Behind the Scenes - April 2020

Ashley’s (Accounting Software Support Specialist) daughter, Paytin, turned 13 during the quarantine.
Katrina’s (Customer Service Representative) daughter, Kyla, has now lost two teeth in one week! Pretty soon she won’t have any teeth after the quarantine! 😂
Stephanie (Marketing) and her new husband, Glenn, decided to get married, despite having postponed their regular wedding date due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They set up a table and chairs in their front yard, so family, friends, and drivers-by could honk or stop by and give a toast from their car. The response was overwhelming and they had a wonderful day. Friends and family drove from hours away, and even people they didn’t know stopped by with gifts. As they posted on their Facebook page, LOVE WINS!
Video has been a crucial element to Red Wing Software, while employees work from home due to COVID-19.
Julie’s (Implementation Consultant) son, Jackson, was appointed to their Moot Court Executive Board, which is kind of like the Supreme Court of their Moot Court competitions.

Online Training - Request for Topics

Each month, Red Wing Software presents live Online Training sessions which allow our customers to learn more about CenterPoint from any location you can access the internet. The sessions are presented live by one of our CenterPoint experts while you view the presenter’s computer screen, and you also can ask questions.
When Red Wing Software comes out with new versions of our software, the new features are almost always something that was requested by our customers. We also welcome suggestions for our Online Training session topics. If there is a topic you wish we would offer for our live Online Training sessions, we would like to hear about it. If you have a topic suggestion, please send it to: Thank you!

Notes from the President

Ken Hilton - President Red Wing Software

First, I want to thank our entire amazing staff at Red Wing Software for their dedication to taking care of our customers’ needs during this difficult time. In addition, I want to sincerely thank you, our awesome customers, for supporting us, and I want to assure you that we are here to support you in any way we are able.
The current situation is affecting each business in unique ways. Some were forced to close (hopefully temporarily), some have remained open with some changes in logistics, and some have had to ramp up their operations and add employees.
Whatever the situation is, it is time to look at your annual projections that you budgeted before the beginning of the year. I can imagine that very few of us predicted this kind of change in our operations. What do we need to do as the economy reopens to make sure we are ready? Are there places that we need to adjust expenses? Are there processes that we need to change to keep our employees safe as they return to work? And, are there business opportunities that we should be looking at to help our customers as their business changes? It is always a good idea to think about the future and stay ahead of the game.
Finally, I want to welcome our newest member of the Red Wing Software team. Allison joined our support staff on April 20th and brings great customer service skills to our talented group. She will soon be shadowing her teammates on calls as she gets up to speed on the software.

A Message to our Customers about COVID-19

As the world continues to monitor the situation with COVID-19, we wanted to share that we hope you, your families, and your employees are staying healthy, and we want to provide an update on the steps we continue to take to ensure the health and well-being of our employees and to provide the excellent service our customers are accustomed to.
Red Wing Software is closely monitoring developments with respect to COVID-19, including information and guidance published by healthcare authorities around the globe. We want you to stay focused on your business and employees and assure you that we are focused on maintaining support for our accounting and payroll software solutions and services that you rely on.
The Red Wing Software office remains open. We have 100% of our services available and do not anticipate disruption in service. If there is anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to call us.
All Red Wing Software employees now have the option to work remotely, and we are equipping them to do so, if they so choose.
We request that, during this difficult time, all customers refrain from visiting the Red Wing Software office in person, but rather seek support via phone or email.
The classroom training that is scheduled for May, 2020, in Red Wing, Minnesota, will be rescheduled for a later date once the situation changes.
Red Wing Software has restricted non-essential commercial business travel for our employees and are adhering to guidance from the World Health Organization on self-quarantine and testing guidelines.
We are in regular communication with our teams, keeping them updated on evolving situations and any associated adjustments we need to make. We continue to closely monitor the situation and may send periodic updates if the COVID-19 situation evolves and anything changes on our side.
As we all navigate through these challenging days, please know that you have our ongoing support and commitment.

Behind the Scenes - March 2020

Chad (Sales Representative) was part of the Champion Red Wing Community Ed/Rec co-ed volleyball league team.
Cori (QA Analyst) and Ryan (Graphic Design) drove across 7 states in 22 hours for a week‑long vacation in Miramar Beach, Florida with Ryan's family.
Katrina (Customer Service Representative) and her daughter, Kyla, attended a customer appreciation at a Case IH implement with her family!
Katrina (Customer Service Representative) watched her nephew Carter get 1st place at his last wrestling tournament for the season! #WrestlingAuntie