Red Wing Software Customers in the News

CenterPoint Accounting and Payroll customer, Steve Abel from Abel Dairy Farms LLC, was featured in the May 25, 2014 issue of Progressive Dairyman. In the article, “Roundtable: Rumination and Activity Monitoring Systems,” Steve shares his experience and advice. To read the entire article, click here.

CenterPoint Accounting and Payroll customer, Son-Bow Farms, Inc., which includes the families of Jay and Kristi Richardson, John Freund, Jeff Coss and Gabe Weix, hosted Pierce County’s Dairy Breakfast on Saturday, June 21st at their farm in Maiden Rock, WI. The article and photo were featured in the June 18, 2014 Republican Eagle newspaper.

Sun-bow Farms

The Person Behind the Voice – George Perkins

Hi, my name is George. This coming October, I will have worked at Red Wing Software for 25 years. How quickly the time has passed. I work with the web site, web services for our products and other areas as needed. I work from my home in Colorado. My daughter (Clara) and I enjoy Jeep’n around. We have a 1946 CJ-2A, and a 1994 YJ Wrangler. We are working on a newer TJ Wrangler for Clara’s first car. She will be 15 in November and starts her first year of high school in August. Yikes! Thanks for using our software and I hope we can continue to be a source for all your accounting needs.

George, his daughter Clara and his jeep

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

As I write this, we are approaching a very important date in the history of the United States. This may sound a little strange at first, but I choose not to celebrate the 4th of July. Don’t get me wrong, our offices will be closed and I will be taking the day off. However, I will be celebrating Independence Day, it happens to be on July 4th.

I feel we have developed a tendency to recognize, observe, and celebrate dates rather than the events that made the dates important to us. So, while I think it is important to remember the special events that happened on a date, it is even more important to recognize why that date is important.

These thoughts can carry into your business management, as well. Every day, week, month, and year we run a variety of financial reports to track how our business is operating. We look at a Balance Sheet and get a snapshot of the financial health of our business, but do we dig into it and determine what actually caused the changes on this report? We run an Income Statement, P&L, Statement of Farming Activities, or Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (depending on your type of organization), but do we take the time to drill down and determine why the business is heading in the direction it is?

Every country and business has events and reports that they recognize and review at certain times of the year. Let’s make it a point to remember the reason we are running these reports, and especially the reason we are celebrating these dates.

- Ken Hilton, President