Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

As I write this, we are approaching a very important date in the history of the United States. This may sound a little strange at first, but I choose not to celebrate the Fourth of July. Don’t get me wrong, our offices will be closed and I will be taking the day off. However, I will be celebrating Independence Day; it happens to be on July 4th.
I feel we have developed a tendency to recognize, observe, and celebrate dates rather than the events that made the dates important to us. So, while I think it is important to remember the special events that happened on a date, it is even more important to recognize why that date matters.
These thoughts can carry into your business management as well. Every day, week, month, and year we run a variety of financial reports to track how our business is operating. We look at a Balance Sheet and get a snapshot of the financial health of our business, but do we dig into it and determine what actually caused the changes on this report? We run an Income Statement, P&L, Statement of Farming Activities, or Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (depending on your type of organization), but, do we take the time to drill down and determine why the business is heading in the direction it is?
Every country and business has events and reports that they recognize and review at certain times of the year. Let’s make it a point to remember the reason we are running these reports, and especially the reason we are celebrating these dates.

Customers in the News

Red Wing Software Customer: Clay View Dairy, LLC, Goodhue, Minnesota
Story: 3 Dairies Reveal How to Engage Employees, Build Leaders
What the story is about: Panelists describe their approaches to purposeful hiring and establishing a culture where employees want to be in it for the long haul.
Red Wing Software Customer: Ti-Shi Dairy, Spring Valley, Wisconsin
Story: From Parlor to Pounding Pavement, Dairy Star Magazine, March 9, 2019 Issue
What the story is about: Breanna Sierack’s running career takes off with dairying mentality.
Red Wing Software Customer: Lakeside Jerseys, Alexandria, Minnesota
Story: Cow Talks-a-lot, Dairy Star Magazine, March 9, 2019 Issue
What the story is about: A unique cow at Lakeside Jerseys, as described by the Krohnfeldt family.
Red Wing Software Customer: Dusty Willow Dairy, Lakota, North Dakota
Story: Why is attending CPDE Important?, Dairy Star Magazine, March 9, 2019 Issue
What the story is about: Kent Swenson describes his experience in attending the Central Plains Dairy Expo.
Red Wing Software Customer: Newmont Farm, Bradford, Vermont
Story: Editorial Advisers: Maintenance Priorities, Deferrals
What the story is about: Kent Swenson describes his experience in attending the Central Plains Dairy Expo.

Behind the Scenes - May 2019

Katrina (Customer Service Representative) and Josh enjoyed watching their “Tiny Dancer” in her first recital.
Carole (Staff Accountant) visited daughter Zoe at University of Wisconsin - Madison and attended the Midwest Horse Fair.
Jayme (Technical Support Specialist) has a new place to call home.


Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

This year the employees at Red Wing Software are celebrating forty years of providing software and related services to our customers. There have been an amazing number of changes over the years, and a few of the people that make Red Wing Software what it is, have seen virtually all of these changes. While we constantly look for new, talented people to join our team, we have been fortunate to have retained many of the people that had the vision to start this journey and help get our company off the ground forty years ago.
Throughout the year we will be organizing events that our employees, customers, and local community will have an opportunity to get involved in. One thing you may notice is a change in our logo for this year. You will see it on our website, advertising, and other places we use the logo. We have also asked our employees and customers to relate stories of how things have changed over the last forty years. We will share stories in our newsletters throughout the year.
We consider all of our customers and employees (past and present) a part of the history and success of Red Wing Software and wish to thank every one of you for the many years of support and service that you have given us.