Coming Soon – Online Payroll Classroom Training

Due to COVID-19, Red Wing Software is converting our in-person CenterPoint Payroll Classroom Training to an online format. The training will be offered as two 4-hour live online sessions on consecutive days and will be limited to 10 participants. Be on the look-out for registration information coming soon!

Behind the Scenes - August 2020

Mike (Quality Assurance Manager) and his family visited the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, UP Michigan.
Ashley (Accounting Software Support Specialist) is excited to announce the purchase of her first home. Ashley, her daughter, Paytin, and pet dog, Bandit, are all settling in nicely.
Allison (Accounting Software Support Specialist) had a fun time at a bachelorette party. (Allison is standing to the left of the bride-to-be.)

Payroll Tax Holiday

On August 8, 2020, President Trump signed an executive order calling for a deferral of the employees’ portion of the payroll Social Security tax from September 1, 2020 through the end of the year. On August 28, 2020, the Department of Treasury and IRS issued guidance for implementing the executive order. If you want to offer the payroll tax holiday to your employees, Red Wing Software recommends consulting your tax accountant to determine the best way to handle the change to your payrolls. If you have any questions about how to implement your plan in CenterPoint Payroll, contact Red Wing Software Technical Support.

Notes from the President

Check all available information. One of the first things I learned when I started taking flying lessons was to “check all available information” pertaining to the flight you are about to take. This is obviously a good idea since once you leave the ground, it’s not easy to pull over and fix something you forgot to check before you left, like how much gas you have, or the conditions at your destination airport (Is the runway closed?).

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

Whenever you make any large decision that could affect your business success or other life-changing events, it is always good to check all available information. As an example, with the recently issued presidential memorandum about the payroll tax holiday, make sure you, and all employees, understand the real implications of deferring the withholding of the payroll tax. At the time of this writing, there are many unanswered questions regarding this memorandum, so while we all may have opinions on the topic, we need to make sure we have all available information before deciding whether to implement this deferral.
There are numerous examples of decisions that we regularly make that warrant checking all available information before making a final choice: What is the best brand of equipment to do the job? Is this new applicant the best person for the job? Who is the best choice to cast my vote for in the upcoming elections? Checking all available information before making those important decisions will help ensure the best outcome.

Red Wing Cloud Services Presents a NEW Fresh Interface

Ready for the Cloud? Check Out the New User Experience!
Have you been thinking about going to the cloud? There’s no better time to make the switch! Red Wing Software has recently ramped up the cloud experience, making the interface easier to use. And all the benefits of moving to the cloud still apply.
Work from anywhere an internet connection is available.
No more need for complex hardware setup and performing software updates.
Data backups done automatically.
Seamless, quick transition from the installed version of CenterPoint.
Give us a call today and get started using CenterPoint in the cloud!