Online Training Sessions - June 2020

We are pleased to offer our Red Wing Software customers an opportunity to learn more about CenterPoint via Online Training sessions. Online Training sessions provide you with in-depth information and explanations that allow you to learn more about CenterPoint from any location where you can access the internet (high-speed internet connection recommended). The sessions are presented live by one of our CenterPoint experts while you view the presenter's computer screen. You will have the opportunity to ask questions. The sessions are recorded and sent to you so you can refer to the information afterward.
You can view and register for available sessions from our website at by selecting Menu > Online Training (under 'Services' on the top right-hand side of the menu) or by clicking the links below.
Paperless Accounting Workflow
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
9:30 am – 11:30 am Central Time
Price: $59.00
Note: The session materials for this session will be available on June 16, 2020.
Paperless Accounting Workflow
Thursday, June 25, 2020
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Central Time
Price: $59.00
Note: The session materials for this session will be available on June 16, 2020.
Click the links above or click here to register for these sessions.
Red Wing Software offers pre-recorded On Demand Training Video sessions as well as live training sessions. This gives you the flexibility to access the training at any point after the original live session was offered. The pre-recorded On Demand Training Video sessions can be purchased with 30-day access and can be viewed as many times as you like during the 30 days.

You can view and purchase pre-recorded sessions from our website at

If logged into the website, go to the My Member Account page (from the Welcome menu, select My Account Home), select the Training tab, and then select the On Demand tab.
Select Menu > On Demand Training Videos (under ‘Services’ on the right-hand side of the menu).
Select the Training button on the Main website page, and then select On Demand Training Videos.

NEW: Sign into Online Services from ‘My Account’

Red Wing Software has now made it easier for customers to log into online services for Publish Pay Advices, CenterPoint Time Clock, Red Wing Cloud Service, etc. Links to all online services are now available on the ‘My Account’ page. To access the links to your online services:
Go to the Red Wing Software website:
Click Log in. Enter your Email Address/Password and click Login. The My Member Account page will display.
If you are logged into the Red Wing Software website, select Welcome, (your name) and then select My Account Home to display the My Member Account page.
In the Online Services section, direct login links are provided for customers who are subscribed to the services, and there is also a list of online services available for those who are not subscribed.

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

As you probably know, the entire staff of Red Wing Software has been working from home since the end of March. As we often do when we have problems to solve or questions to answer, we assembled a small team to help determine what returning to the office would look like. We received many good suggestions from the group and will be implementing some criteria for people to follow while in the office, and changes to the facility itself.
While every company’s work environment will be different, it is essential to make sure people feel safe in their workspace. With our group, keeping things clean and sanitized was a unanimous goal. Most of the group also felt wearing a mask, when social distancing was hard or not possible, might be important. They also did not feel they would need to wear a mask while working at their desk. One of the overwhelming observations, but not surprising knowing our staff, was that people were very concerned about the safety of others, even more so than their own.
One of the things we will make clear to our team is that if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable working in the office, they can continue to work from home until such time that the threat subsides. That is certainly an advantage that Red Wing Software has that other businesses may not.
Whatever your business has done or will be doing as the country returns to work, it is vital to have a plan and maintain communication with everyone involved.


Customers in the News

Red Wing Software Customer: Roossinck Orchards, Fremont, Michigan
Story: IFTA tour touts growers, processor power, March 2020 Issue of Fruit Grower News
Summary: The Roossinck family, along with other growers, attended the International Fruit Tree Association Conference.

A Great Way to Track Employee Time, for ANY Business

Do you have employees who use timesheets to track the hours they work? CenterPoint Online Time Clock isn't just a system for employees to clock in and out; it allows employees to manually enter and track their hours and also includes support for managing time off requests.
It’s a great way to track employee time, for ANY business or organization.
Watch this short video to learn more!
For more information, contact Red Wing Software at 800-732-9464 or email