Red Wing Sofware Customers in the News

The mid-January 2014 issue of Farm Futures featured several of our CenterPoint Accounting and Payroll customers in the special financial and human resource management issue. Included were: Dick Wittman, farm financial consultant and Idaho rancher, WCI Family Farms, Nebraska farmer Don Cantrell and Mike Gustafson, chief operating officer, Water Street Solutions.

Jeff, Fred and Regg Beer, of Beer Dairy, Inc., CenterPoint Accounting and Payroll customers, were featured in the January 25, 2014 issue of Hoard’s Dairyman. In the article, “We Get the Most From Our Cropland,” the Beers discuss the elements and practices that help them achieve top yields.

Frank & Sims Price Ranch - National Winners of the Environmental Stewardship Award Program

Frank & Sims Ranch

Congratulations to Red Wing Software customer, Frank & Sims Price Ranch! They have recently been recognized the national winners of the Environmental Stewardship Award Program, sponsored by the National Cattleman's Beef Association, National Beef Federation, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Dow Agro Sciences and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Frank & Sims Price Ranch have used Red Wing Software accounting programs since the early 1980's. Frank, the owner of the ranch, says, "Your accounting program is an integral part of our success in operating a sustainable ranching operation. Benefiting the rangeland, wildlife and our family's opportunity to remain on the land and preserve it for future generations."

Farm Financial Standards Council Members Featured at Farm Futures Boot Camp

Check out the recent Farm Futures Ag Finance Boot Camp that was recently held in St. Louis. The program was hosted by Farm Futures magazine and was sponsored by John Deere, Farm Credit, and the Council. More than 80 farmers attended!

Officers and board members of the Farm Financial Standards Council presented, and Julie Strain of Red Wing Software was a speaker at the event.

Read more here: Council Members Featured at Farm Futures Boot Camp

The Person Behind the Voice – Dave Rozmarich

Dave Rozmarich is a programmer who lives in Colorado, and has been developing Red Wing Software programs for 15 years. While by day he builds and improves Red Wing Software’s products, Dave is an avid sports fan! I caught up with Dave and here’s what he had to say!

“I′ve been a Colorado Avalanche season ticket holder for 15 years. I saw Ray Bourque raise the cup in 2001, and have a picture of it framed, right above my desk. I′m also a huge Broncos fan, and even though they just lost the Super Bowl, I will always remember the day when John Elway won his first Super Bowl. I also love spending time with my two daughters, bringing them to places like amusement parks, zoos and museums. It’s just fun to see how much fun they are having.”

Dave Rozmarich with his two daughters