Red Wing Software - Notes from the President Ken Hilton

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

At Red Wing Software, we continuously investigate new technology that will help us better manage our business. We employ a process to choose the technology and the company or companies to work with when we collect and analyze data.

When deciding what new technologies to use in our operation, and the companies we choose to work with, we first determine what information we need, and how we will use the data. We quite often take baby steps when adopting new systems. We know it’s ok to start slowly. Here’s what I recommend to people that start to use our financial software: Keep track of the same level of information that you kept track of before you moved to our more robust system. A technology change is hard enough without introducing a whole new level of detail to your work load. Then, as you get comfortable with the new system, add more detail to help drill down and get better analysis at a lower level.

After we determine what we need, it’s time to start to look at the companies that offer those solutions. There are a lot of good companies that offer some amazing products and functionality that we need to sift through. Once we narrow down the list of products that can handle our requirements, we consider the people we’ll be working with. These people are going to become trusted advisors to our operation. In some cases, it’s important that the new technology we implement plays well with the other technology that we already use. This may mean that the systems have to share data bidirectionally, or at least be able to import or export data in a format that is compatible.

So, when you start to implement new technologies in your operation, decide what you need and how you will use the data, find the companies and people that are a good fit for your operation, and move forward. Every day you wait, you lose valuable data that can never be recreated.

With the holidays in full swing, now is a good time to remember all the important people in our lives. On behalf of Red Wing Software, I want to wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and prosperous New Year to our families, customers, co-workers, partners, vendors, and all the people that help keep us happy, safe, and free.

Support Ending for Champion Controller and Windows Accounting Series

Red Wing Software will be discontinuing support services and product upgrades for the Champion Controller Accounting and Payroll and for Windows Accounting Series Software on March 31, 2018. If you are still using one of these products for your business, it is important that you work with our staff to start the transition process to your CenterPoint® Accounting. There will be no upgrades or telephone support for Champion Controller or Windows Accounting Series once support ends. If you are also using Champion Controller Payroll, you will only receive tax tables for 2017; there will be no tax table updates for 2018.

A Red Wing Software consultant will help you through the transition process. Call us to get up and running on CenterPoint! To speak with a consultant, please call 800-732-9464.

Thank you for being a long-time customer of Red Wing Software. We look forward to an ongoing partnership with you and your business!

Year-End Procedures

During the month of December, we will be updating the documents used to outline the procedures you will use at year-end. The documents will have instructions on how to access and install tax table updates, close the year, enter transactions in the new year, etc. They also explain where additional information regarding year-end can be located and include answers to the most frequently asked year-end questions received by our Technical Support department. The 2017 year-end documents will be available the week of December 4th.

Software Program Year-End FAQ Document
CenterPoint Accounting for Agriculture Click Here
CenterPoint Accounting Click Here
CenterPoint Payroll Click Here
Red Wing Payroll Click Here

CenterPoint year-end documents can also be accessed directly from our How2 Documentation. From our web site at select Products, under your CenterPoint product, select How2 Documentation. In the Search bar, enter Year-end Frequently Asked Questions.

Red Wing Payroll year-end documents can be accessed directly from our How2 Documentation. Log in to the Red Wing Software web site at, select Products > Legacy Products > Red Wing Payroll > How2 Documentation, and then select End of Year > End of Year FAQ.

Note: The links displayed above will display 2016 year-end documents until the week of December 4, 2017.

Behind the Scenes - November 2017

  • Mark’s (Technical Support Specialist) eight year old son, Jacob, performed in his first piano recital. He started playing at age three.
  • Roxie (Administrative Assistant) and her husband, Steve, went on a mini vacation. One stop was the John Deere Pavilion in Moline, IL.
  • Katrina (Administrative Assistant), Kyla and Josh became the “Super Family” for Halloween!
  • Red Wing Software’s office is located in an old school building. Recently some new landscaping was added that includes a sculpture of a little boy and girl on a log reading.

Behind the Scenes - October 2017

  • Cori (QA Analyst) and Ryan (Graphic Designer) celebrated Cori’s birthday with a trip to an escape room with Ryan’s family.
  • Katrina (Administrative Assistant) spent a day at Worlds of Fun in Kansas City, Missouri, with “family” for Kyla’s 5th birthday!
  • Ashley (Technical Support Specialist) and her sister met Danny and Frankie from Carlo’s Bakery at the Mall of America on her birthday.
  • Roxie (Administrative Assistant) enjoyed an amazing concert. Boz Scaggs sounded fabulous as he sang his hits from the 70s to today.