Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

One of the things we enjoy at Red Wing Software is the extremely low turnover of team members. To illustrate that point, the average tenure of our entire staff is slightly over 20 years. I attribute this longevity to the fact that we have an amazing group of people working together focusing on “Creating the Best Management Software Experience” for our customers. The downside to all of this is when someone reaches the point they want to retire; they take with them a vast amount of institutional knowledge.
One such retirement will take place at the end of the year. Jim Long, our CEO/CFO, has decided it is time to move on to other passions. Jim started with the company in September of 1990, so he has over 30 years of guiding Red Wing Software and making it the company it is today.
I have always learned a lot from everyone I have ever worked with, and in Jim’s case, I could write a book on the knowledge he has shared with me. Anytime I was at the point of jumping off a cliff, I could count on Jim to talk me off the ledge and help keep me grounded.
In addition to Jim’s high-level leadership of the company, as CFO and a CPA, he was a valuable resource for anything financial. He also helped determine the direction for new software products and enhancements to existing programs. While he has done a great job of transferring knowledge to the next generation of team members, they will greatly miss his leadership.
We wish Jim the best in his new stage of life, playing golf, enjoying his grandkids, and doing whatever he likes in his newly found free time. When the country gets back to normal, and travel becomes a little easier, we hope to see Jim and his wife back in Red Wing for some golf and comradery. Please join me in thanking Jim for his leadership over the last 30 years.
With the holidays in full swing, now is a good time to remember all the important people in our lives. On behalf of Red Wing Software, I want to wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and prosperous New Year to our families, customers, co-workers, partners, vendors, friends, and especially all the people that help keep us safe and free.

Behind the Scenes - October 2020

Matt (Sales Consultant) and his wife Lizz spent a week visiting friends in Long Beach, MS.
Carole (Staff Accountant) enjoyed a beautiful fall ride with friends.
Ashley (Accounting Software Support Specialist) had an opportunity to try out her new snowblower earlier than expected and enjoyed a birthday manicure with daughter Paytin.
Katrina (Customer Service Representative) surprised her friend Sheila in Arizona after not seeing each other for five years! She then went to a wedding in Las Vegas for her friends.

Customers in the News

Three Red Wing Software customers made the news! VanderMade Dairy, Oak Spring Farms, and Steinhurst Dairy are all Red Wing Software customers who are featured in this series of stories.
Story: Redefine What’s Possible on Your Dairy Farm
Summary: Purina® Dairy Ambassador Herds: See how dairy farmers across the U.S. uncover opportunities for their herds and families.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

We are fast approaching the end of 2020. Whether your company operates according to a calendar year, or a fiscal year, there are a few things that need to be considered to prepare for the new calendar year:
How is your budgeting process going for the new year? Will next year be the same as this year, or should you plan some much-needed changes to make it better? I believe in zero-based budgeting, so every line item needs to be considered.
Have you installed all the latest versions of your software? You don’t need to wait until after the first of the year to get up to date. Doing it now saves pressure later.
How about benefit changes? Have you reviewed insurance policies, retirement plans, and other items important to you and your employees? It is harder now than ever to find good employees, and we need to remain competitive in the marketplace to keep them.
It is a good time to remind employees to update W-4 information for changes that have occurred during the year, for example, getting married, having children, buying a house, or anything that might change their withholding needs. Did you know that at the beginning of this year, the IRS released a new 2020 Form W-4 with significant changes from the previous form?
How is your budgeting process going? Oh, did I already mention that? I read once that, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you already are.” Is it time for a change?
So, update that important software today, review procedures and policies, help employees be better managers of their information, and plan for the new year.

Red Wing Software Mailing Address - Please READ!

Red Wing Software’s mailing address changed several years ago from a post office box to a physical mailing address. Please be sure you have the correct mailing address in your system. Any mail sent to the long-expired PO box will likely not reach Red Wing Software. Please note that the PO box address should not be listed in the address at all. Even if the PO box number is included WITH the correct physical address, the mail will be returned to sender. Here is the current mailing address for Red Wing Software:
Red Wing Software
491 Hwy. 19 Blvd.
Red Wing, MN 55066