here.
To view the What's New in CenterPoint Payroll version 14 video, please click here.

Customers in the News

Red Wing Software Customer: North Creek Dairy, Chatfield, Minnesota
Story: Blizzard Causes Widespread Destruction
What the story is about: Collapsed roofs and destruction caused by the recent blizzard.
Red Wing Software Customer: Dorrich Dairy, Glenwood, Minnesota
Story: Sharing U.S. Dairy’s Sustainability Story and Progress
What the story is about: The Dairy Sustainability Alliance provides a forum for member organizations to collaborate on issues facing the industry and accelerate progress toward common sustainability goals.
Red Wing Software Customer: Deer Run Dairy, Adams, New York
Story: Homemade Calf Warming Shed
What the story is about: Deer Run Dairy came up with their own, innovative solution for drying off and warming up baby calves in cold weather.
Red Wing Software Customer: Newmont Farm, Bradford, Vermont
Story: Meet Progressive Dairyman’s 2019 Reader Advisers
What the story is about: Progressive Dairyman introduces some of their 2019 reader advisers, and Newmont Farm is among them.

Behind the Scenes - April 2019

Ashley's (Technical Support Specialist) daughter Paytin's Production dance received a Platinum award and 1st place award at Legacy Competition.
Janet (Customer Service Representative) has retired. We are going to miss her smile around here but wish her all the best.
Mike (Quality Assurance Manager) and his family traveled to Arizona and Nevada for spring break.
Jada (Technical Support Specialist) and Josh’s daughter, Ava played Princess Fiona in her school's performance of Shrek The Musical JR.