Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Usually, working in the technology industry is not a very scary occupation. After all, I’ve never heard of anyone getting seriously injured by a computer or software. However, a few things I’ve experienced or heard over the years are very scary. I want to share a few of these stories and will change the names to protect the guilty.
I will admit this first story is all on me. A long time ago, when we still used the DOS operating system, I was helping a customer clean up their computer and accidentally stepped them through how to delete all the files on their hard drive. As soon as they hit “Enter,” I realized what I had done, told them not to do anything on their computer until I got there, hopped in my car, drove to their location, and recovered everything I had them delete. That was a bit scary.
Here are some other scary things I’ve heard from customers:
“I just got a new computer and am using the old, outdated software. Since I no longer have the original program disks and don’t want to update, I’ll just use the old computer for my accounting.” So, what happens when the old computer dies?
At a January trade show, I heard, “I guess I should start putting in last year’s accounting data.”
“My hard drive crashed. Can you help me get my data back? I don’t have a current backup.” We are happy to help install the program on a new computer and restore data from a recent backup, but we can’t recover data from a destroyed drive.
I hope we didn’t hear these things from anyone reading this, but take a moment to think about what it would take (cost) to reenter months or years of data, and make sure you never put yourself in a position where this is necessary.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

I hope everyone had a great holiday season spent with family and friends.
As I was thinking about a subject for this newsletter, I had several random thoughts and couldn’t settle on a single topic, so I thought I would share some of what I was thinking.
As we start the new year, we should think about the things that went right in our business over the last year and consider what we should be changing that may not have worked well in the past.
Think about the ABCs. What can we do to Always Be Cultivating our relationships with vendors, customers, and team members?
Never stop learning. I’ve often mentioned that I think continuing education is important. What can we do this year to hone up on what we think we already know and learn something new that can help our business grow?
Change something. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you already are. Sometimes just tweaking one little thing can make a big difference in the business.
Don’t forget to plan and analyze the results of the plan. I’m certain you’ve heard this phrase: “Nobody plans to fail; they just fail to plan.”
Stay current with the technology that’s important to your business. Does everyone in the organization have the tools to be successful?
Have a safe, happy, and prosperous 2023.

Notes From the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

I hope everyone had a nice and fulfilling Thanksgiving. This is a special time of year for most people in this great country and many folks worldwide.
I want to wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a prosperous New Year to the most important people on earth: our customers, employees, partners, and suppliers. To our customers, partners, and suppliers: thank you for the generous support. To our employees: thank you for your hard work and dedication that makes Red Wing Software “the friendliest software company on the planet and the kind of place you always wanted to work”.


Notes From the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Every day, we all make important decisions that affect how our business will operate, and those decisions determine the path we want the business to follow. The same holds true for our local, state, and national elections. You can determine your community, region, and country’s direction by exercising your right and responsibility to vote. (I exercised my right early as I will not be in the area on election day.)
These decisions can be difficult because of all the confusing messages we hear, but we need to sift through the noise and try to get to the facts. (I wish there were a way to turn off the election noise for people that have already voted.) We must look past the bumper sticker messages and look at the underlying philosophy of the candidates. What direction do they want to take the community, country, and world? We need to ignore the pundits that try to tell us what a candidate means from their perspective. After an interview, speech, or debate, one way to do this is to change the channel to something non-political and decide for yourself whether the candidate is the kind of leader you would like to see guiding their respective geographic area.
Remember, whether your candidate wins their race, or the opposition comes out victorious, know that you will get another chance to vote in two more years. However things turn out, there is no better place in the world to call home.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Fall is in the air, and students are back in school. In this newsletter, I’ve mentioned how important I think it is to get continuing education regularly. I recently attended a financial standards meeting, where I get updated annually on changes in recordkeeping and reporting recommendations. I typically attend three or four similar meetings yearly to stay current and/or learn new things.
At Red Wing Software, we offer several ways to stay current on changes to our software or learn how to use the features that may be new to you. We offer on-site consulting, over-the-phone one-on-one training, educational videos, and live web sessions. All these options are listed on our website, so you can take advantage of whatever method works best for you. And, of course, your individual questions can be answered immediately by calling our friendly and knowledgeable support staff.
Whatever option you choose for continuing education, whether on Red Wing Software products or other aspects of your business, you should set aside some time to stay current with your business tools and learn new ways to improve your business.